Monday, December 31, 2007
Happy New Year everyone
I did not work on my December page at all and will be doubling up next month. I did post one Christmas gift as it reminded me so much of my pages. Link below.
Nancy K.
Big Beady Hugs to All!

I'm counting my most special blessings at about 242!!!
The inspirations and joys of beading
together with all of you since June
are so much more than I ever imagined it could be...
way beyond my wildest dreams!
I'm extremely proud of us all
for sticking with it
through the difficult times
and for our collective accomplishment!
It is truly beyond my ability to express
how grateful I am
to be a part of this,
to share mutual support,
to grow as an artist.
Warm beady hugs to each of you
and my wishes that
all the blessings of love, friendship,
peace and adventure
will be yours
in 2008!
Robin A.
Dec project done
Sunday, December 30, 2007
Best Wishes for the Coming Year
Sue in western WA
Friday, December 28, 2007
Finally starting December!
Wishing everyone a peaceful, joyful & creative New Year!
With aloha,
"Piggy" Barrette BJP
Have a Happy New Year of Beading.
December page finished
Here's the link
Cyndi L
Layers Upon Layers
Jewelry & Beading
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
December BJP
Here's the link to my page.
December journal page
After a nice Christmas holiday I send you my best wishes and a link to my flickr
Just now we enjoy a landscape white by snow and both December and January it inspires me very much.
Monday, December 24, 2007
November Page Accompli!!
Happy Holidays, everyone - may all your wishes be fulfilled in every way that is good for you.
Here's to Peace on Earth. Cheers!!
Merry Christmas to everyone!
Merry Christmas/Season's Greetings to you all!
You can check out my BJP on my blog,
Beadily yours
Susan Feldkamp
Night Beader
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Holiday Greetings!
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Friday, December 21, 2007
Merry Christmas

I send warmest wishes to everyone from Downunder, hope those of you in the colder climates don't freeze over the holidays, and for us in warmer climates, lets hope we have a great sunny day on the 25th.
My December page is now on Flickr for your perusal, I didn't put the month on this one as I think the month will be rather obvious.
Peace on Earth and Goodwill to all
Merry Christmas
Nospoj - Dinah
Happy Holidays
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Happy Holiday Wishes
I hope everyone has a wonderful, joy filled holiday and takes some time for themselves during all the hustle and bustle.
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
saluti a tutti
volevo però segnalarvi una idea di un'amica italiana, Giovanna che ha pensato di scambiarci gli auguri in un modo un po' speciale. chi volesse può guardare qui e qui.
I am little a fugitive in this period, but you are always in my thoughts. I am working to the plan, even if slowly...
I wanted but to signal an idea of an Italian friend, Giovanna that has thought to exchange the auguries to us in a special way who wanted can watch here and here.
excuse for my ugly english...
ciao matilda
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Holiday Greetings
May these next weeks bring joy and happiness to all of you. Happy Holidays!
View My Card
Please vote!
In the meantime, I've joined the behinders... Christmas, BJP, commenting on all of your wonderful work, housekeeping... EVERYTHING is on the back burner while this book is being born. Please forgive me... I WILL catch up as soon as I can.
May your Christmas holidays be filled with the blessings of love, family and friendship! Love, Robin A.
Saturday, December 15, 2007
my December
pam T. (Wisconsin)
Sept & October
thanks dot
btw...we got 4 inches of snow today & my Scotties were in heaven!
Friday, December 14, 2007
Thanks Denise!! It made my day. Denise was following the story of how my newest dog ate my wishbone that was beaded and sent me two wishbones! How fun to open a package that I wasn't expecting and receive something that will just make me giggle while I am beading. They arrived safe and sound. Although I would have loved to have seen the customs officers face if they opened a small package declared "art supplies" and found turkey bones!!!!! Thanks again!
(p.s. November is here!)
Thursday, December 13, 2007
November BJP Complete
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Still kickin!
Does anybody else have this problem?
Either way, I have September and October up, and a little something else I've been playing with, too.
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Whew...out of lurking
I've got to take a moment here to brag. My beaded doll Sparkle is on the back cover of the new Lark book "500 Handmade Dolls" I was so excited to see this. Also, in the new Feb 08 issue of Doll Crafter and Costuming, I had an article on beaded art dolls called " The Podlings". That one was so delightful for me to do & the staff were just great to work with. MOF, this is my first real PAID article!
Please check out my blog to see the pictures, and I promise to keep updates a bit better. Also my new website was launched. Hope to get more beaded dolls there too.
Monday, December 10, 2007
What kind of surface do you bead on?
A question...what kind of surface do you bead on -- what's on top of your work table, that is? The reason I ask is that I'd like to find a different solution from my current one. I copied what a friend of my does, but it's not working that well for me. Her solution is to use a rectangular piece of felt where she has little piles of beads scattered around. The beads don't roll at all and do tend to stay in one place. As she's working, she just dips her needle in to whatever bead pile she's choosing in the moment. When I do this -- and it must be the way I try to "scoop" them onto my needle -- the needle catches in the felt, sort of snags it, and beads get flung clear across the room!!! Not all the time, but enough to be really annoying now. So could some of you help me out here? What's a good solution for my work surface?
Thanks so much for any tips,
Christi, in WA state
Sunday, December 9, 2007
no new progress for me, but some cool drawings...
Kassie - The Beading Butterfly
Just in the Nick of Time
September, October, November update
I just realized that this puts me half-way through this amazing journey...
Saturday, December 8, 2007
December page finished
I've just finished my December page.
You can view it on my blog HERE.
I wish you all a wonderful Christmas time :-)
Friday, December 7, 2007
October in December!
Hope everyone enjoys their holiday season. I hope to read more of the blogs to see what everyone has been up to lately. Enjoying this group is like a present!
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Please stop by my blog to see the page and let me know what you think. This time I used a piece of fabric that had a photo on it. I'm happy with it.
Maybe I can get October's done before the end of the year!
I'm also happy that I'm blogging - learning a lot about making the blog my own, which is something I've wanted to do for a long time.
Enjoy the holidays, everyone and no stressing over beading... That's my rule for this yule...
Monday, December 3, 2007
Christmas Greetings
I'm rather proud of myself as I'm almost half way through my December page, can't beleive I'm ahead for a change! Having said that everything else is way behind. Don't think I'll have time to send out Christmas Cards this year so I resurrected my old web pages.
Come and see what an Aussie Christmas is like
Oh yes and the photo's are therefore old as well
Happy Holidays
Dinah - Nospoj
December page finished

Dashing through the snow...
If you want to read my post about it and see additional photos, please feel free to visit my blog.
aka GraceBeading
Sunday, December 2, 2007
Beaded Houses
This is my first post to this group (to any blog, actually.) So this is my introduction, my update on my progress, and my expression of gratitude to all you BJP beaders who have been posting regularly. I check this blog almost daily and I'm so inspired by being a witness to everyone's process. Thank you!
I have completed my first five pieces and I'm in the middle of November's BJP. I created a new page on my website titled, Houses-BJP, where I am posting my completed pieces. I am so excited about working in a series that has the structure of the format I decided to use. My biggest growth so far has been how I have struggled with being a behinder and now pulling out of that and feeling more or less on track.
Happy Beading,
Jennifer W.
Cleveland, OH
Saturday, December 1, 2007
November BJP finished!
My camera isn't working so I scanned the piece doesn't do it justice but will get more batteries tomorrow.
Since we in the states celebrate Thanksgiving in November, I wanted my page to represent my biggest thanks. My daughter, Stephanie. I used a metal frame to hold a picture of her and then beaded around it in her colors of browns, blues and greens. I used some stick on letters from the scrapbook store to spell her name and cabochoned around each letter. The entire piece feels great to touch and I smile each time I think of the blessing of my daughter.
Check the page on
Beadily yours
Susan Feldkamp
night beader
Friday, November 30, 2007
November page completed

My November page is done...
Link to Hunter's Moon
I Just Start
I start my page each month. That's the goal. To start it. To have an idea that I can engage in.
If for whatever reason I don't finish it within the month, I don't wait to start the next months because I'll loose the feeling of the month. To that end, September's has been started but not finished, October's is finished and August just needs a few more beads. November is a very busy month for me and I am going to start it today - I have got the square, the idea and the beads, I just have to start, which I have time to do this afternoon and this evening after work.
I also don't feel compelled to fully bead a whole square, it can be anything, an image, or a design. October's is the top of a tree with leafs that are in full colour. There is lots of space to see the material and it just adds to the look.
I would like to suggest that we don't worry about the final product, and focus on the original intent. It will probably help you feel better.
I hope some of this helps, if all else fails, bead - 'Guilty' on the square, and then move on!!!
Cheers, Denise
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
feeling like I failed...
Is anyone else with me like this... and what are you doing about it... Is changing my size and shape to a smaller venue and starting all over, is that the way to go...
Flicker Photo's Etc.
Fibula Pins and Bob Dylan Dream on Robin's Blog
Hugs to you all... Robin A.
My October Page is done
Happy beading!
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Way behind
Just looked at the Flickr page and there is lots of exciting pages going up, can't wait to everyone's all compiled in the Spring.
November ending...but here is September
My September page flows with the colors that I enjoy the most, this piece also has "washi paper, fabric, fabric softener sheets, beads of course & a message"......SIMPLIFY everything!!!
Don't ya'just love it when you write here & it goooooes pooof!!! ack & ugh
Anyway my October page is started, then comes November & December...can't wait to start them all!!!
Monday, November 26, 2007
November page
Happy Beading everyone, Nancy K.
November page
Photos are posted on my blog.
Take care,
aka GraceBeading
Whee! November Page Done
Cheers all,
Sunday, November 25, 2007
The Cheshire Cat Barrette Finished!!
Friday, November 23, 2007
November's Done
Hope you all had a blessed Thanksgiving...for those who celebrate! I am so grateful for this group & all of the lessons I've learned along the way! And for hearing from so many talented people! Thank you all for your input! When you're working away in your studio alone, it sure helps to get some feedback! And thanks, Robin, for getting us together on this project! It really has been a challenge!
Warmest aloha,
Thursday, November 22, 2007
"Fire" Update - 2nd Quarter BJP
Kassie - The Beading Butterfly
The Cheshire Cat Barrette
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Cheshire Cat
Bead On!
Swim between the Flags - November BJP

G'Day everyone,
I don't know about you all but as soon as I finish a BJP page I can't wait to get to the computer, scan it and upload it to show my 240 new friends!
I'm back to work tomorrow night as my 'beading' holiday comes to a close. It's been a relaxing and very productive fortnight. I've completed my orders, all my Christmas shopping has been completed and my November BJP. Lucky I'm going back to work I might get bored!!!
My Page this month is dedicated to a marvelous group of trained volunteers, the men and women of Surf Life Saving Australia. The Australian Government has declared that 2007 will be the Year of the Surf Lifesaver. It will also mark one hundred years since the formation of the Surf Bathing Association of NSW, the organisation which went on to become SLSA. If you'd like to know more visit this web site
Oh yes the little blond surfie on there is my son,this was taken when he was about 2years old - now 17! Photo is also on our Flickr site
Bye for now
Monday, November 19, 2007
October Completed
I think one of the best parts of this project for me though has been a wonderful new friend I have made. We met when I walked into a shop to buy some beads for my first month and happened to mention why I was buying them and found a fellow BJP'er there. Well, one thing lead to another and she has become a true friend. I find we spend as much time just sitting and talking about anything and everything as we do beading or metalworking or anything else we are inspired by that day. I am so grateful for this group and the support that everyone offers. Thank you all for sharing this with me and thank you Robin for all your time and efforts.
Trilly/Lisa D
Pokey in the Palouse
Here it is.
Updated photos
aka a2susan
October BJP - Completely Complete.
November is still in the planning stage, but if all goes well I should have some pics up soon.
As I start in on the half-way mark for this project I can't help but reflect on how much we've all managed to achieve at this point, the wealth of talent we have the privelege to be among, and the joy of sharing our passion with each other. How quickly these days have passed, and how much I'm looking forward to the days ahead.
Hooray for us all!
Sunday, November 18, 2007
November Done
This was not always easy to work on, but I felt compelled to do it even so. I have discovered that while nothing ever makes the pain of losing your children go away, there are things that will help you. Working on this page helped me avoid what has become a yearly bout of depression.
I'm ready to start a new page now. Something a little lighter in spirit this time.
2nd Quarter BJP - Teaser
Kassie - The Beading Butterfly
Air (first quarter BJP) Done!!
Kassie - The Beading Butterfly
Saturday, November 17, 2007
November Preview

Well it looks like we may finally be at peak color here in southern Maryland. My page for November is ready for beads although most of them have been shipped to Kentucky the first leg of my upcoming 6 week journey to share the holidays with both sides of our family. The really good news for me is that Wayne should be home shortly after I get back, less than 2 months left, yeah!
Although a bit busy with preparations for being gone so long over the holidays I finally made some updates to my blogs and my website.
AKP Bead Journal Project Blog
Artistic Kreations and Passions Blog
Artistic Kreations and Passions Website
Friday, November 16, 2007
Suspense, Nails & November Progress
You can see my progress well as read about another lesson learned below my BJP post! Ack! I really need to write a book on what not to do! ;)
Happy Aloha Friday all!
Chshire Cat
My story is a little long...but I guess since these are journal pages the story is just as much a part of doing the page as the beading.
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
October pictures finally posted!

Above is a little teaser from my October BJP, which is all about respect for my body... a radical change in attitude goes along with this piece, and it all started with Angela Plager's July BJP. There are links to her pages, the story behind my piece and pictures on my blog.
Everybody's work is so awesome! Checking this and member blogs and our Flickr page is such a pleasure.... Robin A.
November Spiral piece done
I also did 3 squares for the 2008 beaded quilt for Bead It Forward ; Check it out here. This is for monies for Breast Cancer so if you are not yet involved, you might consider it - all squares are only 1 1/2" so they don't take that much time. This year's theme is the rose.
Have a Beady Good Day! Karen
November for sure
In keeping with what a journal truly is, I changed my mind about which of my (many) pages I want to use for November. You can see it here.... (wow, i have wayyyyy too much time on my hands)...
pam T. (madness)
November page is finished
You can view my November page (and a lot of other artwork) on my blog HERE
Happy beading to all
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
September - revisited
I also worked on my next square - which still needs a little work, so I haven't posted it.
I did another starfish - a friend wants me to write directions, which is a huge challenge for me. I'm now working on a little starfish, with only 2 inch arms, rather than the 4 inch arms. Are they arms or legs on a starfish, since the starfish uses them to move.....
Monday, November 12, 2007
October page
I finally finished my October page today. I had finished September, at least for now. It may need more work, I hardly did anything on it.
You can see both pages and lots of other pictures on my blog. Link below. It may be slow if you have dial up as I posted a lot of pictures recently from some trips I have been on and my fall color changes. I don't get a lot of changes where I live in northern CA, but enough to remind me.
And Robin, I was in your neck of the woods, in Port Townsend, WA last weekend indirectly for the big knitting retreat at Fort Worden. It was a lot of fun.
Happy beading (and knitting) all. Nancy K.
"The Cheshire Cat" Barrette BJP
Late but still kickin...
Sunday, November 11, 2007
September complete
The shield in the middle is my old school badge, St Michael and Michaelmas is celebrate on 29th September.
That date also happens to be the birthday of my sister closest to me in age. She is 13 months younger than me and as a child I hated in only the way a sister can.
You will notice that the background is actually a bandage. This was another thing we had in common, eczema. The treatment when we were young was be covered in this oily ointment and then the afflicted areas were covered in bandages. I was fortunate as its only affected me on my knees and elbows but my poor sister could quite often been covered from head to toe as if she was a mummy. The red and yellow stones/beads represent the blood and then the yellowing crust of eczema.
One of the reasons I hated my sister so much when I was younger was that she also had really bad asthma. She spend much of her younger life in hospital, fighting for breathe or her eczema was infected. Her shoulders were constantly hunched over like a little old lady, wheezing away. So the buttons in the background represent her with her shoulders squeezed really tight.
Surrounding the badge, is the Harvet Moon. I loved this time of year in the UK when I was younger, the turning of the seasons. We would have a harvest festival celebration at the church and all the kids would bring some gift of food which was stacked at the altar.
The border is embroidered with my very poor stitching in "wheatear" to symbolise the harvest festival with its corn dollies and the crop from the fields. The colours are green and white of our school tie.
On the outer edge I grouped 6 red beads, knotted the thread and then put on more beads, always 6 to symbolize my family - 4 sisters and my parents. I used 3 threads, only one was beaded and then I plaited them together. I have learnt over the years that although I hated my sister when we were younger, despite all our differences, blood ties us together forever. We may have our disagreements, our falling outs (frequently) we will always be family.
November done
pam T - madness
Saturday, November 10, 2007
November Page Completed
Friday, November 9, 2007
A Little Late, but started!
You can see what I've decided so far here!
Happy Aloha Friday & Happy Veterans' Day to all you vets...including my DH!
With warmest aloha!
October 'Under the Sea'
I am out of order with my pages but they will all come together in the end which is what counts I hope ;9
I've added the page to Flickr as well
Ellen aka Kiwi Ellen/Dollie Bead
Thursday, November 8, 2007
You can visit my blog at
August encrusted page

I also found that I was comfortable not completely filling the page to the edges.
Another Month Completed
Are many of you doing the same thing? Making sure that you complete the current month before moving on? For me, I decided that part of the challenge of this project would be requiring myself to finish each month in order, as I often start, and never complete projects.
Happy Beading Everyone,
Trilly/Lisa D.
September Done
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
November bjp finished
Tiny Vintage Seed Beads
I would have been smarter to keep these auctions to myself, so there wouldn't be any competition.... guess I have to sign out as: Robin A, the dunce.
Bead Quilt
Making web pages better for indexing with the search engines
This post is some tech info for those of you having web pages, whether you develop them or have someone do it for you. I'm writing this becuase many people (even some people that you pay to do this for you) don't know how to set up the site's home page for proper indexing by the search engines and I have developed a theory. Of course, this is "just my opinion" so take it for what it's worth. But if you google "cloisonne" or "enamel jewelry" I come up in the top 3 so something here is working. To give some credibility to my theory, I'm a beader, enamelist, metalsmith and author, but I have a masters in Computer Science and made my living programming new data networks for AT&T Bell Labs. I work on my own website and do volunteer work for others like the Enamelist Society.
My notes on how to get better indexing with the search engines are at:
Feel free to email me if you have questions on this. I hope it helps someone. Karen
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
New Page Begun
The Tortise Strikes

Sunday, November 4, 2007
November start
It's a difficult page for me to work on, but I feel like this will help me resolve some feelings I can't seem to put aside.
- Add a tag "BJP" on all your uploads (Tags are like keywords or labels that you add to a photo to make it easier to find later.). If someone clicks on that tag, all your bead journal photos will be grouped together. If you have already uploaded your photos, there is a tag column at the side where you can add tags.
- When you upload your pics try to use the largest pixel size you can. I generally use 1600, I have noticed that some pictures are very small and just don't do your work justice.
- Flickr is not a photo storage site. If you want to keep the original size of your photograph, back it up on a CDR or an external hard drive.
- I am working on a Wordpress blog where I am putting each person's work grouped together on a page. This was in response to Robin's question on the Flickr group discussion page:
'The pictures seem to be ordered according to when they were added to the site. Does anybody know if it is possible to set the order alphabetically rather than by date added?If they were alphabetical by artist, then we could continue to notice how each of us is developing a unique voice.'
I have informed Robin of this page and she seemed keen on the idea. I am now asking the group if that is OK. Thus far I have only used the Flickr pages, by copying and pasting. Its that basic but it is good to see all of one person's work grouped together on one page. If you don't post to Flickr but would like to have a page on this Wordpress group, please send me your attachments via email. I have broadband so large files will be ok.
time and weather change...
Everyone's BJP work is absolutely gorgeous... I think everyone is getting better and better and more creative as we go along.
Happy time change/weather change to everyone... good days for beading...
pam T (madness)
Saturday, November 3, 2007
A little more progess on the first quarter...
Kassie - The Beading Butterfly
October Page Progress
The wind and rain are whipping against my windows today so it's a perfect day for staying inside and beading! I'm continuing to enjoy and be in awe of everyone's beautiful work.
October page posted

I finished my page for October yesterday. This is the first time I can remember working with raku pieces and enjoyed it immensely. I am on a quest to find more.
Click on the link in my signature below and you will be taken to my blog for a full page photo.
Take care,
aka GraceBeading
Friday, November 2, 2007
September's Page Finally Posted

Finally! I've been taking an on-line class in web design (CSS & XHTML)... comprehensive, but way too geeky/technical for me to learn easily... all text-book, not much hands on... study and memorize. Yesterday I took and passed the final exam, so today I finally got time to post my September BJP here. Above is a little section of it showing my latest bead embroidery invention: ruffles!
October is also finished, but I still have to take a picture of it. Dare I promise to get the camera out this weekend??? Ok, yes, there's Flickr to be done as well. Crack the whip, start November... move along little doggie....
Been LOVIN' everybody's work!!!! Robin A.
Thursday, November 1, 2007
The time has come . . .
Received word last night that all six semi-finalists for the All Dolled Up: Beaded Art Doll Competition are up on the Land of Odds website and ready for voting. My Galilea has some fascinating competition. Please remember you can vote only once -- all votes will be checked at the end of the voting period for duplicate isps which will be disqualified.
If you know anyone else who would be interested in voting in this competition, by all means please forward the link to them.
Go to and check out all the shapes and beads and wild imagination . . .
Kathy V in NM
Photos for display
October page completed
The October page is here for your viewing amusement - it really is a fun and light hearted page, despite all the skulls.
October's page is finished!

October's page features a beautiful set of fossils I purchased in Old
Town San Diego this summer. It also has Heshi beads, 2 different
types of wood beads (all 3 my dad left me) bronzy square pearls, size
11 & 15 seed beads as well as 2mm bronzy/coppery sequins. I didn't
realize how small 2mm sequins were until they came in the mail. Size
15 seed beads almost cover the sequins. I finished the piece at 12:09
am November 1st just a teeny bit late!
It was fun to do but I think the 2mm sequins will be better glued onto a collage page.
Beadily yours
Susan Feldkamp
Night Beader
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Bead Embroidery class These kids are absolutely awesome.
Publish vs. Save Now
Think I've got the answer... maybe...
When you write a post and are ready to make it official, you must click Publish Post (not Save Now).
If you start writing a post and get interrupted, you can click Save Now, which saves it as a draft. To get back to it, click on Edit Posts which is one of the tabs above the posting window. Read down the list to find the post you started. Click on edit to re-open your posting window with the original draft. When it is complete, click Publish Post.
Also, in case you didn't know, you can always edit one of your posts, either immediately after writing and viewing it or any time later. Follow the steps above.
Hope this may help a little. Robin A.
No Moving Pictures, Please
The most important reason for this is that we are a HUGE blog with 892 posts already. Movies take up a lot of the limited space allowed by Blogger. I wouldn't want us to get cut off by Blogger.
The other reason is that many of our member do not have high speed Internet. For those of us who don't have this luxury, movies cause the blog to load very slowly, which is frustrating when you want to check for new posts on a daily basis.
Thank you for respecting this request. Robin A.
Very Small beads
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
A Month of Sundae's

G'Day Everyone,
I have finished my October page and here is a teaser shot, the full pic is on our Flickr site. No I haven't forgotten August and have been working on it along with this one but it's still not ready. I have a two week vacation coming up in November, four more work days and counting! Have every single day of the fortnight planned. Beading, beading, a concert - A tribute to Lennon and McCartney - and of course a 'girls night out'and then more beading.
Cheers Nospoj
PS Happy Halloween to all who celebrate it - BOO!
Journals, Keeping Track of the Journey
Journal Quilt
butterfly wings
Monday, October 29, 2007
Saturday, October 27, 2007
September BJP Finished
Behinder Beader in NH
However, August languishes 3/4 finished and October isn't even a plan yet. Maybe I should do a tongue-in-cheek October page with just one bead sewn to the center with a single fringe tail and call it "catch up"!
who is getting ready to head to AZ for the winter
October Done
You can see my latest page at: I will also post it to Flicker sometime this weekend. On to November.....
Arline L
Friday, October 26, 2007
October Done Early!
Have a great weekend & fun Trick or Treating!
Oct. BJP
October Bead Journal Project.....
October is dedicated to one of my doctors who married another of my doctors: Maria Cristina Segovia and Deep Ramachandran.
Thursday, October 25, 2007
First time posting...
1. I live in Alaska and go like crazy during the summer only to crawl into my bead cave during the winter (which is here now!)
2. My computer died (no, it really did!)
3. I am a procrastinator except when it comes to beading.
Here is my website with photos. I am still working on writing the descriptions etc.
I look forward to seeing what everyone is doing and hearing from you.
Cheryl Lacy
Finding Peace within beading
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Flickr how-to's
Update BJP Flickr + Help!
Five months into the project, and some have already posted pictures of all 5 of their pages. When you click on any one of them, it takes you to their Flickr home page which shows all of their posted work so far. Pick a few you like and try it... Awesome!!!
And, while I'm here, may I encourage each of you to take a few moments to update your Flickr page (if you're already there) or join the group and add your photos (if you're new to it).
HELP!!!! Would someone please write a brief post about how to get started with Flickr and how to put images on our BJP Flickr group site???? Please!OK, I admit it... I'm behind too... I haven't posted August on Flickr, and I haven't posted Sept. on either my blog or Flickr. Yes, it's on the list....
Robin A.
October Finished!
Cheers all,
august complete
As I said before the theme was my 50th birthday. On the day I was born, Elvis was number one in the charts. When I was 10, the hippies and the peace movement were to the fore. By the time I was 20 and at college, the punk movement had arrived. When I was 30, I was a mother of 2 and the Simpsons had been created for the Tracey Ulman show. In 1997, a bright new world was opened up to me with the arrival of our first PC and the Tellytubbies arrived, acknowledging the fact even babies were not immune from the effects of TV. Now 2007, the world is dying beneath our feet and very cause has a ribbon.
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
A little more progress...June, July, & August
Kassie - The Beading Butterfly
Which WIRE for seed beads?
TIA for any advice,
Christi in WA state
Storage and Organizing
Trilly (Lisa D.)
Monday, October 22, 2007
Bead Storage
I like them so much because I can rearrange them according to the project I'm working on, easily take any ones with me when I travel and they take up very little space. Because the 4x6 box is clear, you can put your boxes out and look at all your colors easily. I store in boxes by color, but that's easily changed if you want to store by size or some other characteristic - that's the rearrangeability issue.
24 of these 4x6 boxes fit in the bottom section of the Jewelry Tote from Joann's - on-line or at stores - but wait for a Joann's coupon to get it as it's not cheap.
Okay, so now some info (more than you need?) on my labeling system... I don't label the 11s, but I put a Blue dot for 15s, a red dot for 8s and a green dot for 6s. You can get a box of dot labels at Walmart or other stationery places. On the side of the tube, I put a small rectangular label for where I got the beads and the re-rorder number so I can get them again. Lastly, I put a "more" label on them if I actually have more than fit in the tube (I think the largest tube home 30 grams). I label the boxes, Blue 1, Blue 2, Blue 3, etc. on both edges of the box and keep them stacked on my shelves. In box 1 of each color, I put the non-size 11s so that I always know which box holds the 15s or whatever (but I am spilling over to Box 2 with these!). Now, the only thing I have left to organize is the list of bead numbers I have so I don't keep buying the same beads again! This is TOO much for me to organize now, but one day I hope to have this list.
So, for those of you looking for a stoage system, I hope this is a good tutorial. But again, it's just my opinion and the way I like to work. Hope it helps someone out there. One more thing... there are rip offs of this storage system out there so beware - the one I know about is at Walmart - their tubes are hard plastic, only come in one size and are not fully rectangular as they taper at the bottom and thus don't fit into the box nicely (you have to store every other one upside down).
Two quotes from my local bead store to make you smile:
Just let me bead and no one will get hurt.
I didn't cause your addition, I only support it.
Have a Beady Good Day. Karen, the bead hearted babe
Meaning of Stones
here's a site for meanings of animals:
Who knows if they are accurate, but I use them! it's good to have them on-line so you can do a browser "find" on what you might be looking for.
Good luck. Karen
Just a quick question - not about BJP
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Sept. BJP
Thanks for your comments. It's great to be able to interact. Sandy
Falling in a Beading Vortex
Signing posts and photos
I'm seeing some artists' work that I'd love to see more of, but that's impossible without a name or at least their blog or website.
bobbi (beadbabe49) kirk
Sept. BJP
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Task lighting: for beaders and for reptiles?
After experimenting with full-spectrum incandescent bulbs and finding they were not the same as sunlight, the color was off a bit. I got a OTT lamp (the foldover desk kind) and was disappointed with the illumination but not the ability to see color correctly. I even got the lamp on sale but still cringed at the price because it's not really used for general purposes and the replacment bulbs are expensive too. Because the illumination isn't the greatest for my failing eyes (and I wear bifocals too) I end up using a regular lamp as well as my OTT.
I feel totally wasteful using 2 lamps and I continue to search for the perfect lighting.
This morning I looked at a FM link that Kathy V in NM posted and yes, still cringed at the price because I can't really justify buying a second lamp. LOL and I guess I have issues with spending money!
I decided to search for comparions between OTT bulbs and other kinds of bulbs and reptile lights/bulbs came up. Hmmmmmm. I found this article discussing the differences between full-spectrum and wide-spectrum bulbs. and Scroll down to item #3 So, what lights do produce UVB?
this one discussing UVA/UVB needs for reptiles and the differneces between bulbs. Scroll down to the chart that shows the illumination between the different bulbs. Btw, both webpages show OTT lights in comparison with other bulbs.
Mary Timme said *In her book Prescription for Quilters, a physician who keeps up on these things write about the amount of light we need to use as we age. As we age say in our 50's we need nearly twice as much light as we needed at 20. At the age of 70 we need 75% more light than we needed at 20.*
From this I get that humans need the same spectrum as reptiles and I noticed that a lot of the reptile lights have more LUX or illumination than the OTT light. And they are way cheaper in terms of price. I do believe that specialty lamps such as the OTT light for crafters are priced higher, it's a marketing thing and there is a difference between a fluorescent desk lamp look and a fluorescent fixture. Although in terms of style beaders lamps leave a lot to be desired.
Soooooo, has anyone experimented with reptile lights? Is there a difference (besides style) between a bulb/lamp marketed to beaders and one for reptiles?