Thursday, June 14, 2007

Good evening everyone. I would like to introduce myself. My name is Nancy. I live in northern CA and have been beading about 7 years or so now (unless you count when I was in high school and made love bead necklaces.) Beading helps me in a lot of ways, stress relief, creativity and expressing myself, color sense, even being able to knit. I realized when I started to knit, that beading helped my hand-eye coordination and my ability to do hand work. I have always done some kind of creative work but beading has been the best. Although I really love knitting...and then there is photography (this blogging has renewed my interest in that) and always reading and my dogs and traveling...I am putting aside crocheting for awhile. I was having issues with that.

I am so pleased to be part of this group and thank Robin for starting it and lettting Bead Daily know about it. That is how I learned about it. I deliberated about it for a few days and finally decided to join on the very last day. I have already learned so much, the blogging and getting my pictures on the blog. Saving the pictures in a format to get on the blog, etc., etc. And here is my blog:

I invite all of you to take a look at it. I will post every few days or so as I work on the first page.

I will also add other items about my other interests.

Thanks, Nancy.


mAtilda said...

ciao nancy, bentrovata.
ho visitato il tuo blog. mi piace molto. ammiro la capacità di lavorare con le perline. quando ci lavoro io, scappano da tutte le parti e le rincorro armata di ago e filo.
spesso mi prendono in giro dalle fessure e poi sbucano fuori quando non servono più.
mi piacciono le doll goddes (si chiamano così?).
spero che babel fish ti aiuti a tradurre. il mio inglese è poco chiaro.
buon lavoro matilda

Nancy K. said...

Matilda, thank you for the comment. I wish I could read what you said! I love your piece too. Nicely put together. I love flowers! Nancy