October's page features a beautiful set of fossils I purchased in Old
Town San Diego this summer. It also has Heshi beads, 2 different
types of wood beads (all 3 my dad left me) bronzy square pearls, size
11 & 15 seed beads as well as 2mm bronzy/coppery sequins. I didn't
realize how small 2mm sequins were until they came in the mail. Size
15 seed beads almost cover the sequins. I finished the piece at 12:09
am November 1st just a teeny bit late!
It was fun to do but I think the 2mm sequins will be better glued onto a collage page.
Beadily yours
Susan Feldkamp
Night Beader
It's beaufitul Susan!
The little bit of sequins showing around the edges of the size 15 seed beads make the background to this piece glow! Without the sequins it would be rather dull, but the way you did it compliments the pearls and polished surface of the fossils beautifully. All of the elements, including the cross shape in the center, work together to give a luscious sense of unity. Yummmmm!
Very nice. I love ones that are completely beaded. Sandy
This is so wonderful -- your choice of beads highlight those ammonite fossils perfectly!
Kathy V in NM
Just bought one of the ammonite fossils last month. This is a glorious way to use them. Really liked your colors too. The sequins add so much to your page, but 2mm? Arghhh!
Thanks everyone for all the kind words!
You should see it in person the light brown wood beads are about a 6 mm and the brown wood beads are probably 3 mm so they make a wooden fence around the fossils.
It wasn't planned out, I usually let the beads tell me what to do next. Sometimes it's beautiful to me, sometimes so, so
Susan Feldkamp
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