Saturday, September 15, 2007

Thoughts on Ripping...

Do you rip out and re-do sections of your bead embroidery? Here are some of my thoughts on this question... Robin A.


flyingbeader said...

Loved the ideas on which type of beader are you. I'd have to say that I'm a little of both. I plan, but only in my head. Drives my engineer type husband crazy as I don't use a journal or write things down. Now, I do free form bead embroidery when I get started, and rarely rip anything out. I just turn it upside down, ask myself what can I do with that and keep on beading. Mainly though, I bead to challenge myself & most of the times, those accidents trigger something that sets my brain afire.

Jacqui said...

I am like flyingbeader, I do plan to a degree on most things but normally only the design elements. The beads I choose are usually the ones I have at hand unless they are for a specific purpose, like the ones I made for last months page.

On my first page, I was very specific on the design and I found that was too restricting however I continue with it as it was a lesson learnt.