I have started a section of my website just for the Bead Journal Project (Angie BJP) . I am including a section for photos each month and a journal/blog for each month. It is definitely a work in progress and I am learning as I go, luckily Macs are very user friendly. My main website is (Artistic Kreations and Passions ) and if you want a direct to my main blog it is (Angie's Blog). I won't be putting all of my BJP into my main blog although I will include some references to it.
Hope you enjoy and good luck with all of your projects, Angie
Hi Angela! I have a Mac, too and had to use Firefox to see what everyone was talking about.
I love dragonflies! Nice work.
Your site is gorgeous as well as your art work and photos. I will be checking often.
holey moley that is a fine fine piece of work!!! I am in awe!
Thanks everyone, I seem to have a thing for Dragonflies and butterflys, maybe because they go so great with flowers.
I keep playing with my website and tweaking it but I couldn't do it without my i-Mac. I was totally sold on getting it once I figured out what I could do with it. I am learning new things all of the time about how to do something new on it.
Hi Mac user...me too! We have three Macs right now. I mainly work with my eMac, but DH has the big boys on his side of the room. Had to say...love the purse! That is totally awesome. Man would I love to see it in person, but can't get to the B&B show. Loved your other pieces too & the dragonflies of crystals are great.
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