This chocolate frog is just to get your attention!!!
I was wondering how many we are these days? I've noticed that lots of blogs aren't posting and was curious as to how many of us are still working away at our project? I know I got really busy and behind over the holiday season, and I bet lots of others did too. I've been working on putting finishing touches on the pages that were works in progress so they will be finished.
I am thoroughly enjoying the flicker group, though I haven't personally uploaded any pictures yet. I'll get on that soon!
So, how is everyone doing? Remember that list of people who were going to be captains of their state? Should they maybe do a poll and see how many people are currently participating?
I find the winter months good for beading, and do a lot of it because being under the ott light is good for my Seasonal Affectiveness Disorder. Do other's use their light for this too?
Anyway, enjoy your virtual chocolate and happpy beading!!
Cheers, Denise
Yes, I'm still beading.
I WANT a chocolate frog, too!! Where did you get this one?
:) Linda
quilter@lhsdesigns.jagunet dot com
I am still plugging and blogging away, although I still have Novemebr to complete, Dec and Jan to start, but I am getting there.
Still there, and craving for a chocolate frog ! :o)
It would be nice to know what the beaders who don't post/don't use flicker haven been doing. We could do a poll or something...
Still here and beading on Jan.....
Still beading away. Have several works in progress.I hope to finish them soon as I am now officially retired. My arthritis has improved somewhat so I'm good to go.
I think most of you are trying to catch up from time spent on holiday giftmaking. The only page still eluding me is October . . .
Kathy V in NM
Looks like there are 64 of us posting on the flickr site, but I know there are folks who are only posting in their own blog or the bjp one, so that's just a beginning number.
64 of us? That's pretty darn good! It's almost half of what we started isn't it?
I'm going to try to get my photo's up on flicker. I've been fine tuning and finishing my pages.
Good to hear from people!!
Cheers, Denise
I'm still beading, although the holidays kicked my beading butt. Plus, I haven't had a camera to show my work since like Sept!
I'm in the middle of my Jan page so am not really behind anymore.
I spent most of my time beading on my birthday doll. Now my January BJP is awaiting my return. I like what I've done so far but still needs to be finished. How can it be so close to February already?
Beadily yours
Susan Feldkamp
Hello everyone ~ I am "more behinder" than ever, as the months roll on and I continue to sew so very, very, SLOWLY...but I don't care, I just keep going! I love every minute I spend working on this project. I will most probably not finish by the deadline day, but I WILL finish some day -- the idea of a complete body of work is exciting to me, and when it's done, I want to look back on how far I've come and how much I've learned and the whole experience of working within this incredible group on this incredible project....
Christi, in WA state
I am still here...
October is started.
November is half way done.
Dec and Jan are in my head.
But I should be done with February's within a few days!
Go figure.
Thanks for the reminder to post my stuff on Flicker. I did it this morning!
ci sono anche io. e mi pice lavorare in inverno, solo che d'inverno lavoro e ho poco tempo. ho completato le pagine di giugno, luglio, agosto, dicembre, ottobre e novembre sono da finire e ho iniziato gennaio.
buon lavoro a tutte, matilda
I am still here...
it appeals to to me to border in winter, but in winter I job and I have time little. I have completed the pages of june, July, August, December.
October and November they are from ending and I have begun January. good job to all, matilda
I'm still slogging away too. Got set back by the holiday season, like many others. Currently I have three pages "in process." I will officially be behind again when February hits and none of these three are done!
I'm here and have two friends here who do not post, but are as much caught up as most. They are working on their pages.
Thanks, Denise, for thinking about this. I an intending to ask the Local Contact Volunteers to check progress at the 3/4 marker, at the end of February. By then we should have each finished 9 "pages" and have 3 to go. I'll write a post about that soon.
As for me, I just got caught up... 8 "pages" are complete. However, I still have to get them photographed and post to my blog and Flickr.
Hi Denise,
The holidays were really rough for getting any pages done, but I have Decemeber almost completed and January and February planned out. Once I get my Valentine's orders done this week, I can devote the weekend to getting more caught up. My work slows down around the end of March, so I am confident I will get them all done :)
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