Sunday, July 22, 2007

Getting "un-stuck"

I know there's been a bit of discussion about inspiration and getting un-stuck when working. Because I had to put my July page down for a bit due to other art deadlines, when I picked it up again, I had lost the flow. When I began working on the page, it was hot hot hot and the theme of the page was dreaming of cool water - Now it was cold and rainy - I'd lost the flow.

While I was at my local library picking up my check for the class I taught there, I decided to see what sort of books might be available and bead embroidery and was surprised and delighted to see that the first book that popped up in the card catalog was Robin's "One Bead at a Time". I read a bit, the person with my check arrived and I went home. I kept thinking about what I had read and since the Library was closed, but my LBS (which happens to be Shipwreck Beads - yes, I know - sad isn't it?) I zipped down there and picked up a copy of my own. (well and a few beads - honest, just a few). When I got home it was pouring rain, I made a pot of tea and sat and read the book straight through. Straight through. I picked up my piece and finished it at 2 in the morning without stopping. The beads just sorta flowed out of my fingers. I somehow found the initial place I was in when I started and I must credit Robin's book.

So now I must thank Robin for not only creating this project which got me out of my 'dreaming of bead embroidery' phase and actually doing it, but also for the wonderful book that got me back on track.

Thanks Robin!



Lois2037 said...

You know, when I get to that point of not being able to catch the flow of the work, or just being stuck, and I reach for inspiration in my books, One Bead at a Time is often the very first thing I pick up. I wouldn't be able to point to any one thing inside which gets me going again, but the overall spirit of the book somehow just helps me to get things "clicked in."

I, also, say, "Thanks, Robin!"

Robin said...

I was away from the computer for a day and almost missed this post because it's so far down now... WOW... Thanks soooooooo much Diane and Lois for your kind words!!!!! Empowering the artist within was exactly what I hoped to achieve when I wrote it. I'm delighted to hear that in your case it worked!!!!! Blessings, Robin