I'm Tally from Hamburg/Germany, living outside the city.
This morning I wrote about my entrance to this wonderful project on my blog. Because I'm not sure if I use the piece I'm just working at I can't show it to you here. I would be very happy if you have a look.
Reading blogs for me is about looking at pictures. Since I'm new to beading except a little here and a little there I can't post anything else so I decided to publish a picture about the place where I am beading - if the Hamburg weather allows it. This year is beautiful and I'm enjoying every minute.
I'm glad being in this project. Connecting worldwide is one of my lifepurposes.
Hi Tally -
I'm Denise D. from New Hampshire. I also enjoy beading while outside - such a perfect way to spend a day.
The idea of making the beaded "page" removal for jewelry is a great one!
Hi Tally,
I followed your link through to your blog - I loved the page from July 2006 of your time in Africa. If your beading is going to be about your travels - then you have a wonderful palate to play with. Your pictures were gorgeous - the colors suberb! I saw at least 6 months of 'pages' in that blog page alone!!
I remembered enough of my high school german to get the majority of what you were saying in the blog.
Welcome to the group.
Karen - Kwiltin' Momma
S. Ontario - Canada
LOVE the prayer flags in the background :)
As long as it is warm, this is the IDEAL studio! Hi from Portland, Oregon, land of frequent rain.
This is sooooo inviting! I'd love to be sitting in the second chair beading with you right this minute!
I have to say that is just beautiful.
It looks so relaxing and inviting.
I have to agree with Robin, I would love to be in one of those chairs , sipping tea and beading the afternoon away.
Oh me time to go clean my patio off.
Thank you all for your nice words.
Karen, your comment about my Africa blog feels so good. It was a lot of work to get it done. There are many more days to cover, so your words are a good motivation.
Acey, H.H. Dalai Lama is coming to Hamburg in July; my monthly theme is fixed.
Yes, it would we nice to have a chat with beading women sitting at my garden table.
Robin, I would love to see you here in person with all your spirit.
What a beautiful relaxing space in which to bead! I'd love to have a cup of tea and sit and bead with you!
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