Check HERE! if you want to check out the update on my blog!
You all have a safe, joyful holiday weekend for those in the U.S.!!!
Happy days to the rest of you!
With aloha,
Friday, August 31, 2007
I apologize to everyone for posting my slideshow here. I didn't mean to and I hope I've removed it now.
It was a matter of posting to the wrong blog and I thought I'd gotten rid of it right after I discovered the error.
It was a matter of posting to the wrong blog and I thought I'd gotten rid of it right after I discovered the error.
New Mexico Beader
Checking in, seems time is getting away from me working part-time...however if you check my blog you can see I am keeping up, or at least trying....August is in the works, then comes September which arrives "when?" of course Saturday yikes!!! Have a safe weekend & enjoy.
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Coming out of the basement.....
Whew have I been busy these last two months creating dolls and beading like a mad person. Just yesterday, I finished my three entries for Bead International. YEAH!!!! Now to burn the CD & send it off to the Dairy Barn. But I have been doing so many other things as well. Yes, I feel like a juggler. I did put on my blog which I must admit, I've neglected for months with pictures of my June & July projects. I have finished August but need to get another picture as the one I took was so out of focus. Also on my blog is a doll that I've created for the ADQ challenge Altered Fashion dolls. I've got to get slides of that sent out tomorrow too! Hope you all enjoy & I'm going to really try to keep updated on this project now that I've got so many other things completed.
August Page- Inspired By Horses
My August page is done. Check it out at
Also, would you please stop by my regular art blog and vote in a poll I have posted on the right hand side (scroll down a ways) asking "What is your favorite horse color?" The results will affect a future BJP I am planning.
Happy Beading Everyone!
Also, would you please stop by my regular art blog and vote in a poll I have posted on the right hand side (scroll down a ways) asking "What is your favorite horse color?" The results will affect a future BJP I am planning.
Happy Beading Everyone!
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
... I'm Baaaaaack ...!
It was a very intense drive back to the Chicago area, indeed. The U.S. is huge and beautiful and very much worth seeing. The longer version of my journey can be found here. The short version is that I drove out, extended my one-week stay to two, was able to be with my mother when she died, and drove home again. I'm very inspired by all of your progress to finish up July, start August and jump into September. First I have to catch up on some paying work, though. You'll hear from me again soon.
Flickr question
I just have a question and I know there is a simple answer. When I add my pix to the BJP Flickr page, how come there's an X by that picture? Am I not doing something right?
And I just want to add that I am blown away by all the talent I am seeing! Absolutely fabulous!
And I just want to add that I am blown away by all the talent I am seeing! Absolutely fabulous!
Catching up
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Announcements & Questions from Robin
Congratulations All!!!
We’re one quarter into the BJP year already. Congratulations to those who have finished three pages, and congratulations to those who (like me) are a bit behind, but still totally committed to completing all 12 pages!!!! Good work, everybody!
Are you an active BJP member?
How many of the original 242 are still active? I guess we could get an idea if everyone who reads this (and is active) would write a comment to this post mentioning that you’re active. Please sign your comment with your first name and last initial (same as on the Participating Members list at the bottom of the side bar).
By the way, there is one person who notified me (by email) that she was dropping out. So our official membership is now 241.
How can we reach those members who are not internet users?
76% of our members are signed on to write posts to this blog. A few of these have never written posts or comments. That means about 25% are out of touch with us, as far as I know. A few have emailed me with concerns that they “haven’t heard from me” or asking to whom they should report each month, but most are completely out of touch.
I would like to get in touch with everyone who isn’t signed up to write posts. But I have so little time right now. I’m wondering if we might be able to form a state-by-state information tree using email. What do you think? If you’d be willing to be THE contact person in your state, country or area, will you please let me know by email?
Attention! Unofficial participants
We have several unofficial participants, who didn’t learn about the BJP until after membership closed on May 31st. I’d like to add another side bar with their names and links to their blogs, if they have one.
So, if you are unofficially participating and reading this, please email me or leave a comment to this post giving your first name, last initial, state/country, and blog/website if you have one.
As many of you know, thanks to Jacqui, we now have our own Flickr group page here. I think it’s grand! If you click on Group Photo Pool you can see all of them, with each person’s grouped together. Already it is obvious that each person has their own individual style, their own voice. This makes me extremely happy to see, because it is exactly what I hoped would happen.
So I’d like to encourage all of you to sign up and upload your photos. It only took me about ½ hour to get an account established, make a profile, upload my photos, and drag/drop them into the BJP Flickr group. Even if you have a blog and post your pictures, I think it’s fabulous to be able to see the finished pages all together on one site… like an exhibition of our work!
By the way, I added a link to our Fickr site in the side bar of the BJP blog, so you can always find it!
Pictures of our work on this BJP Blog
At the beginning of the BJP we decided not to show pictures of our work on this blog until September… until after the first quarter. We’re now at that point.
I think it’s been working really well for those who have a blog of their own to put pictures on their own blog and post a link here. I hope all of us with personal blogs will continue to do that. However, if you don’t have your own blog, I think it would be great if you would post in-progress and/or completed pictures here. I hope everyone’s ok with that.
Still having problems with Labels/Topics
1. Please assign a label/topic to your posts. Do this in the bottom right hand side of the posting window. Try to use a topic already on the list. Click “show all” to view the list; click on any topic on the list to make it apply to your post.
2. If you add a new label, please make it SHORT – 15 characters maximum! (Long labels made the down arrow on the drop-down box disappear, so that we can’t select a post topic to view.)
3. If you post a link to your blog showing BJP activity, please label it with the MONTH. So, if it's a picture or information about your September BJP page, please use the word September as the label for your post.
Are the two discussion groups still active?
I could post a link to them in a side bar box… If you like that idea, someone who is active, please give me the link by email.
Away for next 3 weeks...
This is just to notify you that I'll be in the midwest (visiting Mom in MN, and teaching in WI) from Sept. 1-15, and then gone on a motorcycle trip for the next week. I'll get on line when I can, but may not respond quickly to comments or email messages. Please be patient with me...
Thanks to all!
I am so completely satisfied with all that we are… our camaraderie and support, our individual and shared creativity, the obvious enjoyment of our process and results.... There are no words to express how grateful I am to be in the company of all you good and talented people! Thank you and bless you!
Robin A., BJP Coordinator
We’re one quarter into the BJP year already. Congratulations to those who have finished three pages, and congratulations to those who (like me) are a bit behind, but still totally committed to completing all 12 pages!!!! Good work, everybody!
Are you an active BJP member?
How many of the original 242 are still active? I guess we could get an idea if everyone who reads this (and is active) would write a comment to this post mentioning that you’re active. Please sign your comment with your first name and last initial (same as on the Participating Members list at the bottom of the side bar).
By the way, there is one person who notified me (by email) that she was dropping out. So our official membership is now 241.
How can we reach those members who are not internet users?
76% of our members are signed on to write posts to this blog. A few of these have never written posts or comments. That means about 25% are out of touch with us, as far as I know. A few have emailed me with concerns that they “haven’t heard from me” or asking to whom they should report each month, but most are completely out of touch.
I would like to get in touch with everyone who isn’t signed up to write posts. But I have so little time right now. I’m wondering if we might be able to form a state-by-state information tree using email. What do you think? If you’d be willing to be THE contact person in your state, country or area, will you please let me know by email?
Attention! Unofficial participants
We have several unofficial participants, who didn’t learn about the BJP until after membership closed on May 31st. I’d like to add another side bar with their names and links to their blogs, if they have one.
So, if you are unofficially participating and reading this, please email me or leave a comment to this post giving your first name, last initial, state/country, and blog/website if you have one.
As many of you know, thanks to Jacqui, we now have our own Flickr group page here. I think it’s grand! If you click on Group Photo Pool you can see all of them, with each person’s grouped together. Already it is obvious that each person has their own individual style, their own voice. This makes me extremely happy to see, because it is exactly what I hoped would happen.
So I’d like to encourage all of you to sign up and upload your photos. It only took me about ½ hour to get an account established, make a profile, upload my photos, and drag/drop them into the BJP Flickr group. Even if you have a blog and post your pictures, I think it’s fabulous to be able to see the finished pages all together on one site… like an exhibition of our work!
By the way, I added a link to our Fickr site in the side bar of the BJP blog, so you can always find it!
Pictures of our work on this BJP Blog
At the beginning of the BJP we decided not to show pictures of our work on this blog until September… until after the first quarter. We’re now at that point.
I think it’s been working really well for those who have a blog of their own to put pictures on their own blog and post a link here. I hope all of us with personal blogs will continue to do that. However, if you don’t have your own blog, I think it would be great if you would post in-progress and/or completed pictures here. I hope everyone’s ok with that.
Still having problems with Labels/Topics
1. Please assign a label/topic to your posts. Do this in the bottom right hand side of the posting window. Try to use a topic already on the list. Click “show all” to view the list; click on any topic on the list to make it apply to your post.
2. If you add a new label, please make it SHORT – 15 characters maximum! (Long labels made the down arrow on the drop-down box disappear, so that we can’t select a post topic to view.)
3. If you post a link to your blog showing BJP activity, please label it with the MONTH. So, if it's a picture or information about your September BJP page, please use the word September as the label for your post.
Are the two discussion groups still active?
I could post a link to them in a side bar box… If you like that idea, someone who is active, please give me the link by email.
Away for next 3 weeks...
This is just to notify you that I'll be in the midwest (visiting Mom in MN, and teaching in WI) from Sept. 1-15, and then gone on a motorcycle trip for the next week. I'll get on line when I can, but may not respond quickly to comments or email messages. Please be patient with me...
Thanks to all!
I am so completely satisfied with all that we are… our camaraderie and support, our individual and shared creativity, the obvious enjoyment of our process and results.... There are no words to express how grateful I am to be in the company of all you good and talented people! Thank you and bless you!
Robin A., BJP Coordinator
I Swore To Pace Myself
And honestly, I did. I wasn't rushing or anything like that - I just managed somehow to finish my September page a little ahead of schedule. You can see the final stages of its construction here.
July Finished
Like Jacqui I just finished my July piece. Now I am asking my self is my next piece August or September? Should I call it September and try and fit in August when I have extra time? Or is it August and I try to do two in September? So many beads so little time.
July Finished at last!
Well, just in time for August to finish I have completed July! To see it either go to the flickr page or my blog. Feel free to comment in either place.
One of the things I mention on my blog is moving into a new space and the feeling that it is alien. I have now had my own space for several weeks and gradually it is beginning to feel comfortable but I really have to drag my heels behind me to get there. If you have managed to get your own space to create in, how did you response to such unadulterated freedom and space?
Thank you for all the people who have contributed to the flickr group as Robin says, it is great to see all the work side by side and recognising each individual style. Like the blogs, you can still comment on the work.
One of the things I mention on my blog is moving into a new space and the feeling that it is alien. I have now had my own space for several weeks and gradually it is beginning to feel comfortable but I really have to drag my heels behind me to get there. If you have managed to get your own space to create in, how did you response to such unadulterated freedom and space?
Thank you for all the people who have contributed to the flickr group as Robin says, it is great to see all the work side by side and recognising each individual style. Like the blogs, you can still comment on the work.
Almost done
Just about finished with my August page if anyone wants to take a look.
There's also some pics of the MI Fiber Festival too. That turned out to
be an excellant weekend. I'm going to work on putting the pages that
I have finished into the format that's be rattling around my head. Keep
your fingers crossed for of the time what I picture I want
and what the end product is, are two totally different things. You can find
me here at Fab Fibers .
There's also some pics of the MI Fiber Festival too. That turned out to
be an excellant weekend. I'm going to work on putting the pages that
I have finished into the format that's be rattling around my head. Keep
your fingers crossed for of the time what I picture I want
and what the end product is, are two totally different things. You can find
me here at Fab Fibers .
bead embroidery,
BJP progress,
progress report
Not much progress...
I haven't had much time to bead, but here's an update.
Kassie - The Beading Butterfly
Kassie - The Beading Butterfly
Monday, August 27, 2007
My quarter's worth of pages
After fighting with my blog page for the better part of the afternoon and evening -- it won't let my photos open up to larger views -- I give up. However, all three months' are at for anyone who wishes to take a look.
In spite of my late start in working on these pages, I found this project to be fun and challenging. I have also enjoyed widening my circle of "friends" through our shared activity.
Kathy V in NM
In spite of my late start in working on these pages, I found this project to be fun and challenging. I have also enjoyed widening my circle of "friends" through our shared activity.
Kathy V in NM
August Page Progress
Hi! I've made some progress on my August page. If you'd like to take a look, you can see it here. I'm trying a different beading technique this month and it's so much fun! -Karen
August BJP
Just a reminder, fellow beaders - the next time that I say I am going to work with vintage, smaller than 15 seed beads............just shoot me.
These are just killing my eyes!!! Yikes
August will be late and September will be with 11's
These are just killing my eyes!!! Yikes
August will be late and September will be with 11's
Sunday, August 26, 2007
"May All Beings Be Happy and Free"
I thought I'd better get on the stick and post my August journal page. It's been done for weeks and I've been too lazy to get out the camera, upload and then download pics. But I vowed last night I'd get it done today.
Go here to see August. Hmmm, I should have done a teaser for Aug but I didn't.
Oh, also I talk a little about a cover for my journal...something I only just thought about and guess what? Doing a cover means I have not 12 pages to do but 14. I've started what is most likely going to be the cover and here is a teaser of that:
Go here to see August. Hmmm, I should have done a teaser for Aug but I didn't.
Oh, also I talk a little about a cover for my journal...something I only just thought about and guess what? Doing a cover means I have not 12 pages to do but 14. I've started what is most likely going to be the cover and here is a teaser of that:

September Update
Can be seen here. And thanks for all the great advice, guys - it's been of tremendous help.
Beading Mess??
Right now I've got 3 month's of Bead Journal pages falling prey to my "messy beader syndrome" - nothing completely finished, all in various stages and tangled together on my BJP tray. .... and September is staring me in the face!
Anyway, I've posted a couple of updates on my blog if you'd care to see where I'm at. I guess that just moving forward at all is some sort of progress, it's just not in an orderly, linear fashion.
Anyway, I've posted a couple of updates on my blog if you'd care to see where I'm at. I guess that just moving forward at all is some sort of progress, it's just not in an orderly, linear fashion.
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Off Topic Yet Bead Related
I have a situation on my hands that I cannot deal with on my own - with the incredible pool of talent and experience here, I am reaching out to all of you for advice.
I made a set of 3 peyote cuff bracelets for a young woman in Florida. When she asked me to make these, she told me she was trying to replace a peyote cuff she's had for 6 years. She told me they would be worn constantly and would I please make them extra strong. Well, I used 6 lb test Fireline to make them. She was delighted (at first) with them and I thought that was that. She emailed me after about two months to tell me one of them had broken in half. These cuffs are two inches wide. Broken in half? A few weeks later she told me a second bracelet had broken. I asked her to send them back to me and I'll try to fix them. I was very puzzled.
In her last email to me she said to remember "I wear these constantly, even in the shower, so think indestructible."
Now, I'm going to repair them and give them all a leather backing, but if she's wearing them in the SHOWER, I don't see how I can prevent any stringing material from breaking down after a few months, or prevent the metal findings from decaying. Is there some magical thread I am unaware of that will hold up to the kind of wear she intends? Is there something I can treat it with to waterproof it?
Any and all suggestions will be gratefully accepted.
I made a set of 3 peyote cuff bracelets for a young woman in Florida. When she asked me to make these, she told me she was trying to replace a peyote cuff she's had for 6 years. She told me they would be worn constantly and would I please make them extra strong. Well, I used 6 lb test Fireline to make them. She was delighted (at first) with them and I thought that was that. She emailed me after about two months to tell me one of them had broken in half. These cuffs are two inches wide. Broken in half? A few weeks later she told me a second bracelet had broken. I asked her to send them back to me and I'll try to fix them. I was very puzzled.
In her last email to me she said to remember "I wear these constantly, even in the shower, so think indestructible."
Now, I'm going to repair them and give them all a leather backing, but if she's wearing them in the SHOWER, I don't see how I can prevent any stringing material from breaking down after a few months, or prevent the metal findings from decaying. Is there some magical thread I am unaware of that will hold up to the kind of wear she intends? Is there something I can treat it with to waterproof it?
Any and all suggestions will be gratefully accepted.
Friday, August 24, 2007
Just Checkin' In
After the relative speed with which I made my first journal quilts, August has been painfully slow in coming. I am pleased to report that I have finally created the base upon which I will be doing my bead embellishment. I'm oddly comfortable with the fact that August is nearly over and I have yet to begin beading this one. I'm usually driven by deadlines. That's one reason I signed up for this project: I thought the monthly deadlines would be helpful to keep me on task! What has come for me this month is some insight into what drives my artwork and possibly a theme for future works. And that gift is probably what's making me so calm about not being further along with this month's project. Hopefully it won't be too deep into September before I can share pictures of my completed piece with you!
Sue in western WA
Sue in western WA
August BJP
Now, this post isn't about the bead journal page at all. I have been working on a couple of other things lately - including finishing the beaded picture of my dog. It's posted on my blog at Bead (In)Sanity I've also finished a right angel weave starfish that I designed.....
I've also been revamping the web page for the bead guild that I belong to, Great Lakes Beadworkers Guild, so that it has a little more personality than it used to.
I've been beading busy!!!
Liz - the bad one

I've also been revamping the web page for the bead guild that I belong to, Great Lakes Beadworkers Guild, so that it has a little more personality than it used to.
I've been beading busy!!!
Liz - the bad one
August journal page finished
But as usual for me, it's for the previous month. Keeping with my moon theme, I did July's "Thunder Moon" Link
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Almost October?!!
Where oh where has September gone, oh where, oh where has she gone? I haven't even started my page. It's cut and ready but too many things came up and there it sits, not a bead on it! And I don't even have a paying job as so many of you do! And now, I am even rethinking my theme for the month. In a few days things will settle out and I intend to get very busy with my page. Kudos to all you constantly busy people who manage to do so much.
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Need some opinions
I have recently been encouraged to enter some of my pages in the Bead Dreams Contest for this year. Robin says it will not interfere with the BJP. Her concern was if I would be too disappointed if my work was not accepted for judging.
Has anyone here tried to enter this contest? Would it affect any of you adversely if your work was not selected? Working on this project has made me explore many of my feelings and how I can apply them in a positive way. I'm afraid if I didn't at least try, I would be disappointed in myself.
What do you all think? Would you do it? Why or why not?
Thanks, Arline
Has anyone here tried to enter this contest? Would it affect any of you adversely if your work was not selected? Working on this project has made me explore many of my feelings and how I can apply them in a positive way. I'm afraid if I didn't at least try, I would be disappointed in myself.
What do you all think? Would you do it? Why or why not?
Thanks, Arline
Moving September Along
I've set myself some deadlines, one of which is to be finished with my September, October and November pages by the middle of October. I will be unable to bead from mid-October through the end of November. Hence the seeming speed with which I am working. If you like, you can see my progress here.
I had some graphics issues with my first progress report, but they've been fixed and all should be visible now.
I had some graphics issues with my first progress report, but they've been fixed and all should be visible now.
July Progress
Yup, that's right. J U L Y. I'm not a founding member of Busy Beaders for nothing, you know! I have a couple pictures up on my blog - look here if you like. I'm enjoying reading all the posts when I'm too pooped to go downstairs and bead!
Flickr group
I have taken the liberty to create a new flickr group which will be for the sole purpose of posting photo of your work. I realised I was spending a lot of my time, jumping from one blog to another and then getting caught up in the blog discourse. When it becomes 50 blogs to read, I lose a good part of my day. Also some of us don't actually have website or blog, so showing your work here might be easier.
To join simply go to the 2007 Bead Journal flickr group, Don't forget to title your work and the month it pertains to.
To join simply go to the 2007 Bead Journal flickr group, Don't forget to title your work and the month it pertains to.
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
September page
I just posted the first picture of my September page on my blog: It is great fun working on this one. It is great fun working on this one.
Question for you Fab Bloggers
Not sure even how to ask this question, but it's for those of you who have been blogging for awhile. I thought I had to answer the comments I received in my inbox on my blog, but I tried responding by email, & a couple got thru'! Whoa nellie!!! But then, some returned. Poo.
So if any of you understand about this, would you please explain it to us newbies???
Mahalo, Danke, Gracias, and Thanks!
With aloha,
P.S. Not even sure if this is the right label! Ack! ;)
Not sure even how to ask this question, but it's for those of you who have been blogging for awhile. I thought I had to answer the comments I received in my inbox on my blog, but I tried responding by email, & a couple got thru'! Whoa nellie!!! But then, some returned. Poo.
So if any of you understand about this, would you please explain it to us newbies???
Mahalo, Danke, Gracias, and Thanks!
With aloha,
P.S. Not even sure if this is the right label! Ack! ;)
finalmente finita pagina di luglio.
voglio rivolgere un pensiero a quanti sono in pericolo per l'uragano, spero non tocchi alcuno di voi nè delle vostre famiglie.
ciao matilda
voglio rivolgere un pensiero a quanti sono in pericolo per l'uragano, spero non tocchi alcuno di voi nè delle vostre famiglie.
ciao matilda
Object chosen for September
Yes, I know it is only the middle to late section of August, but it hit me that I wanted to do something different, perhaps a little silly and foolish for the next month of BJP. If you'd like to see what I'm planning on, you may go to my blog here.
I've added onto my blog a bit and you might want to see what I just finished for August and the further refinement of what is going on for September.
Yes, I know it is only the middle to late section of August, but it hit me that I wanted to do something different, perhaps a little silly and foolish for the next month of BJP. If you'd like to see what I'm planning on, you may go to my blog here.
I've added onto my blog a bit and you might want to see what I just finished for August and the further refinement of what is going on for September.
"Cicada" Barrette
Hi, I have finished my Cicada. Thanks to everyone that has commented on my page. I have really enjoyed the feedback! Making these "pages" has been a richer experience than I had imagined when I first started. Thanks Robin for starting us on this journey.
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Hurricanes, Earthquakes & Tsunamis? Oh, my!
With all the prep for all of the above, it appears we have been protected this time! So, you can see my latest update here! :) Didn't get alot done with all the watching of the weather channel, but made a little bit of progress! Whew!
With aloha,
With aloha,
July Block finished & LOL
I finally have my July block finished... it is now hanging on my wall next to my June block.. going to be quite a spectacular wall when I have 10 more on there...
I also hope that some of you will go to my blog and check out my Laps of Love (LOL) and help me spread the word for lap quilts needed for Senior and convalescing homes.
my blog:
I also hope that some of you will go to my blog and check out my Laps of Love (LOL) and help me spread the word for lap quilts needed for Senior and convalescing homes.
my blog:
A Start to my August Page
Hi everyone! I've started my August page and you can see it here. With this month's page, I am creating a new challenge for myself. Happy beading! -Karen
Getting a Start on September
I've started my September page, and you can see those skeletal beginnings here.
My favorite stage in the process, gathering the beads, is going on today - wheeee!
My favorite stage in the process, gathering the beads, is going on today - wheeee!
Saturday, August 18, 2007
The End of August is Nearly Here
And I've just finished July's page. For those of you who care to see my latest attempt at embroidery, check out my page.
This one didn't take too long, but I'm learning so much. I changed my mind about my subject about 5 times. The first time I began to stitch this one using beads I had on hand, I was using 15s, which was far too difficult - so many were too small for the needle. So I switched to 11s. Easier to see, too.
On to August!
This one didn't take too long, but I'm learning so much. I changed my mind about my subject about 5 times. The first time I began to stitch this one using beads I had on hand, I was using 15s, which was far too difficult - so many were too small for the needle. So I switched to 11s. Easier to see, too.
On to August!
More Progress with Life
Life is never boring, between the changes I am making in my life, my beading and my other projects I hardly have time to miss my husband.
If you want to see how my BJP page for August is coming along go to my BJP blog.
If you would like to read about other happenings in my life and see some Collage Therapy go to my Artistic Kreations and Passions Blog.
Happy beading to you all, Angie
If you want to see how my BJP page for August is coming along go to my BJP blog.
If you would like to read about other happenings in my life and see some Collage Therapy go to my Artistic Kreations and Passions Blog.
Happy beading to you all, Angie
I am in the wrong profession! (or why God invented calculators)
In real life, I'm an accountant. So I should be able to do math, right? I know that if I make one journal page a month for a year, that's 12 pages. However, when I made my square (that's right, square!) template for my BJP (remember, I'm leaving my pages all attached and creating one big project) I made it a 4x4 grid. I didn't multiply that in advance, I guess, because I would have gotten 16! I have 16 squares to bead, not 12! It took me over a week to discover this fact. :o)
I don't think I'll tell my clients this story! LOL!
Kassie, The Beading Butterfly
I don't think I'll tell my clients this story! LOL!
Kassie, The Beading Butterfly
BeadFest Philly
If there is anyone going to the Bead Fest in Philly this upcoming week and weekend who would like to get together at some point and do a show and tell or just meet please e-mail me at before Wednesday.
I am so excited. This bead show will be at least 2-3 times or more bigger than any bead show I have been to yet. The hard part will be not spending way too much. I am meeting a friend from when we lived in New England so it will be good to see her as well. I am taking along my August page to work on in any free time I have, that I want to have my hands busy.
I am sure that I will come back excited and inspired. I will post updates to my blogs later today and put a post with links in it when I do. If any of you are going to be there I would love to meet if you would like. I think it would be great to get a change to actually meet some of people I am making this journey with.
Have a great beading weekend. Angie
I am so excited. This bead show will be at least 2-3 times or more bigger than any bead show I have been to yet. The hard part will be not spending way too much. I am meeting a friend from when we lived in New England so it will be good to see her as well. I am taking along my August page to work on in any free time I have, that I want to have my hands busy.
I am sure that I will come back excited and inspired. I will post updates to my blogs later today and put a post with links in it when I do. If any of you are going to be there I would love to meet if you would like. I think it would be great to get a change to actually meet some of people I am making this journey with.
Have a great beading weekend. Angie
Friday, August 17, 2007
July "Play Page" done
I decided to play more for my July BJP. You can read about it and see the results on
Thoughts and comments welcome!
~Lin Moon
Thoughts and comments welcome!
~Lin Moon
Another August beginning
I started beading on this page while my husband was waiting to go into surgery, during the surgery and afterward....beading is such a meditation and healing work for me, don't know what I'd do without it!
This piece has reminders (to me) of a wedding, a pow wow and the surgery....I've got lots more to do before it's done!
This piece has reminders (to me) of a wedding, a pow wow and the surgery....I've got lots more to do before it's done!
Thursday, August 16, 2007

ciao, scusate se non c'entra niente con il BJP.
rubo un po' di spazio per questa cosina che ho fatto ieri.
i thimblecase mi hanno sempre affascinata e finalmente ieri ne ho realizzato uno e, anche se i materiali non sono molto raffinati, mi piace molto.
nel mio blog dico qualcosina di più...
ciao, matilda
August BJP -- Foxy Ladies
I tried to post a while ago but got an error message, maybe it was my link. Well here goes, again...
I decided to do what I did in July, which is combine the BJP with another commitment, so I created 8 artist trading cards for the BATC (beaded artist trading card) swap at Beki Haley's All About Beading forum on Delphi. Wow, I think this is the 4th swap we've done!
Anyway, I combined my current curiosities about 1. EZ Felt compared to Lacy's Stiff Stuff (my conclusion is, EZ is not quite as durable for me, esp. around the edges, but suitable for many things...); 2. Creating 3D floral motifs with sequins; and 3. Using images from my expanding vintage postcard collection.
I journalled this month about time, visual cliches, and sequins, and also about how these cards have way fewer layers than I normally end up with in my mixed media beading, but how the contrast among the layers is stronger than usual.
So yeah, next month I'm on to some personal imagery and a slightly larger scale...
SPOILER ALERT -- if you don't want to see the images, don't follow this link, y'all:
Bead on!
Mary T. in Albuquerque 8-)
I decided to do what I did in July, which is combine the BJP with another commitment, so I created 8 artist trading cards for the BATC (beaded artist trading card) swap at Beki Haley's All About Beading forum on Delphi. Wow, I think this is the 4th swap we've done!
Anyway, I combined my current curiosities about 1. EZ Felt compared to Lacy's Stiff Stuff (my conclusion is, EZ is not quite as durable for me, esp. around the edges, but suitable for many things...); 2. Creating 3D floral motifs with sequins; and 3. Using images from my expanding vintage postcard collection.
I journalled this month about time, visual cliches, and sequins, and also about how these cards have way fewer layers than I normally end up with in my mixed media beading, but how the contrast among the layers is stronger than usual.
So yeah, next month I'm on to some personal imagery and a slightly larger scale...
SPOILER ALERT -- if you don't want to see the images, don't follow this link, y'all:
Bead on!
Mary T. in Albuquerque 8-)
July progress pics
Hi all, I have a couple of progress pics of my July page on my blog. I'm making slow but steady progress with it & hope to have my August page on the way soon as well
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
August beginning
Hi everyone,
I've finally posted a pic of the start of my August page here There's not a bead in sight on the picture--it's a week or so old. I have gotten further now but no picture yet. Just thought I'd let you all wonder what I've got in mind.....
I've finally posted a pic of the start of my August page here There's not a bead in sight on the picture--it's a week or so old. I have gotten further now but no picture yet. Just thought I'd let you all wonder what I've got in mind.....
My July Page is Finished
I've finally finished my July page if you'd like to take a look here. I am having so much fun!
-Karen (Art and Tea)
-Karen (Art and Tea)
"Cicada" Barrette
I have done a little more on my barrette as well as given some Cicada Awards. You can find out what I mean here.
Climb on your own wall of growth and start beading.
Climb on your own wall of growth and start beading.
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
BJP Progress Report: Page Accompli! (#3)
My August Page is finished already - surprised myself at the speed of things this time. OH! And Blogger now has a poll feature! I thought I'd take it out for a spin!
Dog days of summer
Cody, the black lab is the main feature of my July page. Here is a picture of the page and of Cody cooling off. I find myself spending lots of time looking at the different projects that people have posted. I am looking forward to September when more pages will be shown. I really appreciate everyone sharing the symbolism of their page as well as the progression of the page.
Still behind!
My June page hasn't gotten any beads sewn on it yet, but I have a picture of the interfacing I am going to embroider here.
Kassie - The Beading Butterfly
Kassie - The Beading Butterfly
Monday, August 13, 2007
July is Done
Finally finished July and am I glad it is done. You can see it here. Haven't started August yet - have an idea, just have to flesh it out. Guess I'm running behind.
August page
I finished my August page this weekend, you can see it here if you would like. This is the first of my pages not completely beaded. It is a struggle for me sometimes to stop and leave fabric showing without it feeling incomplete, but this one felt 'done' just as it is.
Take care,
Take care,
Better late than never!
I finally got started on my Bead Journal Project last week. I am doing 4x4 squares and originally was going to have them mounted and framed together. I decided to leave them all attached to each other, though, instead of separating them. And once I decided what I wanted to bead on my squares, I decided that it would make a great coffee table top! So next year, when I'm all done, I'm going to have a table made with a glass top to protect and display my project. I can't wait!
Progress photos will be on my blog at some point when I have time to take them!
Kassie - The Beading Butterfly
Progress photos will be on my blog at some point when I have time to take them!
Kassie - The Beading Butterfly
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Celebrate Summer
Summer is a hectic time with wanting to spend as much of it as I can with friends and family outside. I get more beading done when it's cold and blustery - then It feels more like curling up with some favorite beads.
I guess I'm still on my own personal time line as it isn't yet the middle of August and my July page is partially done. I do have August's page thought out, printed and ready to bead.
I've always done more of a free-form type of bead embroidery and am struggling with trying to bead to a pre-designed motif. Somehow it just doesn't seem natural to me. However, that's partially what this is all about - trying new things! Only time will tell if it will remain something I'd do again.
I guess I'm still on my own personal time line as it isn't yet the middle of August and my July page is partially done. I do have August's page thought out, printed and ready to bead.
I've always done more of a free-form type of bead embroidery and am struggling with trying to bead to a pre-designed motif. Somehow it just doesn't seem natural to me. However, that's partially what this is all about - trying new things! Only time will tell if it will remain something I'd do again.
August page
I'm working on my August page. I've learned a lot in this process so far. For June I used ultrasuede, for July I used fabric and paper, and for August I'm using Lacy's Stiff Stuff. The ultrasued just about destroyed my wrist, the fabric was distracting, and the Stiff Stuff is a joy to use - easy to handle, lightweight, and best of all, little stress on the wrist. I have also tried different size needles, including sharps and long needles, and prefer the longer needles. I need help in finishing pieces. Since I don't have a background in needle work, I have little experience in finishing a piece nicely, and with all round pieces, this is a challenge for me. I am fascinated by the people who are beading over photos and altered art, and bought some fabric I can put through the printer to experiment on. So my creative world is expanding and I am learning new things.
I have found that as time goes by, the beading gets easier, but the thoughts behind the piece get more challenging, because I am confronting issues in my life that I can either choose to avoid or address in the journal page. After all, we are journaling, just visually. One thing that I really am happy about is the contact with people I am meeting through our blogs, the exposure to other journal pages, and to the different kinds of art that people create. I wish even more people would post on the main blog, because I love reading and seeing what they are up to. Have a wonderful day!
I have found that as time goes by, the beading gets easier, but the thoughts behind the piece get more challenging, because I am confronting issues in my life that I can either choose to avoid or address in the journal page. After all, we are journaling, just visually. One thing that I really am happy about is the contact with people I am meeting through our blogs, the exposure to other journal pages, and to the different kinds of art that people create. I wish even more people would post on the main blog, because I love reading and seeing what they are up to. Have a wonderful day!
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Always behind...
"I'm late... I'm late.. .I'm late for an important date."
THAT my friends is the story of my life!
My June page has been finished.
My July page is laid out but hasn't been started yet.
Don't mention August............. but I have an idea !
The BFAC project goes in the mail on Monday (hurrah !!).
I have been spending time looking at all the completed items here -- and I find myself on the horns of a dilemma.
How to NOT cover it all ?
How to stop myself from being compelled to keep beading -- to keep adding more -- to limit my design to "not so much".
My best friend and I were talking it over this morning and she told me that "well, that isn't your way. You don't bead like other people. Your way is different." (ok, so that was the Reader's Digest condensed version).
She's right.
This is a struggle for me to limit my design.
My June picture is very minimalistic. I'll post a pic in my blog.
July will be a bit more.
What a push out of my comfort zone !
THAT my friends is the story of my life!
My June page has been finished.
My July page is laid out but hasn't been started yet.
Don't mention August............. but I have an idea !
The BFAC project goes in the mail on Monday (hurrah !!).
I have been spending time looking at all the completed items here -- and I find myself on the horns of a dilemma.
How to NOT cover it all ?
How to stop myself from being compelled to keep beading -- to keep adding more -- to limit my design to "not so much".
My best friend and I were talking it over this morning and she told me that "well, that isn't your way. You don't bead like other people. Your way is different." (ok, so that was the Reader's Digest condensed version).
She's right.
This is a struggle for me to limit my design.
My June picture is very minimalistic. I'll post a pic in my blog.
July will be a bit more.
What a push out of my comfort zone !
Friday, August 10, 2007
Slow Learner
If you want to read about the slowest learner in the world, you can check out my update here! Hopefully I won't make the same decisions next month!!!
With aloha,
P.S. I've been seeing such incredible work! You guys are one big talented group of beaders!!!
With aloha,
P.S. I've been seeing such incredible work! You guys are one big talented group of beaders!!!
Makin' Beads
Hello All. It's been a while since my last post. I have been busy making beads using different natural materials. (Clay, paper, stones/rocks) In fact I have enjoyed this process more than completing a finished piece. However, earrings, bracelets, necklaces, and pendants have found their way into my new expanding bead stash.
Pictures will be available in September for viewing the beads and some of the things I have created with them. I am falling a little behind in my schoolwork, beading is addictive.
Until then, Happy Beading
Pictures will be available in September for viewing the beads and some of the things I have created with them. I am falling a little behind in my schoolwork, beading is addictive.
Until then, Happy Beading
Thursday, August 9, 2007
My July Page- Pink Lily
Hi everyone,
I finished my July page this morning.
You can check it out on
I finished my July page this morning.
You can check it out on
Ancora foto di luglio
ho caricato qualche altra foto della pagina di luglio, non sono molto nitide e il fiume non è evidente. cercherò di caricare le ultime foto domani.
non sono molto sicura di saper cucire bene le perline, mi sembrano sempre troppo "tirate" o troppo "lente", magari con il tempo imparerò...ciao, matilda.
non sono molto sicura di saper cucire bene le perline, mi sembrano sempre troppo "tirate" o troppo "lente", magari con il tempo imparerò...ciao, matilda.
August Progress
It has been an interesting journey so far and I am sure that will continue. I have updated both my BJP blog and my main blog.
I have added the ability for people to sign up to receive e-mails when I update my blogs so if you are interested feel free to do that. Just look on the side where it asks you to sign-up.
I am having a wonderful time doing this and learning a lot about different processes as well as about myself. Keep up the great work everyone, I never fail to be impressed with everyones work and their personal journeys.
Happy beading, Angie
I have added the ability for people to sign up to receive e-mails when I update my blogs so if you are interested feel free to do that. Just look on the side where it asks you to sign-up.
I am having a wonderful time doing this and learning a lot about different processes as well as about myself. Keep up the great work everyone, I never fail to be impressed with everyones work and their personal journeys.
Happy beading, Angie
July finished :-)
Hello fellow beaders
I've put on-line my July page here.
After some days of holidays, I'm going back to my August page with great pleasure.
Again a big Thank you, Robin, for this idea.
CarollPublier le message
I've put on-line my July page here.
After some days of holidays, I'm going back to my August page with great pleasure.
Again a big Thank you, Robin, for this idea.
CarollPublier le message
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
Per te Robin
un paio di link per te, Robin: i conigli più famosi del mondo
la tua pagina di luglio è bellissima, ho perso un bel po' di tempo a guardare tutti i particolari...
grazie per i tuoi apprezzamenti sul mio lavoro
a presto, matilda
la tua pagina di luglio è bellissima, ho perso un bel po' di tempo a guardare tutti i particolari...
grazie per i tuoi apprezzamenti sul mio lavoro
a presto, matilda
July Finished
This is the third time I have tried to post this evening, Blogger keeps rejecting me when I try to post.
I have finished my July page and posted pictures to my blog if you care to have a peek.
We will be taking a few day vacation and I will be contemplating my August page while we travel. I have the background fabric basted to the timtex and the plan will be to finish on time this month. I still haven't decided how to finish the pages, but there will be long cold dark winter evenings in front of the wood stove to complete the backs, and method of display.
I have finished my July page and posted pictures to my blog if you care to have a peek.
We will be taking a few day vacation and I will be contemplating my August page while we travel. I have the background fabric basted to the timtex and the plan will be to finish on time this month. I still haven't decided how to finish the pages, but there will be long cold dark winter evenings in front of the wood stove to complete the backs, and method of display.
Catchin' Up
Hi Beady Buddies....
I finished my July page several days ago. I didn't finish it in July, but I was close. (I hope finishing the back doesn't count....I still need to finish the back of my June page) :-)
Anyway my completed July page is here
I've got August in my head....just need to put it into beads.
I finished my July page several days ago. I didn't finish it in July, but I was close. (I hope finishing the back doesn't count....I still need to finish the back of my June page) :-)
Anyway my completed July page is here
I've got August in my head....just need to put it into beads.
This one was tough....
I finally completed July after being unable to bead for a few weeks. I am so glad it is done and I can move onto August. I am really hoping this one is a bit easier and gentler. When I started this I never thought that much about how much of a journal each page would truly be, but it is amazing the thoughts, feelings, emotions, etc. it brings up as I work my way through the month. Has anyone else been having this experience?
If you want to check out my last page or extended ramblings lol, you can find it here. July Page.
If you want to check out my last page or extended ramblings lol, you can find it here. July Page.
My Idea for next Hair Barrette Page.
I have written some things about the next hair barrette that I want to do for my BJP. If you are curious check it out here.
Happy beading.
Happy beading.
Finished? Suggestions welcome.
Hi everyone. I've fallen a little behind on the project the last few weeks (Life keeps interfering with beading time, imagine!) However, today I this far on my third page, "Dance"
If anyone has suggestions, I'd be glad to hear them. I'm treating this project, at times, as a kind of extended doodling session - and I'm beading in the same way that I might start cartooning or drawing on a pad of paper. In this case, I don't know if the doodles should be more connected somehow.
Hope you're all doing splendidly - beading and enjoying summer.
If anyone has suggestions, I'd be glad to hear them. I'm treating this project, at times, as a kind of extended doodling session - and I'm beading in the same way that I might start cartooning or drawing on a pad of paper. In this case, I don't know if the doodles should be more connected somehow.
Hope you're all doing splendidly - beading and enjoying summer.
Monday, August 6, 2007
July Page Progress
Today I updated my blog:
I am done with my summer show and getting ready for my
fall show in Alabama.
I am done with my summer show and getting ready for my
fall show in Alabama.
ancora pagina di luglio
finalmente ho risolto, così sembra, i problemi di connessione e quindi posso inserire qualcosa della pagina di luglio.
in effetti il lavoro è più avanti, ma non riesco ad avere belle foto.
chi volesse vedere come sta venendo può cliccare qui.
ringrazio per gli incoraggiamenti ricevuti.
ora procedo più spedita e allegra.
ciao matilda
in effetti il lavoro è più avanti, ma non riesco ad avere belle foto.
chi volesse vedere come sta venendo può cliccare qui.
ringrazio per gli incoraggiamenti ricevuti.
ora procedo più spedita e allegra.
ciao matilda
Winds of Change
I started my August page, I am two days into it.
It is so much freer than my last pages.
Plus it is easier to do.
Go figure!
I can hardly believe there are some people already done.
What will they do the rest of the month?
It is so much freer than my last pages.
Plus it is easier to do.
Go figure!
I can hardly believe there are some people already done.
What will they do the rest of the month?
Sunday, August 5, 2007
Morro Memories
Finished my August page this morning by putting the foam on the wave. Of course I still have to finish the edges,but I have a month to do that before it is displayed at our County Fair. I used beads from our Central California Bead Society Challenge to do this page. Morro Bay is one of my favorite places on the Central Coast. Check out my blog for a peek at the real Morro and my representation.
I have a doozy planned for September. It's called " I-5". It will be a representation of the Central San Joaquin Valley. Can't wait to get started on it.
I have a doozy planned for September. It's called " I-5". It will be a representation of the Central San Joaquin Valley. Can't wait to get started on it.
Progress Report
Nope, I haven't finished July yet, no excuse except entire family being home for a visit and not enough hours in the day. I have been working on my page and am within a few (2) hours of being finished. I do have my August page bouncing around in my head, but that will need to wait until we return from vacation. I do have a beady post on my blog if you would be interested and I would like to have comments if you have an opinion. Thanks, SueUn
August Page Complete
I got into a zone yesterday and worked for about 10 hours straight and finished up this morning. Now to tackle the mountain of laundry that has developed since I started this journal project. Take a peek if you'd like.
BJP progress,
progress report
Saturday, August 4, 2007
Friday, August 3, 2007
July's Finish
I have finished July's page for those looking.
Check it out here.
There are some awesome pages out there.
Kudos to all of you.
Check it out here.
There are some awesome pages out there.
Kudos to all of you.
bisogno di incoraggiamento
ecco qua, già ad un'impasse.
due settimane di imprevisti e di noiosi contrattempi hanno fermato entusiasmo e lavoro...
passerò qualche tempo ad osservare i vostri lavori, ho bisogno di un po' di incoraggiamento,
due settimane di imprevisti e di noiosi contrattempi hanno fermato entusiasmo e lavoro...
passerò qualche tempo ad osservare i vostri lavori, ho bisogno di un po' di incoraggiamento,
If you want to look go here to see the beginnings of my August page and the finishing up of August. It is at the end of picture heavy post and if you don't want to see it, don't go there!
Of course there is chocolate wisdom and and tea with chocolate.
Finished with July!
Hi everyone! I sooooo much enjoy peeking at all of your wonderful pages!!!! Those of you who aren't peeking have some mighty wonderful work to see when you're ready!
If you are like me (can't wait), you can see my finished July piece here. I still have not decided what I'll do with the 12 when they're finished; but I have no doubt that something will develop in time.
I'm so very happy that a few of you made comments on my blog about the Quilt Journal Project way back in April. Without your enthusiasm, I never would have started the BJP. It's so much fun... but even more, it's motivating me to jump off the high board into the deep end of art! Yay!
Robin A.
If you are like me (can't wait), you can see my finished July piece here. I still have not decided what I'll do with the 12 when they're finished; but I have no doubt that something will develop in time.
I'm so very happy that a few of you made comments on my blog about the Quilt Journal Project way back in April. Without your enthusiasm, I never would have started the BJP. It's so much fun... but even more, it's motivating me to jump off the high board into the deep end of art! Yay!
Robin A.
Thursday, August 2, 2007
August start
I started my Aug piece a week ago. I've got the center piece of it done, mostly. It's a stylized lotus flower, it looks a bit like a columbine because it's got 3 main petals but the center is lotus-like and I've added 3 other smaller petals.
The water is what I am working on now...but don't really like it. I'm sticking with it, even tho I think the currents shown are too turbulent.
But maybe that turbulence is exactly what is when it comes to the meaning of the piece. More later.
The water is what I am working on now...but don't really like it. I'm sticking with it, even tho I think the currents shown are too turbulent.
But maybe that turbulence is exactly what is when it comes to the meaning of the piece. More later.
Some More July Progress...
There are lots of reasons I haven't gotten farther along, but I'm grateful for the beadwork which really keeps my sanity in my out-of-control life! You can see it here.
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
July's Journal And August's Start
I have updated my blogs and now have my journal for July done and my background for August ready to go if you would like to see them. (BJP Blog)
Today is also the official start to my transformation and details are in my main blog.
Thanks for all of the love and support and keep up all of the good work. I have been so inspired by what I have seen so far. I can't wait to see the pieces from those waiting for September to share, it should be amazing. -Angie
Today is also the official start to my transformation and details are in my main blog.
Thanks for all of the love and support and keep up all of the good work. I have been so inspired by what I have seen so far. I can't wait to see the pieces from those waiting for September to share, it should be amazing. -Angie
August Page - and stretching the color palette
My August page is underway - This is a real stretch for me because this color palette is so not me - so not me. In fact, despite my plan to only use beads that I already had for this project, I had to buy some orange beads because there were none in the house - not one. I'm kinda' getting used to these colors though I really want to toss some of my familiar standards in there - a bit of blue or purple but so far, there doesn't seem to be a spot for them. Take a peak at the August Tropicana page if you'd like.
Finished the White Wizard Barrette
Had a great time thinking about this and beading it. You can see the finished barrette here.
Have a super-kali-fragilistic-expialidocious day!!
Have a super-kali-fragilistic-expialidocious day!!
Finished, just in time! Now to start planning the August project. I'm really enjoying this process and like my July piece way more than the June piece, but both have their good points. If you're into peeking, check out my blog . I love looking at all the work people are doing and am so impressed by the varied pieces I've seen!
Cheers all,
Cheers all,
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