Sunday, June 17, 2007

500 years of women in art

I just received an email with a link to this video on Youtube. I apologize if I'm the last person in the Universe to see this and you've all seen it before. If you haven't, it's really amazingly done and I hope you enjoy it. Someone has compiled 500 years of women's portraits in art and blended them together with music into an interesting sort of "journal." Click here to view. Enjoy!


Mary Harding said...

thank you for sharing this video with us. i had never seen it before and found it to be very poetic. i really enjoyed it.

Artifax said...

This is too funny! I was just drafting my blog post for this week and was going to include this video. It is awesome! I loved trying to identify all the portraits :)

Timaree said...

I started to watch but on dial-up it was taking way too much time. Someday hi-speed will be available where I live. I feel like I am about 500 years behind!!