Here's my page for last month. Have blogged about it here.
Am I the only one who feels the process is getting more intense and true to itself with each passing month? I can't believe I almost dropped out in the second month. This project has become part of each month's backbone for me and I'm starting to have some separation anxiety about the fact that it's over in May ...
I'm feeling more connected to each month as the year goes on...and I'm not sure I'm going to stop in may...I'm considering binding options that would allow me to continue to add to the first 12 pieces without taking away from them.
it's wonderfull, una vera esplosione di luci...
Yes, I agree that it is getting more intense and true to itself... good way to put it. I also like your way of thinking of it as the "backbone" of the month.
As BeadBabe suggests, you don't have to stop in May. Although I'm getting ahead of myself a bit with this comment, I'm definitely thinking of running the BJP again next year with open enrollment for new members in May.
Acey, I'd have missed you soooo much if you had dropped out... Thanks for sticking with it... I love your work, as you know.
I too am glad you didn't drop out! Your art work is thought provoking and exucuted beautifully!
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