Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Siblings and Spacing
First, due to the page I just finished I was asked by Robing if my siblings had seen the page. This brought up something that makes me wonder a lot. I seem to have to push my family to drop by my blog and see what I have done and am doing. My siblings and kids all like what I do and want me to make stuff for them but they don't seem to care about taking the time to see what I'm up to unless I remind them a lot and push for comments from them. Do any of you experience this? Am I expecting too much from them?
And secondly, I have trouble getting spaces between paragraphs. I can't seem to indent the paragraphs either. Others are getting those spaces I see, and I think they make longer entries easier to read. So any help there would be appreciated too.
June/July update
My July Page-Inspired By Horses
This month, I used mostly Delicas, and it almost took too long to finish. But here we are still in July and I'm happily done, ready to ponder my August page.
You can find my July page on my BJP blog at http://beadbunny.blogspot.com
My BJP theme is "Inspired By Horses". I've been horse crazy since birth and am devoting the whole project to my horsey inspirations.
Caren Goodrich
P.S. My other goal is to not buy any beads or fabric for this year-long journal. I have plenty in my stash, and so far I haven't bought a single thing. I'm not opposed to buying beads and fabric, I just want to use what I have for a change instead of running out to look for a certain something!
Monday, July 30, 2007
July's finished!
Remember not to "stress the small stuff" and just keep moving forward. We can all do this and together we will all grow as Artist and that is really the most important thing, not if every page is perfect and not if you finished each page on time but did you learn and grow as an Artist. Keep up the good work all of you. Love and Hugs to you all, Angie
help with writing a post
Behind Schedule? Changing Course?
More than a few of us are a bit behind, some still working on June's page. Not a problem, as I see it... My hope is that our original energy and commitment about participation will keep us motivated. I believe in baby steps... I believe that setting aside a small chunk of time to do a little stitching is the key. I believe it will be worth the effort to look back a year from now and know we DID it! All of us will experience times when it's difficult and other times when it flows.
My hat is off to those who are already starting August's page. My hat is ALSO off to those who are struggling to keep up, as I encourage us all to keep stitching!
* * * * *
I also want to comment about changing course... One member emailed me that she's not satisfied with her work so far and is considering starting over. Here is what I suggest to her and to all of us in this boat:
May I encourage you to let your work to date be testament to your starting place, to celebrate the beginning. Change the way you're working for the months ahead, if you like, and let that be testament to your journey, to celebrate the growth. I've always thought that starting over is like being punished, and punishment can stop a person in her tracks... Cherish your first BJP pieces for what they are... first steps on a journey. What do you think?
Also you may want to read my comments about envisioning work on the tips page of my website. I talk about the inner critic (and the good and bad sides of mind planning). Maybe something in my words will be helpful.
Blessings, Robin A.
The White Wizard Barrette "Page"
My journey had a tough start, but I'm on my way!
Please check out my journey so far:
girl gone thread wild: First beaded page, nearly complete
girl gone thread wild: BJP progress post
Vintage Steel Cuts
Triangular Beads
Sunday, July 29, 2007
July card completed
Transferring photos onto fabric
Also, I just want to say how much I am enjoying reading everyone's comments and blogs. I feel like I am part of a village of beaders, a community of creativity, and am very happy to be living here.
Saturday, July 28, 2007
Enough Already!

Now, my stash was a added to considerably when I had the very good fortune of buying a large seedbead collection from a friend---(she had some great old seedbeads, which you can no longer buy)---but WHEW!!! re-assessing my stash, I now see I can never use all the beads I have in my lifetime. Hmmm...good thing I have daughter who likes to make jewelry (and who goes through my stash every time she visits;-)
Shooting Star Beads Blog Update
July Page Completed
Ingredients of July

brownish-red beads,
opal-white beads,
embroidery floss in silver,
maybe also in grey,
a closure,
a logo,
an idea.
More to see and to read on my blog.
B-BHOP sub-group proposal
- We have no guilt that we are busy living our lives
- We bead when we can and when we have energy
- We remember that we joined this just for the fun and learning
- We contribute to the world of beading with our wonderful work, whenever it is completed
- We do not need to apologize for anything
- We honor our artistic self and process by accepting its pace
- We love and support ourselves and each other
- This is just for us. This is our place and our time to let it all hang out, to let ourselves be carried away in the moment, to let go of judgments and interpretation and planning, to go deeper than words! (from Robin A.)
Anyone care to join me? Any additions to my list of credos?
Liz's July is finished
I hope everyone is having as nice of a weekend as I will be. Beading, dinner with some friends, and a movie date with my husband. Life is good!!
Friday, July 27, 2007
I feel like such a flake
Hopefully by the end of August I will have the first 3 months finished - you can see what I started here if you wish
Friday Night!
With aloha, CC
Both June and July finished!
I now have both months completed--but I have an idea how I want to mount them--so no pics until that step is completed...in fact, I am considering waiting until Sept and posting all 3 months at once here.
Meanwhile, you can visit my blog here to see some newly completed beaded embellishments on a denim jacket of mine. I sure like how this project has encouraged me to do more bead embroidery; I think it helps that it is summer. I am also a knitter & crocheter (yes, I teach bead crochet) but for some reason I never want to knit or crochet much in the summer.
My July page is finished...
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Almost the end of July
I am working hard to finish my July page before the end of July, but it may lap over into August. I am so pleased with my project, that I hardly care.... I have the momentum to go on! I really WANT to finish! This is such a great project for me! But my arthritic hands are complaining,,, hard to work for the hours I want to! AND that is in addition to the hours I work using my hands in my quilting and custom sewing business.
I have posted photos of my June and July pages on my blog, so come see! http://quiltbeadsandothersuch.blogspot.com/
The White Wizard Barrette "Page"
July 99% Complete
I've got July completed as far as I can, was waiting on some beads from a friend, they arrived today and were just what I needed. So with no interuptions I'll be finished late Monday. I got a head start on August whilst waiting on the beads and have also done a couple of orders that have been waiting.
Vintage Beads
I've been buying vintage from many years from all over but one of the best sources is a bead dealer in Colorado.
If you're interested in vintage, I have a post about him and how to reach him on my blog, Beading at the Beach.
I'm in no way involved with his bead business other than as a satisfied customer, so I thought I'd share, if anyone is interested in affordable vintage beads and nailheads.
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Almost there
The White Wizard Barrette "Page"
BJP Progress Report: Page Accompli! (2)
Bead Embroidered Bracelet
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
July Progress Report #4
Another July Page
Monday, July 23, 2007
August update
Comfort Dolls
July Block update
I have a photo of where my July block is on my blog... Thanks so much Robin for starting this challenge and for everyone who have been sharing your work with us... I have gotten to meet so many awesome beaders and am learning everyday something new to add to my beading!
my blog http://sammystuff.blogspot.com/
Happy beading!
Pattern generator - where?
Well I'm attending the speeches and teaching of His Holiness the Dalai Lama in Hamburg for a week and planned to bead a Himalayan/buddhist theme. My overall topic are my travels and I did travel more than once to the buddhist Himalayas.
Today I knew what to do, but would appreciate your help.
I want to bead the logo of the convent, one of the 8 auspicious signs. It is printed on my entrance pass with a beautiful holographie.
Not many weeks ago I saw on an internet site kind of a pattern generator where you have to give a photo in and out comes the pattern on graphic/squares. It was a free programm or a thing you do online and than print. I didn't bookmark it. Maybe somebody has seen what I mean.
I did not read blogs, wether the BJP nor any private. And since I started going to the Dalai Lama I did not respond to mail or comment. I do read them, be assured and might get to them later on.
If you are interested in getting to know just a little bit about this great event in Hamburg you might have a look in my blog.
I'm glad July is not over
I really enjoy looking at everyone's work and look forward to September when there will be more to see. I also enjoy reading the different blogs and learning how each page evolves.
Sunday, July 22, 2007
July page
July page done
I have a quote I would like to share with all of you that I got from a knitting book, but I think it applies to beading too (all that I have read in the book so far does actually.) Here is name of the book: Stephanie Pearl-McPhee Casts Off - The Yarn Harlot's Guide to the Land of Knitting.
And the quote: "All journeys have secret destinations of which the traveler is unaware." Martin Buber
I think that applies to the process and journaling in general. I have found that to be true since I started this.
I also have a favor to ask everyone. I want to post all of our group's blogs (or website) on my blog and have quite a few, but I am missing some I know I want to post. If you take a look at my blog, please leave your blog address for me and I will post it, if I have not already.
As always, thanks for looking and blogging and having blogs going for all of us to see.
Happy beading everyone, Nancy.
July Update
I've posted an update on my Blog. You can check it out here. Thanks to all of you for your notes about the loss of my dog. You are all very kind!
I'm loving all your pages! Everyone is just so creativel. I peek at them during lunch at work and then can't wait to get home to work on mine. :-)
Have a great day!!
How to create a list of other blogs
Getting "un-stuck"
While I was at my local library picking up my check for the class I taught there, I decided to see what sort of books might be available and bead embroidery and was surprised and delighted to see that the first book that popped up in the card catalog was Robin's "One Bead at a Time". I read a bit, the person with my check arrived and I went home. I kept thinking about what I had read and since the Library was closed, but my LBS (which happens to be Shipwreck Beads - yes, I know - sad isn't it?) I zipped down there and picked up a copy of my own. (well and a few beads - honest, just a few). When I got home it was pouring rain, I made a pot of tea and sat and read the book straight through. Straight through. I picked up my piece and finished it at 2 in the morning without stopping. The beads just sorta flowed out of my fingers. I somehow found the initial place I was in when I started and I must credit Robin's book.
So now I must thank Robin for not only creating this project which got me out of my 'dreaming of bead embroidery' phase and actually doing it, but also for the wonderful book that got me back on track.
Thanks Robin!
Saturday, July 21, 2007
Thom's June Page is Finished!
I'm wondering what some of the rest of you do when you hit a wall in your work and every time you check for your muse, you find she's moved and left no forwarding address?
Friday, July 20, 2007
With aloha,
Adding "Labels" to Your Posts
When you add a new topic to your post, it automatically gets placed on the drop-down list, and others can use it as well. Please, only add new topics that you think will be useful to others. Keep the topic brief and general.
Don't add "August Bead Journal Project" as a topic. It's too long. Rather just add "August." (Note ~ I changed all of the variations on June's page to simply "June," and the same for "July.")
Don't add "How to sew on charms" as a topic. It's too long and too specific. Instead, call it "techniques," which is already an option.
Please don't add specific individual names. There are too many of us to start that.
Labeling your post will help us to find it in the future. For example, if you wanted to take a look at everyone's June page, you would select "June" from the drop down topic menu. This would display all of the posts with this label but none of the other posts on our blog.
At the bottom, right-hand corner of the post window you can see "Show all" next to a blank window. Click on "Show all" to reveal the possible labels (topics) already on the list. Click on any of the existing labels you feel apply to your post. After each click, the label will appear in the window, and you have labeled your post. Add a new label to the list by typing it into the window (see above for guidelines).
Thanks very much for your attention to this "housekeeping detail".... I appreciate it! Robin A.
Progress slow but steady
Congrats to everyone who has shared their pages and done such wonderful work so far. I can't wait to see the work of the others. I have a feeling that September will be a month of brain overload as we get to ogle all of the wonderful eye candy, can't wait.
Is anyone planning on going to Bead Fest in Philly? Let me know if you are, would love to get together for a show and tell if anyone is interested.
Happy beading, Angie
June BJP Finished ~ at last
Finally finished my June BJP. If you want to take a peak, go to my blog. It was a hard piece to get a good photo of, this is the best I could do this morning. I have a start on July and hopefully will have July finished before September LOL. This is really a lot of fun, and so much to learn.
Jackie in Illinois
aka Beadin' Gram
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
July Update
I finished painting and embellishing my July Medieval image and am ready to attach the beaded cross I made the first week of July. Then I'll be ready to add all the pearly swags, stars and other beads! I'll post again next when the whole piece is finished!
Amulet to go with the Sharazade Barrette
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
July Page Done
Monday, July 16, 2007
Dipping In My Toes...
Well! I seem to be in the minority here, in that I'm not yet going to post any pages on my blog of my BJP. I'm waiting. I wonder how long I'll last...
I *will* say that one of the things I have been working towards these many years as I've been learning so much and getting to know people is how to merge my favorite interests into a single entity, so to speak. And now, through the graces, knowledge, talents and sharing of all the many wonderful folks in this international community project, I have finally figured out a few things along that path.
I am thrilled beyond belief to be a part of this group. Many of you I have known for a while, many I've known of or just recently "met". It's exciting to see so many people in so many countries commit together for a project of this magnitude!!
Each of my twelve pages is related, literally a part of a story of the piece previous and the piece future. On the one hand, I want to show y'all my work; on the other hand, I'm afraid that no-one will understand since all the pieces are inter-related.
However, June *is* complete, and July is almost there. So, I'm here, I'm glad, and I'm looking forward to posting pics soon...be courageous! Be creative! And, eventually, I'll be back!
Warmest regards to all from
Sarah E. in TX
I'm so far behind I think I'm first!
Making Progress
As a way of keeping myself going I have also started my July page which although it is the same size, should not be too arduous.
Camera Ideas Needed Please
Colorful photos are so important for a blog (which I’m still in the process of starting with encouragement from many of you) Could you tell me which and what camera I would need to get the lovely colorful bead details I’m seeing in all your blogs? I’d appreciate any help you could give me :o)
Thanks again,
July Progress
month & page half complete ...
blogged here.
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Returned from the beach with new posts
This project has renewed my enthusiasm for beading. I even made a bracelet this weekend. I looks like hammered gold. Thank all of you for your wonderful comments and guesses.
PS: Find my pages at: http://sharedstuffbyarline.blogspot.com/
My Cup Runneth Over is done!

A little teaser photo!
Click here and check out my 99.9 % completed July piece called, "My Cup Runneth Over"
I'm soooo happy to have the rest of the month to think of fun things for my Aug page.
Another July Page Finished
Thanks to everyone who has posted...you're all so inspiring...
June laggard
However, if I rationalize it, I didn't start June's page until the middle of the month ... so I'm developing an internal time clock for my pages that seem to run from the middle of a month to the middle of the next month. Works well as it lets me get a flavor of a month in the first two weeks.
My June page is as finished as it will get for the moment. If you care to know the details, and see what I've done, check my blog.
Saturday, July 14, 2007
Friday, July 13, 2007
Starry Starry Night
P.S. I'm sorry I haven't been able to leave comments on everyone's work, so this is my "blanket yahoo" out to all of you! Hopefully things will slow down soon & I can get back to leaving love notes!
Thursday, July 12, 2007
The journey contiues...
July Update
I'm really enjoying all the progress pics from everyone. I think it makes viewing the finished product just that much more interesting.
Working on the House...
per ora solo un disegno.
le tecniche dovrebbero essere: trapunto, ricamo con le perline, ricamo in rilievo, punti classici.
i punti 4: p.scritto, p.vapore, p. asola, p. catenella. poi però si vedrà, come dicevo qualche commento fa, l'idea iniziale spesso cambia durante il lavoro.
sono comunque contenta, perchè in genere non riesco a lavorare a qualcosa se ho delle scadenze.
questo progetto è invece affascinante, almeno per ora, e mi aiuta molto vedere anche tutti i vostri post e sono sicura che è il fermento delle vostre idee a trascinare anche me.
July 2nd Edition
I have been enjoying everyones posts and I really don't think that they have done any altering of my work at all. Maybe made me a bit envious. There is so much talent in this group, it's amazing. I keep saying it. Thank you all for sharing your knowledge too. It was nice to see that some people had a set idea and some didn't. Start projects with or without fabric. Start with beads or not. I have to remind myself there is no wrong way to do it. That's a hard concept to grasp but I'm trying. The humidity has finally broken and it's a lovely day. I'm going out into the garden! Enjoy your day.
July's Start
Click here to take a look.
How many of you out there are really going to wait until September to look at other people's work? The temptation was just to much for me. I don't think it has changed what I would have done. I know there is another labyrinth out there, but I had decided in May what my first two month's where going to be already. I had no clue what the next months pages would look like until I started July's page. I feel more relaxed knowing what is coming up. I can't wait.
Life Happens

Wednesday, July 11, 2007
I couldn't wait for Sept either!
I appreciate comments and love for you to visit. Oh yeah, and click each pic to see it much, much larger. xo
Vivage's BJP blog here
Imagine A Woman
This has been a wonderful journey for me so far - to watch, and even more to be able to call myself a participant. And to think we are really just at the beginning. I am so excited to see what the rest of the year will hold.
Anyway - the whole point of this post is that I had a thought yesterday while reading the posts - or really more of a feeling regarding this group, I was reminded of a poem I have carried around with me and shared with many of my girlfriends over the years. This seemed the perfect place to share it (sorry Thom, it is about women only).
You can find it here
Second June BJP piece almost done.......
Beadin' Gram
BJP July Progress #3
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
I'm loving everyones posts and pictures. I've had a rough couple of weeks so I haven't had a chance to post comments lately. But things are settling down some now so I'll be adding my praises!!
Jean's blog
my original June page project. Click
Jean U. ( Wi ) on the left side bottom.
Ode to BJP
Bring to life thoughts, ideas
Sharing world wide passion and pain
Unity of spirit is what we gain
Thunderstorms, needle and thread
This Bead Journal get into your head,
Evolve, learn, laugh, cry,
Will someone please ask "Robin, Why?"
Spring, Fall, Autumn too,
We've come so far, you knew,
Don't look back that's not you
Stand tall look ahead,
What a view!
Just a little something that hit me whilst beading today - Dinah
Choosing the first bead
Monday, July 9, 2007
July Page Started
I still haven't read everyone's blogs. I know not everyone has one but still, I haven't found time to read all that there are. Most of the blogs have soo much to share. It is so fun. I am learning and enjoying. I don't think you could have done better than to gather this bunch together, Robin.
On to July
The ideas for the July page are developed enough for me to start work. This time I am not going to cover the whole 7 by 7 inch square with beads, but use fabric in the design. Another new venture!
June BJP Page
After quite an inner debate, I decided to go ahead and post my June page on my blog, along with a picture of the back of it and some tips/thoughts about finishing techniques. I respect and admire those who are holding back until September, so if you're one, please don't go to my blog for a while.
Speaking of September, shall we have a gala celebration on the BJP Blog at that time... All of us posting our June, July and August pieces? Wouldn't that be phenomenal eye candy??? What if we do it on the week of September 15 - 20? I'm thinking it would be a delicious treat for everybody!!!!! What do you think?
Robin A.
July Page
July Progress Report #2
Progress here.
I'm back and on track!
Oh, how I've missed reading these pages, but I banned myself till I had finished my June Page. I've also started July so am back on track. July will be much easier for me now with my daylight lamp and also it's not as involved as my June page.
Sorry but you'll have to wait until September to see mine. Not being shy or anything it's just that I have decided that each quarter will be a theme in itself and would like them to be viewed together.
I've picked up some great ideas from you all just reading the posts. Hopefully I will be using them in my work. The sequins are already out, ready to go on.
Oh and just in keeping with me not showing you my work, I haven't looked at yours, as I feel that wouldn't be fair but I am finding it hard as there are so great comments making it hard to resist. Think I'll need a month to look at them all.
I'll be off now to do some more beading. Talk again soon
Dinah - Nospoj
Inner Battle
Sunday, July 8, 2007
Bringing up the Rear
Hover the cursor at the top of the window, slightly crossing the top margin of the window and slightly toward the right of the left margin. Move the cursor around this area until you see the "ok to type indicator" in the window.
Robin A.
June Page Update in July!
My brain is fried from beading with 15's. I just posted on the wrong blog. My new page start can be seen on my blog: http://sharedstuffbyarline.blogspot.com/ . You can see the explanation for the page there. Must get back to those tiny beads.
Here is a link to my blog update. I really had fun with the June page and July is progressing nicely. You'll all be surprized with June as I didn't do what I first started out doing! I've got to finish working on my project for Beading For a Cure. Here is a work in progress picture:

This project is a kit that as a member of All About Beads, I purchased. Then I create something with the kit and mail it to the great volunteers who take awesome pictures and then auction them off. The money goes to Layne's Legacy - to fight colorectal cancer.
This is the first year I joined and I'm nervous! I'll be focusing on this for the next little while!
Cheers, Denise
Adhesive for Timtex?
Christi in WA state
Free Sample of Interleaving Paper!
If you'd like to try a sheet of it, please send me a self-addressed, stamped envelope, with the word interleaving printed on it. My address is: Robin Atkins, 837 Miller Road, Friday Harbor WA 98250. You can try it and see how you like it compared to stiff-stuff, hoop or other stabilizing method.
Hoop la
I used to never use a hoop but then began for some reason and now I prefer to embroider with a hoop. For me it's easier to get tension right across the whole piece and I don't catch the long thread on the edges of the fabric quite as much. So there is a little bit less wresting with the whole thing.
When I bead dolls I don't use a hoop because I make a doll form first and the batting seems to help or maybe it's the somewhat rigid form that helps me keep tension even.
So the questions are: Do you use a hoop? How does it help you or how does not using a hoop help you? What are your tips to more even tension?
Inside Out or Outside In?
July Page Started
Overdoing beading
Saturday, July 7, 2007
But that's ok too.
I must admit that checking out some of the work (I do restrain myself from looking at it all !!) has helped me.
You see, I am one of those folks that feels the need to cover the entire surface. Seeing what other people are working gives me the courage to leave some space unbeaded.
It's been a pleasure reading all the blogs and seeing the beautiful beadwork. It's nice to know I'm not the only one who has doubts about their work. I love the comments on my work as well as on the other pages. I've always been reluctant to try to have my work published, but doing this project is giving me the courage to step up to the plate and give it a try. It will never happen if I don't try.
I Knew It Would Be Dangerous...
I have begun my page for July. It will be very interesting to see how it develops as I have no clue where it's coming from or where it's headed. This may be one of those pieces that I understand only after I've completed it. I haven't had much experience with that phenomenon so far. There's learning (a new technique or whatever), and then there's learning (about oneself)!
Robin, I admire your ability and willingness to visit individual participants and leave comments on their work. I appreciate your time and commitment.
Sue in western WA
CC's gone Cliche!
With aloha,
Beading July
I have pretty much finished my journal booklet for June and you can check it out here if you want. (June BJP Journal)
I would like to thank everyone for all of the support and wonderful comments. It is good to get feedback on what I am doing.
I would really like to thank everyone who is sharing their progress on their blogs, I love watching a piece come together and seeing how beading helps all of us deal with things, learn about ourselves and share ourselves with the world. For those who are feeling uncertain about sharing their work, don't be I have yet to see a comment that was less than positive and it will make you feel stronger about your work when you get glowing comments. Don't think your work has to be perfect to share, none of us are perfect and we all have times when we are unsure about our pieces.
Keep up the great work everyone, Thanks for sharing this wonderful journey with me, Angie
Turns Out I Wasn't Really Finished
Friday, July 6, 2007
June page finished
P.S. Beads on the Vine was great. I will post pictures of finished projects.
Stitching Question
Sue in western WA
Finishing Edges
On to July's page; I've got it all packed for a trip to northern Michigan, where I hope to get in some good quality beading time along with a little fun in the sun.
A proposito di traduzioni
io uso in genere babel fish, e mi trovo molto bene.
ho notato però che quando qualcuno di voi (e per questa gentilezza, comunque, ringrazio molto) usa il traduttore per parlare con me, sento come se mancasse qualcosa, lo spirito della persona, il sentimento.
chiedo a tutti di parlare con me nella propria lingua perchè amo "sentire" in qualche modo il cuore delle persone attraverso le parole, anche se non sono in grado di capire tutto benissimo.
io cercherò di scrivere frasi brevi in modo da essere il più chiara possibile.
vi ringrazio ancora per la gentilezza che mi fate traducendo le vostre frasi per me e la pazienza che mostrate nel voler leggere i miei post,
ciao, matilda.
Thursday, July 5, 2007
June done and July started
My page started as a result of anger and frustration. I decided to pour all my feelings into it. I used colors that I don't usually use and as I worked, my negative feelings dissipated to a great degree. I felt like "Rage" was the right title for it.
I've started on July and it will be totally different in style and feeling. Maybe that's because I feel differently now. Good therapy!
You can see my work on my blog at: http://sharedstuffbyarline.blogspot.com/
Detail Shots Now Up
Sue in western WA
Thoughts and June pic
It is with these thoughts in mind that I begin the July project. Oh, and you can see my June project here.
~Lin Moon
2 questions
Second, how do you get that lovely printed background behind your blog? Is it part of a template or something you add yourself?
Thanks for the help!
BJP July Progress Report #1
June page done with photo
June....Wrapped it up
I also wanted to add a thank you to everyone for sharing their experiences along the way. One of the best parts of my day is to sign on the computer at work in the morning and browse the latest posts and take a look at everyone's progress.
Hugs, Trilly
Finished June
http://madchiwawadesigns.blogspot.com/ I' think this a wonderful idea and I just love looking at everyone's pages. So many different ideas. It's so much fun.
Wednesday, July 4, 2007
Even though I haven't had posting access, I've been reading along with you all and enjoying your company.
Thanks for having me.
On to July!
I am truly enjoying reading your blogs and seeing the projects as they present themselves. I am in awe! So much talent! Thanks for sharing this journey with us all, Robin! What a treat!
Hola y'all from Albaturkey
There are pictures, so if you don't want to see, don't click the link!
Mary Tafoya
The question of Journaling
We are almost completed with construction on a home in the Baja and this journal will show and tell the progress for the next year. I have left my fabric larger than the beaded portion and plan on using them as a page in a hand bound journal I learned in Robin's painted papers class. I will add pictures throughout the year and notes ( a promise to myself). I will try Robins idea's maybe I will change my ways. June is complete and July started. Only problem my daughter in-law thinks it should be out where it can be viewed and not in a closed book. I'll have to think that through.
Writing Personal Poems from Your Journal Pages
I often write poems several times during the process of beading each piece. The purpose is to get in touch with what my heart is saying through the work of my hands. Writing these poems by-passes my intellect, the analytical and controlling part of me, and gets to the core of who I really am at heart. I don't try to write "proper poetry" (whatever that is)... rather, I call them personal poems.
Here's one way to write personal poems: Sit with your piece for a few moments, absorbing the details of it. Write a list of ALL the words and phrases that pop into your mind as you look at it and at your beads and other materials. Circle the phrase that seems the MOST COMPELLING to you. Write "I am ____________." Fill in the blank with the word (or phrase) you circled. That's the first line of a poem about yourself. Write it using some or all of the other words and phrases in your list.
Here's one other suggestion to try: After sitting with your piece for a while, write this sentence: "One thing I don't want to tell you about is ______________." Again, this is the first line of a poem, inspired by your art, about you.
Is this interesting to anybody? Does anyone want to share a personal poem they've written about their piece?
A Request for Robin
Invitation to Publish
She would like to include one or more pictures of our work so far. If you have a good quality, high resolution picture of your completed June page and would like to see it published, please email me to let me know. You will need to put it on a CD in tiff format, and mail it to Rebekah in the next few days as the deadline for ready-to-print is July 31.
If anyone has an objection to this article, please let me know immediately!
Posted by Robin.
Happy 4th of July!
This is my first post as I sometimes do things backward! I finished the June page of my bead journal and posted it on my blog. This is another first to start a blog. I love what you folks have been doing with your journals. Totally amazing work. There are as many styles as there are beaders. The link to my blog is here.
A little doll between pages

I started on this doll after I finished up the June page and before I started on my July page. I named him Blue Moon. I don't often name my dolls, but this one has special meaning for it's recipient - hence the name.
He is about 4 inches from left point to right point. The muslin form was made by Monica Magness, the polymer clay face by Jen Martin.
Now I'm off to begin adding beads to my July page...
written journal...
Tuesday, July 3, 2007
Pagina di giugno finita
certo si notano tanti difetti ed errori, rispetto alle altre è poca cosa, ma chi volesse vederla la trova qui.
ciao, matilda
Checkin' In
I finished my June journal page on the 29th of June and have it and its' story posted on my blog here. Now I'm trying to figure out what to do for July...
Sue in western WA
Working on June and July!
I have already picked out the pattern I am going to use for July and have started sorting through my beads for just the right ones. I need to decide which color fabric I am going to use and dig it out. The funny part is that the dolls are completely covered in beads and you can't see the fabric but I still have to find the fabric that is "just right". Silly I guess
My time will become much more my own after the middle of August so I will be able to devote more time to the project then and will be more caught up.
I have actually made 2 entries in my journal which is a milestone for me because I have never kept a journal, not so much as a diary when I was younger. I have no idea why since I always enjoyed writing but my guess would be that I always have/had my nose in a good novel and didn't take the time to actually write instead of read - LOL!
Not quite done!!
Alas, I haven't finished my June project yet. I've had my geriatric mother and a 15 year old son who's out of school to deal with this month, along with other extended family events, so nothing got done at the pace I wanted it to. But...summer's my busy time and the rest of the year I should be more reliable.
Having always kept a written journal, I'm using the project as a way to express some things visually that I have been writing about in my journal. I have two other pages mapped out as well. Anyway, I'm farther along than my last blog entry would indicate, so I'll take another picture and post that later.
Thanks for being such an inspiration!
June Project
Monday, July 2, 2007
My Garden of Beads
To everyone
I am still plodding on with my June piece but have already started thinking and drawing about July. Come the end of August I will have a lot more time on my hands.
Loving all the advice from all the expert hands, keep it coming its brilliant.
June Done! And July Underway :)
I'm working a little backwards on the July one, beading a separate component to be attached to the card stock later, but I'm really learning a lot! I love making beaded crosses and knew they would show up sooner or later in my BJP pages :)
I had a number of "learning experiences" with methods to unite the Lacy's Stiff Stuff and ultrasuede and could use some ideas. Love your thoughts!
For those in the US - Have a happy Fourth!
Sunday, July 1, 2007
Italiano, Deutsch, Francais, Espanol!
Spero che abbia ortografato correttamente tutte quelle lingue. Non potrei tirare su l'emblema di tranlator come ho desiderato in modo da che mette appena il collegamento qui. Se dovete tradurre una pagina o un blog potete farli attraverso questo luogo. Hanno collegamenti da aggiungere al vostro blog per renderlo più facile.
Ich hoffe, daß ich alle jene Sprachen richtig buchstabierte. Ich könnte nicht das tranlator Emblem hochziehen, wie ich also morgens wünschte, welches gerade hier die Verbindung setzt. Wenn Sie eine Seite oder ein blog übersetzen müssen, können Sie es durch diesen Aufstellungsort tun. Sie haben die Verbindungen, zum Ihrem blog hinzuzufügen, um es einfacher zu bilden
J'espère que j'ai orthographié toutes ces langues correctement. Je ne pourrais pas tirer vers le haut l'emblème de tranlator comme je voulais ainsi AM mettant juste le lien ici. Si vous devez traduire une page ou un blog vous pouvez le faire par cet emplacement. Ils ont des liens à ajouter à votre blog pour le faciliter.
Espero que deletreara todas esas idiomas correctamente. No podría levantar el emblema del tranlator como deseé así que apenas que ponía el acoplamiento aquí. Si usted necesita traducir una página o un blog usted puede hacerlo a través de este sitio. Tienen acoplamientos a agregar a su blog para hacerlo más fácil.
I hope this helps everyone.
Introduction, and my June offering
I live in Melbourne, Australia, and dabble in all sorts of textile art. I discovered bead embroidery about 18 months ago and it has rapidly become one of my favorite 'things'. I am studying for a Diploma of Textile Arts and I;m halfway through the second year (which is, incidentally, halfway through the course).
After eighteen months of having design principles drummed into my head, I wanted to use a totally intuitive approach to this project. After some thought I decided that each month I would buy a piece of felt (I discovered last year that felt is fantastic to bead onto), choosing the colour that leapt out at me at the time, which would depend on how my mood at that point. I would then choose a colour palette that I liked with that colour, tip it all into a tray, and start beading. No design planning, just let the beads speak to me. (OK, so those design lessons haven't gone completely to waste - I now instinctively choose colours based on my studies of colour theory! Though the intuitive choosing of the felt is genuinely intuitive - in fact for July I picked a colour I never use, it just jumped out at me and matched my mood at the time).
Another sign that the design lessons have sunk in - I decided that the various pieces would need an integrating element, so each one will have a small tag with a word emgraved on it, again suiting my mood for the month. I bought a whole pile of them at the beginning and so I have plenty to choose from.
June's piece is on display on my blog. Now on with July's - I picked the felt colour a couple of days early, and sat down last night and really beaded away furiously for three hours and have done the majority of it!
This is Most Magical!
Hello everyone!

I'm back home after a week in St. Paul, MN and a week in Chicago, IL ~ hot, humid, stormy weather (yuk) in both places, but good people and happy times.
Visiting my wonderful, 90-year old Mom for the first week, I had time to complete my June BJP page. Mom says it doesn't look like anything I've ever done before. Good! So hopefully it's a stretch.... Haven't decided if I'll post pictures on my blog or not... Maybe I'll wait until September.
The second week in Chicago, I taught for the North Suburban Needlearts Guild ~ bead embroidery, spirit dolls, and woven treasure necklace ~ GREAT students, all who worked very intensely creating excellent work!
A Chicago highlight for me ~ 0ne evening, after dinner, a couple of students in Ann Johnston's 5-day fabric dyeing/painting class invited me to join them and try my hand at painting dyes on some fabric. I jumped at the chance, and dyed (and went to heaven!) until 10:30 that night!!!! I want to do more of this ~ definitely want to take the workshop from Ann ~ definitely will use some of this fabric for BJP pages!!! You can see one of them at the top of this post ~ see more on my blog.
Had a good trip, but am so glad to be home. Spent 3 hours this morning reading BJP blog and following links to your June pages. GOOD WORK!!!!! OMG... they are sooooooo fabulous-magical! I am IMPRESSED, big time!
If you haven't finished your June page yet, don't be blue... just make it a priority and get to work! If you have to, downsize to make finishing more realistic. The first month is so important ~ once you pass that mark, you'll sail through the other 11 months with much more ease.