I LOVE Bead Embroidery & I usually cover the whole thing -whatever it is - with beads, like this tree which I use for my signature over at Bead Art forum
Yes it's still unfinished & you can call me the Queen of UFOs if you want LOL I had intended it to be the top of tin for a shrine but now I can't find the tin, so maybe I'll find another use for it one of these days or the tin itself might even turn up
I have & love both of Robin's books although I can't blame her for my addiction to this form of beading. I will say she helped flame the fire, so I'm very grateful to her for that. I was inspired to try spiral bead embroidery by the late Cindy McCornack & later got Robin & Amy Clarke's Beaded Embellishment which IMHO is a must for anyone doing bead embroidery the first time.

This was my first attempt at spiral bead embroidery - The Mermaid Betty Boop & no one was more surprised than me when her face actually worked out like it did.
I've decided to use either 4" x 6" or 6" x 6" now that Denise has pointed out how small 4 inches is. I am thinking an ocean theme seeing I live at the beach & have a passion for mermaids - I got some nice ocean flavoured fabric on my recent trip back to New Zealand, which should be perfect for this journey we're all about to start.
I'd really like to make 'Art' Quilts that are not totally beaded, along the lines of what Thom, Robin's talented brother, makes. So this Bead Journal Project will be the perfect time to experiment in that direction
Thank you Robin for starting this project & bringing such a varied group of bead minded folk together, what a fun year we have ahead of us. I know that this will help us all to grow as artists
Hi Ellen ~ good to see you. This is going to be a fabulous adventure. I love your spiral mermaid - that is something I must try. Joy >i<
Blush, blush... thank YOU for your sweet compliments. Your work is beautiful!
hi...glad to see you got in...I knew you would make it!
Hey Miss Ellen!! (waving like crazy) happy to see you here! See you in July at PSBF....bring your pages....OK?I'll show you mine if you show me yours .....tee-hee!
That little beaded tree is lovely=:)
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