I started on this doll after I finished up the June page and before I started on my July page. I named him Blue Moon. I don't often name my dolls, but this one has special meaning for it's recipient - hence the name.
He is about 4 inches from left point to right point. The muslin form was made by Monica Magness, the polymer clay face by Jen Martin.
Now I'm off to begin adding beads to my July page...
Oh yes, Grace! He is sooo cool. I haven't done a doll for a while now. I've been doing more flat embroidery. Makes me want to get the doll forms out again.
I love Blue moon! And what a great face by Jen Martin. Good work! Blessings, CC
Oh Grace, he is just amazing.
Fabulous! Thanks so much for brightening our day with your pictures!!!!
Love LOVE LOVE your blue moon!! I especially like how you've used the gold beads to set off the designs! And, is that a button on the back with the snake? Where did you find that? Thanks for sharing your sources! And your moon!!
I love your Blue Moon! You used sequins! I just asked about them. Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful Thanks for sharing with us.
Blue Moon is wonderful! Thanks so much for sharing the pictures!
Hey, there are those sequins in use! I've got to try out the ones I have. I've only used them for Christmas ornaments on styrofoam about 34 years ago! Bought a bunch from Cartwright's and have just got to use them. They look so nice on your doll. Can't say I've ever seen a star shaped doll before; opens my mind to new possibilities.
Thanks for all the kind words! Arline - after beading flat work, it's definitely a different feel working on a firmly stuffed form, had to break out the curved needle to get into all the curves! CC - Jen makes some awesome faces, that's for sure. Vicki - the snake on the back is a little flat back glass cab - I found it at Mary Tafoya's Etsy store (http://www.etsy.com/shop.php?user_id=103545), she often has neat items available in her shop and it's always nice to support a fellow beader.
As far as sequins - I almost always use them. There is a row of dark blue sequins on the front of the doll just above the line of gold drops and on the back I layered transparent cornflower blue over dark blue. I only wish you could see the sparkle, the rest of his back is covered in bocce stitch (also called boucle stitch or moss stitch) using charlottes.
I'm glad so many like him.
I love your "Blue Moon" doll Grace! Thanks for sharing :o) Lillian
P.S. I don't know if I asked this before...where can I find out what the bocce stitch is? Thanks :o)
Hi Lillian,
It's also called moss stitch by some and I've seen various spellings of bocce. Check out this website http://beaddoll.freewebsitehosting.com/Embroidery.html for an explanation of the stich. I hope that helps.
Blue Moon is great! I especially love the design on the back with all the circles.
Thanks Grace for the site, but when I tried it, they said there was no such file there...??? Lillian :o)
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