No pictures to post at present, but I should have some soon. As of last week, I have officially retired. Of course I immediately got sick, but am better now and am trekking on.
Looking forward to having more time to spend beading, teaching and learning. My arthritis seems to be in remission for the moment so I will take advantage of that and bead like crazy while I can.
I'm loving all the pages I've seen these past months. I see growth in all of us. What a wonderful way to share our talents and feelings with others this project has been so far. I know for me personally, I have learned to put more of my feelings into my work and it satisfies me more.
Thursday, January 31, 2008
I'm caught up...finally!
I finally got caught up & finished my January leaf in the nick of time. I also got November, and December completed too. I'm so happy that I'll now be able to get this project done in time. I've still been thinking about how to finish the wall hanging the leaves will be attached too. I'll probably have to ask one of the members of Guilded Lilies to help me with this, as I'm so machine challenged!
November was made in memory to walks at Highbanks Metro Park here in Columbus. The low rolling hills covered with an assortment of colorful leaves was my inspiration. December was a real challenge for me. I didn' t want it to be all about Christmas, so I chose to have it a Winter theme. I used a Christmas card & optical lenses for the focal point. January is dedicated to the memory of Dr. Martin Luther King. I found a pair of ceramic hands last year at Byzantium and wanted to use them for a special project.
My blog can be seen here
November was made in memory to walks at Highbanks Metro Park here in Columbus. The low rolling hills covered with an assortment of colorful leaves was my inspiration. December was a real challenge for me. I didn' t want it to be all about Christmas, so I chose to have it a Winter theme. I used a Christmas card & optical lenses for the focal point. January is dedicated to the memory of Dr. Martin Luther King. I found a pair of ceramic hands last year at Byzantium and wanted to use them for a special project.
My blog can be seen here
January Progress Report
I did, in fact, finish my December journal quilt that I mentioned in a post here yesterday. Yay! Now I would like to give you the opportunity to check out what I have done so far on my January journal quilt. For a rather detailed accounting click here. What I'm going to do for February remains up in the air...
Sue in western Washington
Sue in western Washington
November and December on my blog
Hello dear beaders!
It's been a while since I posted (miserable excuses include writing my new book, time with Mom in Minnesota, holiday house-guests), but yesterday I spent the whole glorious day reading every post to this blog since mid-Dec. and following all the links to your blogs where my spirits were much revived and lifted by your beautiful art!!!! After six hours of catching up, I got busy on my own blog where you can see:
November BJP - here
December BJP - here
Tomorrow I will post January. The next day I'll post pictures of Thom's (my brother) recent BJP pieces. Guess it must be true... when it rains it pours.
We're two-thirds into it now. If we're on schedule, we have eight journal pages completed. It's clear that the behinders are busy catching up, their strong comittment evidently nudging them along. Excellent! It is my hope that of the original 242 members we will have at least 100 who complete all twelve journal pages. Wouldn't that be fabulous!!!!!
It's been a while since I posted (miserable excuses include writing my new book, time with Mom in Minnesota, holiday house-guests), but yesterday I spent the whole glorious day reading every post to this blog since mid-Dec. and following all the links to your blogs where my spirits were much revived and lifted by your beautiful art!!!! After six hours of catching up, I got busy on my own blog where you can see:
November BJP - here
December BJP - here
Tomorrow I will post January. The next day I'll post pictures of Thom's (my brother) recent BJP pieces. Guess it must be true... when it rains it pours.
We're two-thirds into it now. If we're on schedule, we have eight journal pages completed. It's clear that the behinders are busy catching up, their strong comittment evidently nudging them along. Excellent! It is my hope that of the original 242 members we will have at least 100 who complete all twelve journal pages. Wouldn't that be fabulous!!!!!
Unsatisfied, but done...
Hi everyone... maybe it's the weather and maybe not; I am done with January and February and not happy with the way they turned out -- but no changing them! My own rule at the moment.... anyway, here they are.
Hope everyone is staying warm....
pam T - Wisconsin and freezing.....
Hope everyone is staying warm....
pam T - Wisconsin and freezing.....
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
December Page Finished
Well, almost. It still needs to be bound, but that's it. Now that I think about it, this quilt actually took me about a month to complete from the time I started it. You can read all about it here if you like.
Just for the record, I have my page for January pieced and embellishments selected. Unfortunately, my quilt for Oct/Nov. is still in process. I have a potential focal point for February's page but we'll see whether that develops or not...
And now, just to tease those of you in the northern hemisphere:

Sue in western Washington
Just for the record, I have my page for January pieced and embellishments selected. Unfortunately, my quilt for Oct/Nov. is still in process. I have a potential focal point for February's page but we'll see whether that develops or not...
And now, just to tease those of you in the northern hemisphere:
Sue in western Washington
A button/badge for your blog or website
At the suggestion of Kathy V. (aka KV; Artful Muse) and with Robin's blessing, I* have a button/badge for those of you that might want to post one on your blog or website linking back to this blog. I only wish we would have thought of it sooner. But still better late than never, right?
Right click the badge below, copy it to your desktop and upload it to your blog. For blogspot owners - you will go to 'Layout' -> 'add page element', and I chose 'HTML/JavaScript'. Copy the code there that you have saved to your desktop. If you have any problems, post a note here or send me an email and I will help you through it as best I can.

* I did not create this image - I am not terribly proficient in computer graphics, but my significant other is! He did not hesitate when I asked him if he would do me a favor.
If you want to see what the button looks like in the works - check my blog, scroll down a bit, it's on the right hand side.
Take care,
aka GraceBeading
Right click the badge below, copy it to your desktop and upload it to your blog. For blogspot owners - you will go to 'Layout' -> 'add page element', and I chose 'HTML/JavaScript'. Copy the code there that you have saved to your desktop. If you have any problems, post a note here or send me an email and I will help you through it as best I can.

* I did not create this image - I am not terribly proficient in computer graphics, but my significant other is! He did not hesitate when I asked him if he would do me a favor.
If you want to see what the button looks like in the works - check my blog, scroll down a bit, it's on the right hand side.
Take care,
aka GraceBeading
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Checking in
I have finally posted 3 pages that have been done for some time. I have been lurking, looking and enjoying all the art that has been posted. Off to Flickr now.....
Sunday, January 27, 2008
January Completed
I've completed my January page today.
I started it on Friday after my return from a Caribbean cruise.
I cruised to Jamaica and Grand Caymans with about 16 other beaders.
Vacation, travel, beads and beverages.
Who could ask for more?
If you are looking for what is going on in December and my process of book binding you can look here. I know some people were asking about book binding and I'm just learning as I go.
mary t.
mary t.
July and January pages
I am committed to two series of bead journal pages. I have kept up with my encrusted beaded pages, but fell behind on the ones beaded on silk fusion paper. It is now time for me to catch-up.
The little silk fusion pages are simple so that the silk fibers speak as loud as the beads. Please check my blog to see my pages for July and January.
The little silk fusion pages are simple so that the silk fibers speak as loud as the beads. Please check my blog to see my pages for July and January.
Saturday, January 26, 2008
How are we all doing?

This chocolate frog is just to get your attention!!!
I was wondering how many we are these days? I've noticed that lots of blogs aren't posting and was curious as to how many of us are still working away at our project? I know I got really busy and behind over the holiday season, and I bet lots of others did too. I've been working on putting finishing touches on the pages that were works in progress so they will be finished.
I am thoroughly enjoying the flicker group, though I haven't personally uploaded any pictures yet. I'll get on that soon!
So, how is everyone doing? Remember that list of people who were going to be captains of their state? Should they maybe do a poll and see how many people are currently participating?
I find the winter months good for beading, and do a lot of it because being under the ott light is good for my Seasonal Affectiveness Disorder. Do other's use their light for this too?
Anyway, enjoy your virtual chocolate and happpy beading!!
Cheers, Denise
Friday, January 25, 2008
December's Done! it's not NASA worthy, but I like it anyway! I'm just glad it's done & I can move on to January before February hits! :) You can see my Dec piece here! I did learn alot on this piece! Whew!
With aloha,
With aloha,
January Page Finished :-)
My January page is posted on my blog, Jewelry & Beading. It's the full moon for December, which happens to be the Cold Moon...appropriate for New England! You can see it by clicking the link above if you'd like :-)
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Flickr question ??
I have added new pictures to Flickr but they are not showing up in the group photos - Can anyone tell me what I have done wrong??
Ellen Chasse aka Kiwi Ellen
Ellen Chasse aka Kiwi Ellen
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
I know that a number of you know how you are going to be finishing off your pieces but I'm a little stuck on how to do that with mine. One of the reasons I'm struggling with my October piece. On my October piece one of my items is a tie pin & it sticks out the back by about 1cm. I'm actually thinking of cutting the tie clip part off & trying to stitch the pin down.
But I'm not sure how I want everything finished. As my pieces are reminders of my travels or something special for the month, I thought maybe a journal type book would be a good idea. But I've never done anything like that! How difficult would doing a book be to do for the first time?
Actually, as I'm writing this I'm also thinking that maybe I could stitch my pieces into a fabric journal. That I could see myself doing.
How are other people finishing off their pieces & is there any restrictions as to how we can finish them off?
Thanks in advance. You can see what it is I've done so far at
But I'm not sure how I want everything finished. As my pieces are reminders of my travels or something special for the month, I thought maybe a journal type book would be a good idea. But I've never done anything like that! How difficult would doing a book be to do for the first time?
Actually, as I'm writing this I'm also thinking that maybe I could stitch my pieces into a fabric journal. That I could see myself doing.
How are other people finishing off their pieces & is there any restrictions as to how we can finish them off?
Thanks in advance. You can see what it is I've done so far at
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
"Broken Wing" BJP Barrette
Well I just finished January's BJP. It is called "Broken Wing" and was inspired by the book Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance. You can view it here.
Monday, January 21, 2008
Now just a little Behinder
November and December are on Flickr, January is started! I learned a lot on those pages. I'd like to thank all of oyu that have fully functional blogs - by following your links from here, I have found many places I never would have found on my own! -Joan
At the small risk...
of overwhelming you with page updates, I've uploaded some beaded journal projects - From August to January. Some are actually work-in-progresses. But it's fun. Enjoy! X marks the bead!
February page
Happy Valentine's Day
I know I am quite early, but this page just had to happen now. Check it out on my blog
I know I am quite early, but this page just had to happen now. Check it out on my blog
January Finished
OK, I have finished January. You can see it at I may not have finished August, October & December, but I am done with January!
Having a hard time getting a proper picture of the colour of it though - or should I say lack of colour. Being all white, it is difficult to get a proper photo.
Happy Beading!
Having a hard time getting a proper picture of the colour of it though - or should I say lack of colour. Being all white, it is difficult to get a proper photo.
Happy Beading!
December BJP Plan
I've got the plan and now to get started! I feel like I may get caught up if not this month, by next for sure.
Sunday, January 20, 2008
AND bringing up the rear...
So, I have finally finished my November page & here is a little peek

You can see the rest here
Ellen Chasse aka Kiwi Ellen
My December page
Hi all... I'm a little late posting, but I actually finished my December page in December! Woohoo!
When I saw this cute little owl in my mother's sketchbook, I knew I had to include him.
You can see the new page on my blog.
When I saw this cute little owl in my mother's sketchbook, I knew I had to include him.
You can see the new page on my blog.
January done
Hi fellow beaders
I've finished my January page.
You can view it and some other works here.
Happy beading to all :-)
I've finished my January page.
You can view it and some other works here.
Happy beading to all :-)
December BJP Update
My work this month has been absurdly slow, but I'm working hard to turn things around. You can see the current state of things here. Oh, and I just found out I'm going to be a grandma again!! WooHoo!!
Friday, January 18, 2008
Still Plugging Along!
OK...that handmade holiday put me a little behind, but you can see where I'm at here. I'm thinking about January, & will hopefully get started on it soon! Alot has been happening, but I'm committed to seeing this thru'!
With warmest aloha,
With warmest aloha,
A behinder
Hello there.... it's been a long time since I've contributed. Too much to do, but a little beading happening often. I have finished my November BJP piece. I am going to switch modes and work more improvisationally, so will be using fabrics other than my own photos which read too literally for me. I like the textures that many of you have shown in your work, and think I would like to try my hand at that. See my November piece at my blog here KrispiS
Tada! November Done!
I have started and finished my November page in January! You can see it here if you wish. I'll go put it on flickr too. I feel so good to not only be back to beading but to get another page done.
BJP progress,
I'm a behinder,
journal progress,
January Postcard

I finished my January postcard and the details are on my blog More than half the year is over-I can't believe it. Sandy
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
A heartfelt thank you . . .
to all of you who voted for Galilea and offered so much encouragement and compliments. She did not win the competition but when she arrives back in southern New Mexico in late March, Galilea will be on exhibit in both our local bead store and a marvelous art gallery in downtown Las Cruces.
Participating in this competition was an amazing experience and you may be sure there will be more beaded art dolls in my future.
Kathy V in NM
Participating in this competition was an amazing experience and you may be sure there will be more beaded art dolls in my future.
Kathy V in NM
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
The world's biggest behinder
Ok, I'm behind, but I'm making things that please me so I guess I can live with that. I'll be done by June, that I can swear. Anyway, my September page is done and can be seen here.
Still enjoying everyone's beautiful work so much.
Still enjoying everyone's beautiful work so much.
Picture Finally posted
I may have been quiet but I have been working. I finally have a few weeks at home without any immediate travel plans (well, if you call leaving on 7 Feb not immediate). So, I'm trying to play catchup for not only my work but for posting pictures.
You can see my November page on my blog, This piece was based on my first impression of Shaghai, literally. My impressions of what I saw when we were landing.
Happy Beading!
You can see my November page on my blog, This piece was based on my first impression of Shaghai, literally. My impressions of what I saw when we were landing.
Happy Beading!
Nospoj Explodes into 2008
Monday, January 14, 2008
I have finally started on November and really plan to speed way up now that the holidays are over. Who knows, maybe I'll finish this page and start both December and January by weeks end! I know what I want to do for them and November is going pretty fast. I'm a tortoise trying to be a hare!
BJP progress,
journal progress,
progress report
November is Done
Okay, so I worked out of order. But I finished another page. See it on my blog. Next one October - finally have an idea. And have ideas for January and February, but will probably work on February first.
And I will also take any suggestions on how to better photograph my work.
And I will also take any suggestions on how to better photograph my work.
I have a few new additions to my blog.
I am still learning how to photograph my beaded projects. I'll take any advice that is offered to get a clearer photo. Also, is there a way to make the resolution smaller when you click on the photo? Mine are gigantic when they open up!!!
I am still learning how to photograph my beaded projects. I'll take any advice that is offered to get a clearer photo. Also, is there a way to make the resolution smaller when you click on the photo? Mine are gigantic when they open up!!!
Sunday, January 13, 2008
My December Journal Page
Happy New Year to all of you!
It's been awhile since I've posted here. Between the holidays and a jewelry show I participated in last November, I have a lot of catching up to do. I've just completed my December page and you can view it on my blog here.
Even though I've fallen behind, I've been following everyone's posts and links with great interest and enjoying the gorgeous artwork. I still have my November page to complete. I'd like to do a photo transfer onto fabric. It will be from a photo I'll scan into my computer.
Does anyone have an easy technique for this?
It's been awhile since I've posted here. Between the holidays and a jewelry show I participated in last November, I have a lot of catching up to do. I've just completed my December page and you can view it on my blog here.
Even though I've fallen behind, I've been following everyone's posts and links with great interest and enjoying the gorgeous artwork. I still have my November page to complete. I'd like to do a photo transfer onto fabric. It will be from a photo I'll scan into my computer.
Does anyone have an easy technique for this?
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Last few days for Beaded Art Doll voting . . .
A big thanks to all who have voted so far in this competition. Online voting closes on January 15th at which time the winner will be announced.
For anyone who has not seen the entries for the All Dolled Up contest yet, go to and check out my Galilea and the other five amazing creations. It is mindboggling to think of just how many beads were used to create all these entries!
Many thanks again from Galilea and me!
Kathy V in NM
For anyone who has not seen the entries for the All Dolled Up contest yet, go to and check out my Galilea and the other five amazing creations. It is mindboggling to think of just how many beads were used to create all these entries!
Many thanks again from Galilea and me!
Kathy V in NM
Playing catch-up
I'm late, I'm late.
I'd love to talk but I'm late.
has just posted her December piece
Even though it's incomplete.
It's almost there.
Friday, January 11, 2008
The Hurrieder I Go...
...You can see what progress I've made here. Does anyone else panic when they get behind???
With aloha,
With aloha,
January Spiral Piece Done
Hi all - just finished my January piece part of my spiral design for a pillow. Check it out! Hope you are all having a great New Year. The weather here has been nice for a few days so I'm happy. Will be going to Florida in a few weeks so my February piece is about being a new snow bird. Take care and have a BEADY good day!!
Thursday, January 10, 2008
January Bead Journal Page Completed!
I went about things rather backwards this time but my January page is done and posted on my blog.
I've been thinking about different ways of finishing these pages - My original thought was to bind them into a big fat fabric book but lately I've been thinking of making them into a quilt/wall hanging - the pages are soooo heavy though, I'm wondering if that's such a good idea. Does anyone have any suggestions/insight?
Thanks so much.
I've been thinking about different ways of finishing these pages - My original thought was to bind them into a big fat fabric book but lately I've been thinking of making them into a quilt/wall hanging - the pages are soooo heavy though, I'm wondering if that's such a good idea. Does anyone have any suggestions/insight?
Thanks so much.
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Behinder almost there
Well, having been absent for a couple of months, I thought it was time to post the lastest update. See my October Page here and also the beginning to Novemeber plus a sketch for December.
dicembre in treD
completata la pagina di DICEMBRE.
è un lavoro in tre dimensioni. veramente ne ho anche un altro... ma questa casetta mi piace proprio...
appena possibile inserirò le pagine che mancano.
a presto. ciao matilda
è un lavoro in tre dimensioni. veramente ne ho anche un altro... ma questa casetta mi piace proprio...
appena possibile inserirò le pagine che mancano.
a presto. ciao matilda
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
At last, December is done with the beading and so is January. You can read about them here. Happy beading everyone.
Monday, January 7, 2008
Great British Bead Show 2009
Just to let you know that the Beadworkers Guild (UK) is calling for submissions from tutors interested in teaching a class at the Great British Bead show 2009 (the 10th anniversary).
Submissions must be made by 31st May 2008 to
Sylvia Fairhurst
11 Randolph Close, Bradville,
Milton Keynes MK13 7 JN
United Kingdom
For more information you can contact Sylvia Fairhurst :
Submissions must be made by 31st May 2008 to
Sylvia Fairhurst
11 Randolph Close, Bradville,
Milton Keynes MK13 7 JN
United Kingdom
For more information you can contact Sylvia Fairhurst :
December page
I have finally taken the time to publish my December page. I've also added a few other items that I made during the last month. You can check out my blog at
Sunday, January 6, 2008
Behinder update
I've added Sept and Oct to Flickr, and a picture of how the pieces will be finished. Nov is finished, Dec is planned, so I'm only one month behind now.
January Bead Journal Project Page
I've been sick with a cold and so had plenty of time to bead this weekend - My progress so far is here.
BJP pages,
BJP progress,
Thursday, January 3, 2008
Wow am I a goof
Hi everyone and Happy New Year.
And Robin you dear sweet lady thank you for resending that so quickly.
I say I am a goof because I am running down through GMail email now replying to emails sent 5 months ago. I had no idea that Blogspot worked that way and still not sure how it but I will check it daily now for sure.
I am so happy to be a part of BJP. I knew I was apart I just didn't know how to post.
I have been afk for awhile because of work, health issues and traveling. But I am back and hope to get some new things posted soon, I have several new post on my blog now.
Hugs to you all,
And Robin you dear sweet lady thank you for resending that so quickly.
I say I am a goof because I am running down through GMail email now replying to emails sent 5 months ago. I had no idea that Blogspot worked that way and still not sure how it but I will check it daily now for sure.
I am so happy to be a part of BJP. I knew I was apart I just didn't know how to post.
I have been afk for awhile because of work, health issues and traveling. But I am back and hope to get some new things posted soon, I have several new post on my blog now.
Hugs to you all,
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
Another Page Done!

Completed December's page yesterday. It's on my blog if you'd like to take a peek.
I won't bring up October and November's pages (which are still in the subconscious part of my creative self.) Getting caught up with the Beaded Journal Page project is tantamount in my New Year's goals.
Happy New Year everyone!
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
Need a Little Help
Happy Beady New Year!
happy new year!
Am not posting a picture of my page for this month in case it is too "unpleasant" a viewpoint/topic for some reader's tastes. Suffice it to say the title is The Devil You Know & The Devil You Don't.
An image is blogged here along with all the particulars.
An image is blogged here along with all the particulars.
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