Thursday, May 31, 2007
It's June 1 in Oz
The big day has arrived and it's the first day of Winter here in Australia. Woke up about 10am to a beautiful sun shiny day and got right to my first project peice. It's also my first attempt at bead embroidery and two hours later I've needed to take a break. I've now fallen in love with bead embroidery and can't wait to get back into it. So bye for now have fun on your first 'official' project day, I know I am!
Nospoj - Dinah
I was lucky enough to stumble on this project over the weekend. Something caught my eye in my email box which led me to the net and there was the story about Robins journal. It was only moments later I was on her site reading all about it. It didn't take long for me to know this was a message from above. I read Robins book quite awhile ago and even corresponded with her a little. I understand and love how she "works through" things through her beadwork. I've done that in the past but in my busy life these days with my shop and new hubby it doesn't always seem like an option. I am currently pondering something and that is why this project appealed to me so much. I really need something to help me "work through" my issue so here I am!
I got myself a paper journal to jot down my ideas as they come to me, I have an awful memory! My head is full of wonderful things I'd like to do with this journal. I also write down meaningful words or phrases to inspire me. I'm keeping track of some of you too, your blogs and web sites.... so notes are abounding already.
I began my project immediately as I knew exactly what I wanted to say this month. I love, love the idea of visual journaling and it is my plan to show stages and events in my life as I travel through this great experience. I'm trying to set aside time each day to work on it. Very difficult, but if it means I have to get up an hour earlier I am willing to do that. This has really struck a cord with me and I am looking so very forward to seeing everyones progress as time goes by.
I've blah blahed enough, thanks for letting be a part of this group!
Hopefulheart, because I have just that.
One Little Question
Happy Beading!!
Hello from Southern California
I'm Laurie Silva, and I live in Southern California. I heard about this wonderful Bead Journal Project through the jewelry website. I'm not amazed at the number of participants at all; I know there are thousands of us crafty, artistic types who will always find each other.
I have been creating something since I was very young, about 8 or 9....(my first project: a knitted poncho, using red worsted weight Red Heart yarn, with white yarn fringe, and I knitted it on a pair of aluminum size 11 needles). I think the fact that I can remember all those details illustrates how meaningful creating is to me. I've done knitting, crocheting, woodburning, leather stamping, fabric dolls, quilting, polymer clay, gourd work, lapidary, and beading. I can't claim to be an expert in any one technique, but I teach classes in various creative methods here in Southern California, at the City of Ontario Community Center. I do it to try and get more people involved in handcrafts. It's always great fun to see someone pleased with their creation, and very happy that they made it themselves.
-- Laurie
you have inspired me ...
~~~~ WOW ~~~~
Beadin' Gram
My Mind has been Spinning
Bead Journal Forum
I already have a forum on Delphi, so I am very familiar with how they work. I contemplated starting a Yahoo Group, but this way our sharing isn't as private, we would have the opportunity to invite other friends to come see what's going on with this project without the worry of having to make them an official "member".
I'll try to find some time to add images and make the colors more appealing, but I am also trying to get ready to exhibit at the Bead & Button Show. Shawn, the hubby, needs to leave in our truck no later than Saturday morning, and I fly out with the rest of the employees on Tuesday. Sooooo...if I don't get it all gussied up before I leave, I promise to do so as soon as I return.
I'll also send invites to everyone listed on left, so everyone knows what's going on.
To post to a Delphi forum, you just need to sign up (no need to worry, they keep your personal information totally confidential) and then post away. Nothing tricky about it.
Here is a link to the forum itself:
and here is a link to the Delphi membership page in case you'd like to pay for something more than the basic plan. (not needed to post)
~ Beki
Well, it's begun
I imagine there's a lot of us waiting to place that first bead so that we can see where our imaginations will go.
When I get back from the errands and the 'must-dos' of raising grandchildren I'll be basting the first block to the stabilizer and outlining the area I'll be beading. I may even begin a little bit of the "path" that I'm eventually going to place on the rest of the page.
At some point before the weekend is over I'll post pictures of the beginning here at my crafting/beading blog
It's time. I'm ready. And I can't wait to see what everyone else is doing.
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Hello on a Warm Seattle Evening
Greetings from southern New Mexico!
My beading experience up to a year ago had been that of embellishing 16" fashion doll costumes for many years. Last year I decided that all those gorgeous beads I had accumulated over the years needed to be put to extraordinary use and I made every daughter (four of them), daughter-in-law, sister, sisters-in-law, cousins, etc. an amulet bag -- twelve of them in all. Needless to say I have been beading steadily ever since -- beading seems to be even more addictive than designing for those dollies!
No blog established yet, but I am sure it won't take long for it to happen with all the excitement this project is generating.
Looking forward so much to the coming year and everyone's beaded journal!
Kathy V in Las Cruces, NM
Reading & Writing Comments
In the meantime, I'd just like to encourage you to write comments on the posts and to check back from time to time to read the comments on any posts you write.
To make a comment, click on comments at the bottom of the post. A new window will open where you can see any comments already there and write your own. If you haven't already signed in on the Blogger dashboard (top right corner of the blog), you'll be asked to do that before you can publish your comment.
At the bottom of each post, you'll see the word comments preceded by a number. If it is 0, then there are no comments for that post. Any other number will indicate how many comments have been made on that post. To read, click on the word comments, and they will be displayed in a small window. Often the comments contain very interesting information and tips.
Any web-savy member out there who might take on the challenge of setting up comment notification for us? I went on the group help list and found out there is a way to do it so that the post author gets notified by email of any comments made on their particular post. So, there IS a way, but it's "Greek" to me. Please email me privately if you want to/can take this on. Thanks.
Blogger search function
Look up in the left-hand corner of the page. you should see a orange box with a white B in it, the blogger logo. to the right of that is a search box and just to the right of that is a clickable link labeled: SEARCH BLOG.
type in whatever specific phrase you want in the search box. click on SEARCH BLOG (or press the enter button).
you'll get the results of your search and all posts will have the searched for words in those returned posts only.
here is an example: search for the words: timtex. you'll find 4 posts (so far) that mention that word. LOL, actually you'll find 5 once I post this post. :-)
the more specific you make your search the fewer posts you'll get in return. if you search for the word bead, you'll get a ton of posts.
the search function is great for those days when you know you want to refer back to something you read last month but you can't remember the title or who wrote it. or if yo're like me and occasionally have brain fog.
i hope this helps in your daily blogger journaling.
Hello from Milford, PA

Now I'm totally into beading, using some of my enamels and metal work. Here is one of the dolls I've made, using an enameled face. And here is a wall piece that incorporates a Cloisonne brooch that can be removed for wearing.

I go to teach at an art's camp for 6 weeks ( - I have previously set up their enameling and beading studios so I'll be leaving soon. But I plan to take my beads with me so that I work on my BJ for June and July.
I wait to see what everyone is doing. Have a beady great day! Karen L. Cohen
Greetings from Santa Barbara
This is my first blog, so I hope it works! I'm Pam from Santa Barbara, and I too saw this project on "about". It looks like it's going to be a lot of fun. I'm really happy to be a part of this group. I've been beading for 5 or so years and am part of Vista Point Artists (check our site out on the web if you want). Also, I'm in the midst of a Round Robin project of bead embroidery. There are 7 of us and we each have a doll floating around the Country. Mine is a mer-man to keep company of a mermaid that I made last year. I also do a bit of teaching at a shop up in San Luis Obispo; mainly to beginners teaching the students different stitches. So, that's it from the Central Coast of California on a windy, foggy day. p.
I live in La Center, Washington which is so small that we don't have a traffic light. Imagine my surprise when I saw that there is another from here. Hi, Friend to be.
I mostly bead on Wearables but couldn't resist this opportunity-love Robin's things and took a class from her when the conference was in Portland, Oregon.
I don't have a blog, so pictures will have to wait for Sept. Sandy in La Center
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
blog mania
Anyway, comments on my blog will be much appreciated.
Go Ahead and Blog! Take a look and let me know what you think. (I don't know how to make that a link.)
One of the reasons I didn't want to start a blog was that I wanted to be able to put my own stamp on it - give it it's own look. Blogger is so easy to use that I obviously went with one of their templates. Now I need to figure out how to add links and such which is another skill set that I've wanted to learn, but haven't been so willing to spend the time doing so.
I really want to thank seasoned bead embroiderers for putting in hints and such. I haven't done much bead embroidery, but I'm looking forward to it.
Thanks for your encouragement - this project is going to be FUN!
Aloha from Makaha!
Tentatively Excited
In addition to beading, I sew, quilt, paint, embroider, cross-stitch, etc., etc., etc. I also care for my disabled husband and for my mother. The profession that found me is information technology and I am an IT director for a gaming resort.
I do not want to fail in meeting my promised beading, so I've put away everything else to bead for the next year. I am not used to having only one project going at a time, so wish me luck!! There are so many incredible beaders with this project, I am in awe. Some time ago I was asked from whom I would take beading lessons if I could, I answered, "Robin Atkins." Now, I am part of this huge project she is pulling together. What a blessing!! Thanks so much!!
P.S. Here it is toward the end of June and I've not stitched a single bead yet. I am moving right now so my life is in chaos. I hope to get settled into my new country home soon. I have the first page all planned out and I've gathered the bits and pieces for it. The theme for the first page is sort of "When I was young". At this mid-point in my life, I've been reflecting on all the people, places, and things that have come into and out of my life. Everything that brought me to where I am now. So, we'll see what comes out in the journal. Beading Blessings to all.
a warm southern california hello
so why the explanation? because i thought joining in would give me a great opportunity to stretch my left, non-dominate hand ability & eventually get my right hand involved again. i'm dying to bead (actually to do anything creative and hands on) and even if it might not look like my normal beading it will be something i can see grow and change as the next year rolls through.
i also love the idea of a growing, inspirational group of people who support each other as a community. i love robin's work and love that i get to work with so many who love to create beautiful, tactile things.
thanks for reading and let the beading begin!
so you can see what my right hand is capable of by clicking here
Just A Tip
I am making my journal 6" x 8", so I can get four journal pages from one sheet of Eazy Felt.
I am excited about the Bead Journal project! Thanks, Robin, for pulling this idea together!
Caren Goodrich
I am going to approach this journal from a different angle than I have seen posted here so far.
Whoops! Maybe I had better introduce myself - I'm Karen McCleary and I live in Barrie, Ontario. That's in southern Ontario about an hour north of Toronto. Close enough to the city to have all of the perks but still far enough to feel like I'm not in the middle of the urban jungle....
I have played with beads on and off since high school - and we won't mention how long ago that was....I am mainly a quilter but have added beads and sparkly stuff to pieces whenever I could. Lately I have been experimenting with jewellery but my main focus with beads is in Crazy Quilting. I am replacing all of the threadwork and ribbon work with beadwork and have been experimenting with making beads emulate the various embroidery stitches. I call it Crazy Beaded Patchwork.
This will be the focus of my journal for the year - translating embroidery stitches into beadwork. I may also work some color theory in there.....but for now the main thrust is the playing of beads in embroidery stitch form. Since I will be stitching with the beads onto crazy patchwork I am planning on making the final size of each monthly piece about 81/2" x 11". This will include the 'fabric frame' around the crazy block.
Many of the stitches will be 'tried' out on Timtex first and then a final version will be stitched onto the crazy patch. I have hauled out a large 3 ring binder that I am hoping will house the final project - with a nicely beaded cover, of course....
I, too, work best to deadlines and thought that this monthly deadline would keep me focused and on track.....
BTW - my nickname is Kwiltin' Momma - and since we have more than one Karen - that's how I'll sign off.....
My name is Cheryl and I'm a bead-aholic! :-) I've been beading for many years although I haven't done much bead embroidery. And I've been journalling for about 1-1/2 years. I'm so excited that through all the blogs I've read, I was able to find this project that incorporates both beading and journalling. I think this will be a great adventure. I've set up a blog to document my progress.
I'm looking forward to this journey we are beginning!
Hello from a2susan
Monday, May 28, 2007
Hello to all you beady-eyed beaders!

My name is Lynne (LinMoon), hailing from Southern California. I have been thinking about joining the BJP ever since I read about it, but just couldn't decide.... Of course, I imagined it as a quilt-sized monthly project, done mostly by experienced professional beaders, of course.....But it seems we have all kinds of people - that's the best, I think. It wasn't until I saw that Robin was going to do a postcard size, that I realized that I could commit to that. So it is with some trepidation and great excitement that I join all you very creative and superbly intelligent beaders! I've only done one bead embroidery - pictured here. It was inspired by a design on a button. Some of you have already started your beading, so I guess it's "Beaders, start your engines!"
Thanks, Robin, for your great idea.
You can visit my blog here.
Deadline Daredevil
My name is Linda Teddlie Minton, and I'm in Houston, Texas. I started out as a quilter back in 1993, moved into longarm quilting for customers, and have recently given up professional quilting-for-hire, in order to concentrate on my own artwork.

Sunday, May 27, 2007
Beading Affairs
My first affair with beading started several years ago when I needed some extra money and my sister suggested that I make and sell beaded jewelry. I bought the book "Creative Bead Jewelry" by Carol Taylor, bought some cowie shells, bone, and black onyx beads and made a banded cloth bracelet. Many of those bracelets sold for a good price. My oldest son (18 years old at the time) showed me how to tie and knot the loose ends. By that time, he took an interest in beading using wire and the beading loom. All of that looked difficult to me; I wanted to stick with string beading. However, he showed me how to use the beading loom to add variety to my beading. After making some really beautiful pieces, my son lost interest in beading, but I didn't.
My second affair with beading was when I was a home health aide several years ago. I was sent to an elderly client (89 years old at the time) named Dot who lived in a one-room apartment. When she opened her front door, my mouth flew open! She had surrounded herself with all types of crafts. She had all kinds of beads and a beading loom, fabrics, muslin dolls with hand painted faces, mirrors and pictures decorated with beads, and many other sewing projects in progress. I knew then that the agency had put me in the perfect place.
Dot showed me some weaving and looming techniques using acrylic, glass, and seed beads.We spent many hours talking and sorting tons of seed beads by color and size. Dot was the kind of client that wasn't fussy. My visit with her was two days a week for 4 hours each. She would sometimes tell me to leave the cleaning alone and help with her beading projects. She inspired me so much that I made two wooden beading looms. Talk about inspiration! I no longer have Dot as my client nor work as a home health aide but will always remember her.
I like to use cowie shells, glass beads, seed beads, bone, and rocks in my beadwork. Five years ago I made a few wall hangings using quilting and beading that look contemporary. However I may need a refresher course. Lastly, I am grateful to all who have lead me to the BJP.
I'm sorry I'm not able to post any pics at this time......I'm being told I need to update my browser. hahaha It's always something
Other than taking a couple of EGA correspondence classes in off loom beading, I have experience in beading other than the occasional use of bead embroider for CQ embellishment. Bead embroidery is something I've wanted to take up for some time, and although I have a number of excellent bead books (including several of Robin's), I've just never gotten around to working at it.
The Bead Journal project should be great for me, as I seem to need deadlines to complete anything. I plan to do as much experimentation as I can, exploring different techniques and fabrics. I believe a small format will work well for me, and I will leave alternating 1 inch side margins so I can decoratively stitch pages back to back. Well, that's the plan; my more immediate problem is deciding what to take in the way of supplies for my anticipated 3 months away from home this summer. I will not have regular access to a computer, so I'll be missing out on the fun and interaction of this talented group.
You can see the limited amount of beading I've done here and here.
Looking forward to a great adventure,
Nancilyn aka Fiberdabbler
so glad to be here!

with 3 days to go
Still not sure where my pieces will be going and what they will be on but it will be a wonderful experience all the same. I am really excited about all the work that is going to be produced by this projects .
I will no doubt post blogs entries and picture teasers on my textile blog at PUDDLES OF DREAMS.
Good luck everyone.
Excited, pelltex, beginnings
I'm looking forward to all the wonderful creations! Bead on - Heidi
Saturday, May 26, 2007
Happy to be here!

BJP Announcements + Thanks!
Participants ~ Just a quick note to let you know our group, started only 3 weeks ago with a single post on my blog, now has 154 participants - way, way more than I thought we might get! Heavens... we already have 99 posts on this BJP blog, which is more than I've managed to write on my personal blog in a whole year. Way to go!!!
Deadline ~ I want to remind you all, in case you have friends who are thinking about joining, that the dealine is only 4 days from now... May 30th. I'm planning to be firm about the deadline.
Posting pictures of our bead journal pages ~ I've been following the discussions about showing picturs vs. not showing pictures. I'd like to propose a three month grace period... Let's not show any in-progress or finished project pictures until after September 1st on this blog. You are welcome to show pictures on your own blog or website before that, and you are welcome to make an announcement about it with a link on this blog. That way anybody who wants to see can go take a look; those who don't want to see don't have to look. After September 1, we can all post pictures here if we wish. Does this plan sound OK?
Thanks ~ Some of you have been writing some very complimentary things about me and my books here... BLUSH... I just want to thank you so much and also to thank you for giving your energy, heart and time to this project. We will have a fantastic journey together!
Hello Everyone..

I LOVE Bead Embroidery & I usually cover the whole thing -whatever it is - with beads, like this tree which I use for my signature over at Bead Art forum
Yes it's still unfinished & you can call me the Queen of UFOs if you want LOL I had intended it to be the top of tin for a shrine but now I can't find the tin, so maybe I'll find another use for it one of these days or the tin itself might even turn up
I have & love both of Robin's books although I can't blame her for my addiction to this form of beading. I will say she helped flame the fire, so I'm very grateful to her for that. I was inspired to try spiral bead embroidery by the late Cindy McCornack & later got Robin & Amy Clarke's Beaded Embellishment which IMHO is a must for anyone doing bead embroidery the first time.

This was my first attempt at spiral bead embroidery - The Mermaid Betty Boop & no one was more surprised than me when her face actually worked out like it did.
I've decided to use either 4" x 6" or 6" x 6" now that Denise has pointed out how small 4 inches is. I am thinking an ocean theme seeing I live at the beach & have a passion for mermaids - I got some nice ocean flavoured fabric on my recent trip back to New Zealand, which should be perfect for this journey we're all about to start.
I'd really like to make 'Art' Quilts that are not totally beaded, along the lines of what Thom, Robin's talented brother, makes. So this Bead Journal Project will be the perfect time to experiment in that direction
Thank you Robin for starting this project & bringing such a varied group of bead minded folk together, what a fun year we have ahead of us. I know that this will help us all to grow as artists
Hi, Everyone!
Buy nothing new
Growing the ideas in my mind
Another Frenchie :-)
I'm glad that Robin have accepted me to participate into this great project.
Although I'm rather a stitcher, I LOVE beads, since I've discovered Robin's work and bought her first book in 2001.
I'm sure that this project will wake up our creative fire !
I'm not a blogger, but I'll add a page on my website, devoted to the BJD and where I'll put the scans of my monthly pages.
Happy beading to all
in South-West of France
Friday, May 25, 2007
Timtex question ...
Timtex is a stabilizer / backing - I suggest you 'Google' Timtex and all will be revealed! It was originally used in the brims of base ball caps, then someone started using it to make fabric bowls plus it is absolutely brilliant in the making of handbags - they stay in the most perfect shape!
For me it's not hard to bead through - it's perfect for what I use and the way I work but, the difficult to find in stores in Australia. I'm looking to create pages that have stability, that will hold magical things and stand up to years of fondling!
... to Robin ... you are it all! The first time I saw your work it took my breath away and I thought, I want to be like this woman when I grow up ...LOL!
I'm inspired and motivated by Robin, but won't neccessarily be producing a similar style of beading, a little here and there, for sure. As for the ... well that's part of the fun of this project!!
Ooops sorry ??? can't add this to the comments on my previous post ??? so have posted it ...
Beady Hugs,
Acid-free interleaving paper?
Thanks, Christi

I feel so blessed and so vulnerable all at once. I have been beading for about 25 years, although not seriously.... adding beads to tatting projects, making necklaces, beading on shirts for my daughter, etc. I took a beaded design class in 1985. I made about 50 projects then, but they were all done in a similar manner with the design pre-chosen. It was basically just a learning about spacing and the effect of beads against one another. These are made up into hairclips and pins; VERY pretty, but I can't bear to part with them for less than they cost me! I am a quilter first, and have occasoionally added beads for accents on my pieces.
I am living in a beautiful part of the Northwest and have the beauty of the sea and trees and mountains as my inspirations. I also have used sunprinting as part of my inspiration for design. I will probably use my sunprinted fabrics to bead on for this project.
Here is a photo of my Queen Anne's lace piece. I beaded all the florets of the flowers, and used a piece of irregular marcasite for the center "witch" in each flower.
Timtex Question
Beadin' Gram
Blogging Question
Everyone else's looks so cool and I'm not so sure I have the time to devote to making it look the way I'd like it to. That's the first dilemma.
The second is that I've journaled in private for so long - so how do I begin to write publicly? The thought of the entire world having access to what was once private is mind boggling to me. What do I write about?
The third is that it seems to take a lot of time to maintain.
How many of us have begun new blogs in the past month?
What advice can you seasoned bloggers give me? Is there a good reference site? Is Blogger an easy site to use?
Many Thanks!
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Greeting and meeting everyone

This is the beadwork net from a mummy, an Ancient Egyptian mummy---from the Ancient Egyptian wing of the Royal Ontario Museum. (Just to remind us that this is an ancient art....) Isn't this way cool? I thought so...
Hi--I just spent an enjoyable hour and 1/2 or so--clicking on each person in the sidebar--looking at their blogger profile, and if they had a website or blog, I then went there and checked it out...what fun! talk about inspiring--this is a great group of beaders, with a whole lot of talent...
I see quite a few folks here have started new blogs, also--welcome! I have been blogging a crafty, bookish, artsy (and sometimes slightly political) blog for about a year now and I have met so many interesting people and can click here to visit my blog.
If you're looking for inspiration then ...
The interesting talk on inspiration has prompted me to to share with you the greatest inspiration and motivation that any BJP'er could wish for!
You'll find all you'll need to know - and more, amongst the pages of our leader Robin Atkins', books!!
In Beaded Embellishment by Robin Atkins & Amy Clarke I learnt about backing my work with tissue paper, recommendations on the size of needles to use, how to test your beads (imperative if like me you are beading for posterity) and much, much more!!!
I've ordered One Bead at a Time and can't emphasise enough, for anyone new to this or looking for a refresher to devour the books by our/my GURU Robin Atkins and you'll never go wrong.
I have no affiliation with Robin, just doing my own thing down here in Australia, hoping that what I mearn might help others on this marvellous journey!
Another tip from me; I'm using Timtex for my pages. Large and small fabric / stabilizer operators in Sydney have looked at me blankly when I ask "Do you stock Timtex"?. Fortunately I found... where the lovely Sarah sent me one metre by Express Post and now work here has begun ...Yay!!
Beady Hugs,
My name is CC & I live on the island of Kauai. I am really honored to be able to participate with all you wonderful bead artists! I got so excited about this project that I actually made up a blog! I've been an artist my whole life, & I've wanted a blog or web site, but never set one up until now. So you can find me at At least I hope so! :) I'm not sure I'm doing all of this correctly yet! And I know I'll be asking for bead help along the way!
Mahalo & blessings to all!
Size Matters
Denise here. I was so excited by this project and spring is so here in Ottawa, that I made up a 4x4 square in that fresh new spring green and started beading. I managed to get half my idea done and alas, not enough space!
So I have revamped my size. I thought 4x4 would be enough space. I wanted something that I could manage. Is there any rule that says that I have to bead the whole space? Not!!! I decided to go for 6x6! I think it will give me enough space for the big ideas and if at any point, I have less time, or less ideas, I'll bead less that month or hmmm... use bigger beads? Can't you just picture a square with all pony beads?! hahahahaha!
Anyway, don't cut all your squares until you are sure that you have picked a size that you are truly comfortable with. Fortunately, I only cut 3 squares at 4x4! That's not too bad eh?
Cheers, Denise
Another Aussie!!
I have been beading for about 3 years, mainly bead embroidered dolls with a bit of jewellery in between. I am currently playing around with bead knitting and micro macrame and am going to attempt tatting - I don't know if that can incorporate beads, but I'll give it a good try!!.
I am hoping that by participating in this project I will be able to grow in creativity, shedding the self imposed restrictions that I constantly fight against (I have an inner 'neat freak' that loves symmetry and harmony and freaks out whenever i think "freeform" - *rolling eyes in exasperation*). This has already been somewhat of a liberating experience as I have been inspired to start a blog - something I never thought I would do. Now to master some of the other technical stuff like getting photos from the camera to the computer.
I have pretty much worked out my first page ~ an idea jumped into my head and refuses to be ignored, after that, well, we will see!!!
Best wishes from 'down under'
Joy >i<
To Post Pictures of Work or Not? That is the question...
This is a theme that seems to be popping up all over the place for me lately. I understand both sides - the desire to be inspired and the desire to be original. I find myself remembering things I was told in college - "it's all been done before, in one shape or another."
How many times have you created what you thought was a completely original piece, only to see it done independently on a website, or in a magazine, or in a book? It happens to my sister all the time.
I think that getting feedback and encouragement is also a big part of the process for me and that I will post.
If I have an inspiration for the page and I can get a picture of it, I will probably post both. Oftentimes, though, my inspirations are memories and those are difficult to photograph!
Please to meet you all...

I'm Linda. My home is in Halifax, Nova Scotia.
I've been beading for over 30 years (with some gaps to pursue other crafts and writing). I joined the project very early but am tardy in introducing myself. I have, however, been reading the entries.
I design and make jewelry and teach bead work as well as doing non-functional work. Although I love doing off-loom work in general, I am most partial to bead embroidery. My journal is going to be personal...visual images that express (I hope) what I'm feeling over the course of the next year. I've decided to mix media a little as I like to draw, write and work with photographs. It's going to be a real challenge - but I've started (just a little ahead of June) and am really enjoying the process.
You can meet my work at Born Under A Bead Sign, if you're so inclined.
This is my first time posting to a blog, so please for give me if my I do something wrong!
I've been beadworking for about 16 years, lampworking for 10 years. I've done mostly off-loom beadwork, herringbone, peyote, square stitch, RAW, and brick. I taught myself lampworking ( and my first beadweaving was learned from a book; those wonderful little triangular brick-stitched earrings gave me the beading bug. I'm mostly self-taught with beadweaving, except for peyote stitch and beaded knitting. I took a peyote class & bead knitting class at Skyloom Fibres, a wonderful bead/fibre/looming store that used to be here in Denver. The teacher was Charlotte Elitch, an expert in all kinds of beading and fibre arts.
I'm 52, (53 in July), a Colorado native, am involved in Border Collie Rescue, if you need to reach me, my email is:
Beadwork has gotten me through a lot of health issues; I have lupus, fibromyalgia, Asperger's syndrome, asthma(severe at times) and am bi-polar. I've had to have both hips & both knees replaced in the past 3 years, (due to lupus) had to deal with infection from one of the hip surgeries.
Spirituality, music and beads have helped to get me through everything. Plus I've found that you have the choice daily whether to be happy or not; it's all in how you take things! I choose to be happy, it's not only more pleasant for me, but it's much easier for my husband and others to be around me.
I play guitar, (classical and folk) and kantele, (a sort of Finnish harp). The kantele has such a gentle, healing sound; I do believe that if everyone on earth had a kantele and played it daily, there would be no more wars! It's a truly magical instrument. If you want to hear some sound samples, go to:
I love old time radio shows such as Fibber McGee & Molly, Our Miss Brooks, The Shadow, X Minus One, Suspense, and all of the others, too numerous to mention.
I'm a huge fan of Prairie Home Companion!
I love all music, especially old time Big Bands, rock, blues, classical, Mariachi music, old traditional African music, reaggae, old scool hip-hop, (Grand Master Flash, Run DMC, Digable Planets etc.) everything except "soft rock", (Celine Dione and her cohorts all sound alike to me). I don't care for modern Country, except for the Dixie Chicks and Mary Chapin Carpenter. My absolute top favourite mucicans include: Glenn Gould, Ry Cooder, Pete Seeger, Mike Seeger, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Garmarna, Hedingarna, Merle Travis, Mississippi John Hurt, Robert Johnson, Loituma, Frigg, Wimme (traditional Saami joiks), Varttina, Big Mama Thornton, B.B King, Balkan Beat Box, Joss Stone, James Gang, Stan Rogers, Mike Seeger, Pete Seeger, Pat Donahue,..I could fill pages!
Needless to say, I'm always listening to music while beading!
This beaded journal project will be interesting & fun!
Evalynne (Lynne)
Show and Tell
For me, my blog (beading at the beach) is all about my work and I will be showing my bjp pages as I work on them there. So, if anyone is worried about being influenced, please just don't visit there.
As for unduly influencing some of the more inexperienced participants, that's going to happen anyway since the web is full of more experienced folk's work. And I don't think anyone is going to keep off the web for the first three months of this project?
Also, my understanding of this project is that it's major purpose is to share our work and to inspire and be inspired by each other. And frankly, in teaching beadwork I've found that I can be as inspired by a brand new beader as by a more experienced one.
So, I'd vote for posting as we go along, if you're comfortable with posting.
I'd also like to hear some more opinions/suggestions about this...
Up for the challenge!
My name is Barb and I'm so excited to be part of this project. Most of my work is in quilt art, but I've always wanted to expand my use of beads. I'm finding that having a deadline really helps me get things accomplished, so I'm really looking forward to some stretching and growing in this project.
One quick question--if we don't want to "show and tell" as we're going, should I not post pictures to my own blog?
Thanks for having me!
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Question about Comments notification
Thanks for your help,
Greetings from South Australia
I am so thrilled to be taking part in this. But REALLY nervous too. I have never touched a seed bead in my life, or embroidered in any form. I have wanted to for a long time, and with a little boy who only just turned two and seems to have more energy and....ahem... spirit (?) than most two year olds i know keeping me busy, i have just never gotten around to it. This challenge is a great way to introduce myself to bead embroidery in a slightly more creative and abstract way that i had intended, and i look forward to stretching myself in that way.
I intend to journal about what is driving me that month. Whatever the biggest thing in my life or the overwhelming mood or theme of the month is to me. I guess given my lack of free time (my son doesn't sleep or enjoy playing safe games when mummy isn't looking) i will probably do several sparse entries and several denser ones - i have a few in mind already. One about having a positive attitude and faith in my ability to try and succeed at this, and one about the dominating theme in my life right now - the juxtaposition between a deep love for my wonderful little boy, and the feeling of being trapped by his routines and need for me to be with him while he falls asleep (including several times during the night at the moment!).
I have been making jewellery with beads for a couple of years - i don't make a great volume of pieces, but what i make i am generally happy with and proud of (until i make the next piece, then i am convinced the last was amateurish and embarrassing...hehe). I would like to sell more than i do, but the market is somewhat flooded right now. Plus, i tend to make what appeals to me - something i want or need or love - so i don't want to part with a lot of my pieces. I want to branch out and be a jack of all trades, master of none type of jewellery artist - i want to know how to do lampworking, embroidery, metal work, wire work... and a ton of creative pursuits not at all jewellery related. My house is a tribute to great ideas that never got completed - from scrapbook albums and jewellery boxes to teddy bears and cross stitches. I have a box full of stuff for almost any craft you can imagine and a woeful story of my results for each.
I intend to make SURE i make this journal work. I don't know what i will do with my pieces when they are done, but it is really important to me to do this and i feel really positive and empowered by it. Thanks for sharing it with me!!! Let's get cracking!! Now to figure out where on EARTH to buy my beads from... hahaha.
Hello from Maryland

This image is of my first bead embroidery attempt. It was done on leather with delica's and 11/0 czech beads. The block was dedicated to Zulma B. who survived Katrina and returned to her damaged home as soon as New Orleans was reopened. This is one of 4 beaded blocks I contributed to the
GSBG Gulf Relief Beaded Tapestry.
So Many Options, Only 12 Months?

Anyway. I am not exactly sure which format I'm going to take yet. So many possibilities. I like these so far:
Chinese Zodiac
Western Zodiac
Moon of the Month (for instance, June is the Strawberry moon)
Month of the month (just do a piece based on that month, to put together in a calendar format at some point)
Roy G Biv with a bit extra :)
Twelve Tribes of Israel
Twelve Dancing Princesses
Twelve Days of Christmas
Oh dear, I went and woke my brain up.
I am very excited to be here and very excited to meet you all.
A long term sewer, beader and collector of all things gorgeous I live contendly in beautiful Sydney, Australia. The thrill of joining "The BJP" has a zillion, colourmad, beady ideas swimming round in my head that will eventually emerge. One definite choice is to create A5 size pages that will be held, for posterity, in either, a lavishly beaded binder or a tome.
I believe some of you have been having trouble uploading photo's so I held up my hand to write a 'How To'. Be warned I am no computer geek but have dabbled in blog land and have found it easy to add photo's ... once I got used to it that is!!
There is a schpeel on the Blogger page which is simple! Do yourself a favour and take the Blogger tutorial ... for now here's a step by step how to from a personal point of view!
1. Take your photo
2. Upload the photo to your computer.
3. 'save it' to somewhere that is easy for you to find - maybe on your desktop.
4. Sign in to Blogger.
5. Click on 'New Post'.
6. Be careful ... once you get to this page you cannot leave unless you are navigating through the Blogger icons -otherwise you will lose your text or pics.
7. Type in your title.
8. Now you can either upload the photo or write your text.
9. I've found it easier to add the photo first.
10. Click on the photo icon to the left of the beige heading in front of you.
11. You will see the Upload photo's page.
12. Click on 'add an image from your computer'.
13. Choose a layout is usually set at 'choose this layout every time'.
14. click on image size 'small'.
15. click on image size 'centre'.
16.To add the image ... it must be in jpg, gif, bmp and png images BUT ... JPG is the easiest ( I can't help you here you'll have to check how your pics upload to your computer).
17. Click on BROWSE.
18. You will then be asked to identify where your photo is stored.
this is where you will have to click on options in the drop down menu - see 'Desktop' it is easier to find than most other places and can be sent to your C drive or Photo Folder after you have uploaded.
19. Click on the orange highlighted box 'UPLOAD IMAGE'.
20. Wait till you see the message 'YOUR IMAGE HAS BEEN UPLOADED'.
21. Click on DONE
22. Return to the page where you started and click on 'PUBLISH POST'.
Blogger says 'The fastest way to understand blogging is to try it out'.
Trust me, that is very true... if I can do it you can too!
Don't be scared of Blogger just follow the steps or the links ... if anyone would like to add to this or change anything please do so!
Hope this Helps,
Beady Hugs,
Cherie aka Red.
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
links to closeups of my dragon vest
Introducing Myself

Hi--I'm Aurora, born and raised in Juneau, Alaska---I lived in Alaska most of my life, until I "came outside" to college in 1989. I now live in Berkeley, California--but still visit Alaska often. I grew up surrounded by Native Alaskan beadwork, and learned many and various fiber arts over the years, but didn't start beading until a few years ago--when I took a bead crochet class because I wanted to learn to make the lovely bead crochet bracelets a friend was making. I now teach bead crochet, and I also dabble in many other kinds of beading. I create some mixed media pieces--sometimes on paper--sometimes small quilts---and beads and buttons always seem to creep into my art. I am currently a student in fabric and textile design here. Awhile ago I beaded this butterfly on paper---first I painted the design on some nice heavy printmaking paper, then beaded over the painting.
Hi, I'm bobbi (beadbabe49) from Oregon....thought I'd post my first bead embroidered piece, which I made about 5 years ago. I've been doing beadwork for almost 20 years, but didn't get around to beading on fabric until more recently. And finding robin's two books, A Bead at a Time and especially Beaded Embellishments, gave me both information on how to do this and inspiration to do it.'s my first piece...done on pellon and backed with leather using some carnelian art glass pieces and a carnelian fish...
And last spring/summer I did two beaded cuffs....
I'm really looking forward to getting started on the bead journal next month.
Since I was diagnosed with breast cancer 4 years ago, I'm going to do all 12 pages on the general theme of Facing Forward and using different face beads, cabs and pendants as focal points on the pages.
But that's all I know so far....the rest will just happen as I do the beadwork.
Using "Labels" When You Write a Post
This is our filing system. It's a feature that can be very helpful for locating specific posts, especially down the road a bit. Already, in just two weeks, we have nearly 70 posts to this blog. How many will we have in a year?? Could be thousands!
How Do Labels Work?
When viewing our blog, labels appear in the side bar as a drop-down menu called Topics. If you want to review the discussions about a certain topic, let's say "bead embroidery," then you go to the Topics area of the side bar, click on the drop down arrow, and click on "bead embroidery." As a result, only the posts which have the "bead embroidery" label will show up. If you're not familiar with this blog feature, you might want to try it now.
How Can I Assign a Label when I write a Post?
At the bottom of the posting window, there is a thing called Labels for this post, a blank window, and the words "show all." Click on show all to see label choices. Click on one that applies to your post. It will now show up in the blank window. If more than one label applies to your post, repeat this process.
Can I Add a New Label?
Yes, but please, please give careful consideration to the wording of the label. Only add a new label if you think others will find it useful. We don't want a whole bunch of file folders with only one post in them. Labels should be general topics that we will all use. Because we have well over 100 author/participants, I suggest we not use individual names of participants as labels.
What are A. Labels?
A. labels, are for posts that should be read by all participants. These are the ones that are like Announcements; they are topics which might be referenced over and over again. So far we have A1. Protocol (which refers to rules or guidelines for posting and/or participating) and A2. Posting how-to. Please do not add any A. labels, without first contacting Robin, the project administrator.
Removing Labels
I have to admit that this morning, I went through the posts and removed some labels because I wanted to make labeling more consistent and more general. I'd like to keep the total number of labels under 25, if possible.
Thank you!
Thanks for remembering to label your posts, and for your attention to keeping our filing system useful for all of us.
more from the night worker
Well, I have enjoyed getting to know everyone. I thought I'd share a picture of my latest embroidery project. Like I said before, I'm a doll maker & enjoy covering their bodies with beads. This doll posted is Gustave Breathe. He was entered in the professional exhibit at Artistic Figures in Cloth. The Challenge was Object in my Obsession & since I'm an Asthmatic, I thought he'd be a good representative of my work. I took apart an Advair Disc & incorporated pieces onto my doll. Wish I could say that the doll pattern itself was my original idea. is from Ute Vasnia.
Monday, May 21, 2007
Hi from New Mexico

I'm Sarah, I've been beading since the 60's, some years seriously, some years just off and on. I'm excited to stretch my creative muscles with this project, and am planning to use moderate sized pages (maybe 4 or 5 inches square) and am hoping to work more with beads incorporated into a sort of mixed media format rather than just beads, which has been mostly what I've done in the past. Last year I did several large projects, pipe and flute bags for some local alternative shaman/healers, and kept a written journal of the journey. The idea of doing a bead journal never occured to me, but it sounds great. Right now I'm not working on much other than Bead ATC's for the All About Beads forum swap. I have done some very large embroidered pieces, and my favorite is my beaded vest...shown above. The moon phase panel was done in '97, and the dragon was worked from around 2001 to 2002.
I'm hoping to have time to spend reading and sharing on this blog. What a great idea!
Happily consumed with thoughts of beads!

Beading is the sanctuary to which I flee from the stress and pressure of my job and every day life. For this project, I have so many ideas running through my head. While I think I have a good idea of what I will start with – I know that can all change when I thread my needle and begin to put beads to fabric. As much as I have tried in the past to plan what I will bead, it never comes to pass and that’s okay – it seems that everything turns out just perfect anyway. I tend to change my mind with every bead and I like it that way – no pressure. The only sure thing with the project so far is the size of my ‘pages’. I believe I have a name for my journal. But that, as with everything else, may change once I start, halfway through or once I’m finished.
Like many others, I am self-taught through tutorials on the Internet; by way of some wonderful books in print and through inspiring connections made with like-minded people on the Internet. Most of my beading has been focused on dolls, however I have tried my hand at some flat bead embroidery and off loom weaving. I enjoy every minute I spend doing it.
I’m thrilled to be included as a participant in this group; I have admired the creations of many of the members here and consider myself fortunate to be among all of you; experienced and beginners alike. Above is a little garden goddess I made for a friend last year. Green is my favorite color and seems appropriate right now with everything springing to life.
Take care,
Improvisational Beading

Pictured above is my very first improvisational beaded piece, Black, White and in-between. Other than a few pins and Spirit dolls, this could be called my first 'real' piece. I came across Robin's book, One Bead At a Time, and haven't looked back. I loved doing the improvisational beading. It is a challenge, a joy -- always exciting -- and never boring ;-) For these reasons, my journal pages will be done improvisational style. I feel that although I have a certain thought in mind that will carry through the 12 months -- by doing improvisational beading each piece will stand on it's own because of the destinct beading.
I am so honored to be beading along with all the fantastic beaders who will be participating in BJP. This should be one beadingly exciting year.
Beadin' Gram
Hello from Massachusetts
Raring to go
Don't know how often I'll be moved to write here but as I spent the weekend thinking of how I'd go about my Journal pages and sketching some ideas, thought it was high time I said G'day to all of you.
I've never done any bead embroidery so am a real newbie. As a Beader who makes jewelery I have heaps and heaps of beads, so when I read about this project I realised that this is what I must have been saving them for.
Oh yes a little about me :- I'm an Australian, live in Sydney and work the night shift - full time - I'm a Bar Tender at a large Sports Club. I've been working here for 3 and a half years and it was during this time I took up beading. Lots of the ladies, both staff and customers buy my jewelery, so have a little customer base there. Did I mention I love my job?!
I think that I'll go Postcard size, don't want to scare myself too much!
Going out this afternoon to get some material for June and also some for a bit of a practise.
So I'm raring to go on this journey with you all, my bags are packed and I have my ticket to ride!
I am very excited about this project. Robin was my first beading teacher back when her shop was in Ballard. I have been beading since then off and on. I am not sure what direction I will go in, but better get it decided by June 1st. I am thinking of colors I don't normally use, trying to stretch myself in new directions.
Meet Me!
I have not yet decided on my Bead Journal size, but am thinking a postcard 4" x 6" size or perhaps a 5" square -- something that's not too large nor too small.
Now that I've mastered posting to our blog site, I'll have to learn how to add photos to it -- but first need to make my first Bead Journal so I have a something to photograph! I am looking forward to the helpful "how-to's" from everyone, but also don't mind fumbling around on my own too.
That's all for now, need to go fix supper .... Cathy W.
What's in Your journal?
Inspirations and Pictures!

The picture above is an improvisational bead embroidery piece by a good friend, Christy Hinkle. (Be sure to click to enlarge!) This is her first completed piece since taking my bead embroidery class. I'm so very proud of her! It's framed in a shadow box and graces her living room. I wanted you to see it, because it feels like it could be a journal page. I don't know if Christy is going to join us or not... she's thinking about it.
Sharing our ideas, inspirations and pictures is part of the BJP for all of us... that's why I started this blog. However, participation in the blog is definitely not mandatory. I know wonderful artists who just are not into anything about the computer. I'm sure there are some in the project who will never even check this blog. But for those who love it, as I do, we'll have fun with sharing.
Would someone like to write a "how-to post" about how to post pictures, including how to size the images for posting? I could do it, but I'm swamped at the moment and don't have time.
Aurora's photograph of the vintage fabric sample book in the post below was just wonderful, wasn't it?!!! I love reading what everybody writes, but when there's a photo, every part of me is happy.
I'm thinking (just one member's opinion) that I'd like to see photos of inspirations and member's other bead embroidery (or related) photos here any time, but not finished BJP pages until after the third month. I feel that for some of us, we might start something, then see another person's work, and abandon what we started in favor of something inspired by what the other person did. For this project, I think it would be really good if we don't abandon our early efforts, no matter what. But, after 3 months, we will have a sense of where we are going and what our pages intend for us, and it will be easier to stick with them.
This dialog about sharing pictures of our BJP pages needs to continue a bit longer, as there are still many new participants coming on board. Feel free to post your opinions and/or put them in the comments to this post.