Pictured above is my very first improvisational beaded piece, Black, White and in-between. Other than a few pins and Spirit dolls, this could be called my first 'real' piece. I came across Robin's book, One Bead At a Time, and haven't looked back. I loved doing the improvisational beading. It is a challenge, a joy -- always exciting -- and never boring ;-) For these reasons, my journal pages will be done improvisational style. I feel that although I have a certain thought in mind that will carry through the 12 months -- by doing improvisational beading each piece will stand on it's own because of the destinct beading.
I am so honored to be beading along with all the fantastic beaders who will be participating in BJP. This should be one beadingly exciting year.
Beadin' Gram
jackie...that's just a great piece...I think your background in CQ has really contributed to the fine design.
Thanks, BB ~~ appreciate your kind words.
It's splendid! And thanks for the mention of my book... I'm so glad it brought to light such talent in you!
Great piece, Jackie!
Black and White are super hard for me to work in. Did you find that to be the case? Or was this piece easy to create for you?
~ Beki
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