Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Bead Embroidery class These kids are absolutely awesome.
Publish vs. Save Now
Think I've got the answer... maybe...
When you write a post and are ready to make it official, you must click Publish Post (not Save Now).
If you start writing a post and get interrupted, you can click Save Now, which saves it as a draft. To get back to it, click on Edit Posts which is one of the tabs above the posting window. Read down the list to find the post you started. Click on edit to re-open your posting window with the original draft. When it is complete, click Publish Post.
Also, in case you didn't know, you can always edit one of your posts, either immediately after writing and viewing it or any time later. Follow the steps above.
Hope this may help a little. Robin A.
No Moving Pictures, Please
The most important reason for this is that we are a HUGE blog with 892 posts already. Movies take up a lot of the limited space allowed by Blogger. I wouldn't want us to get cut off by Blogger.
The other reason is that many of our member do not have high speed Internet. For those of us who don't have this luxury, movies cause the blog to load very slowly, which is frustrating when you want to check for new posts on a daily basis.
Thank you for respecting this request. Robin A.
Very Small beads
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
A Month of Sundae's

G'Day Everyone,
I have finished my October page and here is a teaser shot, the full pic is on our Flickr site. No I haven't forgotten August and have been working on it along with this one but it's still not ready. I have a two week vacation coming up in November, four more work days and counting! Have every single day of the fortnight planned. Beading, beading, a concert - A tribute to Lennon and McCartney - and of course a 'girls night out'and then more beading.
Cheers Nospoj
PS Happy Halloween to all who celebrate it - BOO!
Journals, Keeping Track of the Journey
Journal Quilt
butterfly wings
Monday, October 29, 2007
Saturday, October 27, 2007
September BJP Finished
Behinder Beader in NH
However, August languishes 3/4 finished and October isn't even a plan yet. Maybe I should do a tongue-in-cheek October page with just one bead sewn to the center with a single fringe tail and call it "catch up"!
who is getting ready to head to AZ for the winter
October Done
You can see my latest page at: I will also post it to Flicker sometime this weekend. On to November.....
Arline L
Friday, October 26, 2007
October Done Early!
Have a great weekend & fun Trick or Treating!
Oct. BJP
October Bead Journal Project.....
October is dedicated to one of my doctors who married another of my doctors: Maria Cristina Segovia and Deep Ramachandran.
Thursday, October 25, 2007
First time posting...
1. I live in Alaska and go like crazy during the summer only to crawl into my bead cave during the winter (which is here now!)
2. My computer died (no, it really did!)
3. I am a procrastinator except when it comes to beading.
Here is my website with photos. I am still working on writing the descriptions etc.
I look forward to seeing what everyone is doing and hearing from you.
Cheryl Lacy
Finding Peace within beading
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Flickr how-to's
Update BJP Flickr + Help!
Five months into the project, and some have already posted pictures of all 5 of their pages. When you click on any one of them, it takes you to their Flickr home page which shows all of their posted work so far. Pick a few you like and try it... Awesome!!!
And, while I'm here, may I encourage each of you to take a few moments to update your Flickr page (if you're already there) or join the group and add your photos (if you're new to it).
HELP!!!! Would someone please write a brief post about how to get started with Flickr and how to put images on our BJP Flickr group site???? Please!OK, I admit it... I'm behind too... I haven't posted August on Flickr, and I haven't posted Sept. on either my blog or Flickr. Yes, it's on the list....
Robin A.
October Finished!
Cheers all,
august complete
As I said before the theme was my 50th birthday. On the day I was born, Elvis was number one in the charts. When I was 10, the hippies and the peace movement were to the fore. By the time I was 20 and at college, the punk movement had arrived. When I was 30, I was a mother of 2 and the Simpsons had been created for the Tracey Ulman show. In 1997, a bright new world was opened up to me with the arrival of our first PC and the Tellytubbies arrived, acknowledging the fact even babies were not immune from the effects of TV. Now 2007, the world is dying beneath our feet and very cause has a ribbon.
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
A little more progress...June, July, & August
Kassie - The Beading Butterfly
Which WIRE for seed beads?
TIA for any advice,
Christi in WA state
Storage and Organizing
Trilly (Lisa D.)
Monday, October 22, 2007
Bead Storage
I like them so much because I can rearrange them according to the project I'm working on, easily take any ones with me when I travel and they take up very little space. Because the 4x6 box is clear, you can put your boxes out and look at all your colors easily. I store in boxes by color, but that's easily changed if you want to store by size or some other characteristic - that's the rearrangeability issue.
24 of these 4x6 boxes fit in the bottom section of the Jewelry Tote from Joann's - on-line or at stores - but wait for a Joann's coupon to get it as it's not cheap.
Okay, so now some info (more than you need?) on my labeling system... I don't label the 11s, but I put a Blue dot for 15s, a red dot for 8s and a green dot for 6s. You can get a box of dot labels at Walmart or other stationery places. On the side of the tube, I put a small rectangular label for where I got the beads and the re-rorder number so I can get them again. Lastly, I put a "more" label on them if I actually have more than fit in the tube (I think the largest tube home 30 grams). I label the boxes, Blue 1, Blue 2, Blue 3, etc. on both edges of the box and keep them stacked on my shelves. In box 1 of each color, I put the non-size 11s so that I always know which box holds the 15s or whatever (but I am spilling over to Box 2 with these!). Now, the only thing I have left to organize is the list of bead numbers I have so I don't keep buying the same beads again! This is TOO much for me to organize now, but one day I hope to have this list.
So, for those of you looking for a stoage system, I hope this is a good tutorial. But again, it's just my opinion and the way I like to work. Hope it helps someone out there. One more thing... there are rip offs of this storage system out there so beware - the one I know about is at Walmart - their tubes are hard plastic, only come in one size and are not fully rectangular as they taper at the bottom and thus don't fit into the box nicely (you have to store every other one upside down).
Two quotes from my local bead store to make you smile:
Just let me bead and no one will get hurt.
I didn't cause your addition, I only support it.
Have a Beady Good Day. Karen, the bead hearted babe
Meaning of Stones
here's a site for meanings of animals:
Who knows if they are accurate, but I use them! it's good to have them on-line so you can do a browser "find" on what you might be looking for.
Good luck. Karen
Just a quick question - not about BJP
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Sept. BJP
Thanks for your comments. It's great to be able to interact. Sandy
Falling in a Beading Vortex
Signing posts and photos
I'm seeing some artists' work that I'd love to see more of, but that's impossible without a name or at least their blog or website.
bobbi (beadbabe49) kirk
Sept. BJP
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Task lighting: for beaders and for reptiles?
After experimenting with full-spectrum incandescent bulbs and finding they were not the same as sunlight, the color was off a bit. I got a OTT lamp (the foldover desk kind) and was disappointed with the illumination but not the ability to see color correctly. I even got the lamp on sale but still cringed at the price because it's not really used for general purposes and the replacment bulbs are expensive too. Because the illumination isn't the greatest for my failing eyes (and I wear bifocals too) I end up using a regular lamp as well as my OTT.
I feel totally wasteful using 2 lamps and I continue to search for the perfect lighting.
This morning I looked at a FM link that Kathy V in NM posted and yes, still cringed at the price because I can't really justify buying a second lamp. LOL and I guess I have issues with spending money!
I decided to search for comparions between OTT bulbs and other kinds of bulbs and reptile lights/bulbs came up. Hmmmmmm. I found this article discussing the differences between full-spectrum and wide-spectrum bulbs. and Scroll down to item #3 So, what lights do produce UVB?
this one discussing UVA/UVB needs for reptiles and the differneces between bulbs. Scroll down to the chart that shows the illumination between the different bulbs. Btw, both webpages show OTT lights in comparison with other bulbs.
Mary Timme said *In her book Prescription for Quilters, a physician who keeps up on these things write about the amount of light we need to use as we age. As we age say in our 50's we need nearly twice as much light as we needed at 20. At the age of 70 we need 75% more light than we needed at 20.*
From this I get that humans need the same spectrum as reptiles and I noticed that a lot of the reptile lights have more LUX or illumination than the OTT light. And they are way cheaper in terms of price. I do believe that specialty lamps such as the OTT light for crafters are priced higher, it's a marketing thing and there is a difference between a fluorescent desk lamp look and a fluorescent fixture. Although in terms of style beaders lamps leave a lot to be desired.
Soooooo, has anyone experimented with reptile lights? Is there a difference (besides style) between a bulb/lamp marketed to beaders and one for reptiles?
Friday, October 19, 2007
October BJP done and Other Projects
The BJP has launched me into other projects and challenges. Check out my home page (at the bottom) for my list. I just finished one sponsored by the Viking Sewing Gallery inside of our local Joann's Fabrics. The Challenge was to make anything using recycled denim. So, as a recycler myself, and because I love making dolls that I learned from Robin's inspiring book, I made Green-Jean, The Go-Green Goddess.
I'm finding many of these projects on the web. The Beading Daily email newsletter has one and listed a few for charities. Where do we start with all these??? Sign up for the Beading Daily . I wasn't sure I wanted something daily, and I still don't, but they do give some good info. And they've mentioned Robin twice in the last week!
One List of charities.
Well, enough is enough. Have fun on your journal pages. And have a beady good day!!!
Improv Unleashed!
Thanks to everyone's help, I got unstuck! You can see my progress here!
Hope you all have a fun weekend! See you next Friday!
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Maul's Well Barrette
August BJP
Fire Mountain Gems contest
Well, I just got the word that they have made the first cut and FMG wants me to send them in for photographing and final judging. What a hoot, huh? :-)
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Almost finished!
Cheers all!
I suprised myself today that I am working on the October page during the month of.....October. So to all fellow Bead Journal Members who are or feel "behind"... there is light ahead and you will catch up!
In one of my graduate classes, the Professor would finish every message with ONWARD. I found that encouraging.
Teresa S.
Quarter 1 Update - Air
Kassie - The Beading Butterfly
Task lighting: which OTT-Lite is the brightest?
Thanks for any suggestions,
Christi, in WA state
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
I met another BJP Member!
On Sunday I went to a Bead and Gem Show here in Sydney Australia, during the course of the afternoon's wonderful shopping spree, I happened to stop at a stall that was selling raffle tickets with all the funds going to The Cancer Council - an organisation here that,provides support services for patients and carers; information resources on all cancer types and issues; cancer prevention and screening; advocacy campaigns.
Got chatting with the two ladies there and lo and behold one of them - Bianca - is one of us!
It was so nice to meet someone involved with the BJP, if time had of permitted I'm sure we could have talked for a lot longer.
Monday, October 15, 2007
Treasures from my trip ....
Beadin' Gram
Jackie in Illinois
Thoughts on Getting Unstuck...
Probably, at one time or another all of us will get stuck and become a Behinder... Here are a few thoughts about getting unstuck:
One member said she's stuck... that she's even been to the library, etc. searching for ideas... Could it be that she is trying too hard to do exceptional work or to come up with something meaningful? I've found that trying too hard is a terrible block for me. But as soon as I let go of that idea, and say "Ok, I'll just make something average this month," it starts being fun again.
Recently a wonderful friend sent me one of the most significant gifts ever: Improv Wisdom, a book by Patricia Ryan Madson, has already changed my life! Masdon says, "Striving for an original idea takes us away from our everyday intelligence, and it can actually block access to the creative process." Don't you just love the concept of "everyday intelligence?" It seems so applicable to our BJP work.
I notice that my beading flows along without effort whenever I do what is natural, what is easy, what is apparent to me. In her book, Improv Wisdom, Madson says, "All starting points are equally valid... There's no need to find the right starting place. When you don't know where to start, begin with the most obvious thing, whatever is in front of you." Once underway, the project will seem less daunting.
Sometimes too many choices will block me. If I get out too many beads, I feel stuck. I learned a solution to this problem in a process painting class: don't ask yourself, "Which bead should I choose?" The word "should" is such a blocker, because it implies that there is a right answer. Instead ask yourself, "If I were going to choose one of my beads or bead colors, which one might it be?" The words "if" and "might" give you some space. It will be easy to point to a bead and say "That one!" Seize this precious first thought and honor it!
I hope these ideas are helpful.
Robin A.
June BJP done...sort of (or The Behinderest Award goes to...)
Kassie - The Beading Butterfly
Sunday, October 14, 2007
October BJP: Close to Endings
August Page Finished!!
Unstuck! And some questions...
I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who has helped me with my stuckedness! All the ideas are wonderful! When I'm on my blog, I try to go to the email of the person & it comes up either "user user" or some other weird thing! So I'm still not able to send y'all emails from the blog. So I just answer there. Does everyone else do this?
Also, I'm wondering if everyone else gets stuck like this? And what you do to get unstuck? I've discovered that I like the planning part of creating a piece, so the "fly by the seat of your pants" thing is hard for me. (I used to love to plan all the vacations with friends & family!)
Getting away to the powwow yesterday was VERY helpful! All the beautiful, colorful costumes & beads galore!!!! It was a perfect way for me to get unstuck...and to remember to hear the heartbeat of Mother Earth thru' the drumming! It was so joyful!
So thanks again!
With warmest aloha,
CC, the Unstuck! ;)
This really got my imagination going
I have been examining ancient mankind's journey across the globe in my project and this is a major inspiration.
plodding along with my beads in modern Maryland
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Have You Met Flickr Yet?
October finished
I have finished my October page.
You can view it HERE.
It seems that this challenge has opened a door for a new way of creativity not only in beading but for all my stitching work.
THANK YOU Robin :-))
Happy beading to all
Friday, October 12, 2007
Some good news...
For my July page (pictured below) I used purples and yellows with the intention of entering it in Margie Deeb's - Yellow/Violet Color Challenge.

Today I received the news that I was chosen the winner. I have sat with the news for a few hours to let it sink in - I'm still in shock I think. I wanted to share the good news with my fellow journal participants and encourage you to check out the link above to view other participant's entries for some wonderful eye candy.
Take care,
My September Page
Thursday, October 11, 2007
"Maule's Well" Barrette BJP
Hope you are having a beadin day.
This piece is pretty simple and not what I envisioned at all when I started it, but it meant a lot as I put each bead or button or wire on and remembered the exact moment and feeling of that time. I used a random piece of wire for the Man on my piece that I found lying on the playa one day and stuck in my pocket so as not to leave it lying on the ground. A big part of Burning Man is to leave no trace and I picked up lot of junk during the week, including some fun beads that had probably fallen off a costume along the way. I plan on using them on something later.
Have a great weekend everyone and thanks for sharing your pictures and thoughts.
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
October Progress
September's page
I am not sure yet what I will do for my October page. I'm sure something will come to me when it's supposed to.
I continue to thoroughly the wonderful work everyone is posting. Truly a feast for the eyes.
Thanks to all,
I'm a Behinder!
I have been checking in now and again to see what everyone is making. I am so amazed at what's being done. It almost makes me not want to do my pages cuz their not wonderful. Ok - I'm going to change - I'm happy to see everyone is still going. And Robin, $100 bill - wow! You are right though - it's only money. I think that only you could have done that though! Not I - I wouldn't have dreamed of doing that to money.
I'm sorry that this is a dreadful post. I am ok for the most part now. I'm hoping to get motivated to do something artisic in the near future. Hugs to all - Bead on - Heidibeads
Oh, Look. It's Fall Already...!
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
August BJP
Even more behinder......
Due to some technical difficulties - read the camera just won't take a nice picture - health stuff - not going there and circumstances beyond my there anyone who doesn't have that?? I am behind!! But I can see catching up time verrryyyy soooon!
I have July mostly done, August in my head and for now Sept is fuzzy and yes, I do know that it's October already! But I have some serious stitching time opening up as well as sewing time. And winter in Canada is a great time to hunker down inside and do hand work. Besides all of that, if I could just stop changing my mind and direction, I'd definitely be further ahead.
The main reason for posting is not so much to whine, well, maybe a little bit. But to ask for some help. For August I would like to do a pink ribbon as the main focus of the page. I know some of you have done this but I don't know how you did it. My 'page' finishes at approximately 6"x7" so my ribbon should be no larger than 3"x4", I think. Should I stitch it down one bead at a time. Make a separate 'ribbon' and stitch it on. I would like it to 'float' on a plain background and then hope to surround it with positive messages of hope, love and caring......any and all suggestions are gratefully accepted.
Thank you,
Karen Mc aka kwltnmoma
Behinder Beader very behinder beader .....
Monday, October 8, 2007
August is completed
September finished, October on it's way
I've finished - a little late - my September page.
You can view it HERE
October is half done.
Happy beading to all
Sunday, October 7, 2007
October Page: Halfway There
October Page Completed.
A new beaded sculpture
I finished a beaded sculpture and I wanted to share this with the group. I call it, "Upholding The Family Tree."
Here's the link
Have a happy beading day!
Teresa S.
Saturday, October 6, 2007
August Finished, September Started
PS: It would really help if everyone would sign your posts with your list name, if you don't include a link to your blog and your user name isn't your list name it is really hard to find where to go to look at your BJP pages.
Friday, October 5, 2007
October as an Earthy Month
Thnaks for all of the wonderful comments so far, it makes life so much happier to know that you are all with me on this journey, Angie
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
June Update
Kassie - The Beading Butterfly
Finally uploaded July,August,and Sept
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Great Feeling!
September Finished
I have changed my website so that now has my name instead of my husbands and you can see it at The new section for my photo albums for my BJP pages is here and includes the inspiration photos I plan on using for upcoming months.
October Page Beginnings
Finally Finished August at Long Last
October done!
Monday, October 1, 2007
Update on my Blog
Progress Report
Just a note to let you know I've posted a picture of my latest journal page on our Flickr site. However, that photo isn't as good as the one I've just posted today on my blog. I may try to replace the poor one with the better one but I'm not sure I'll have the energy for that anytime soon. The story of the quilt page is on my Flickr page (and on an earlier post on my blog).
Technically this was my page for August, but since it is the fifth journal quilt I've made I'm not worried about skipping September altogether. Onward!
Sue in western WA
September project
Onward into October, more myth and magic and folk art and mystery (somehow it seems easier in the cooler weather...) and maybe even a few more sequins. ;-)
Mary T. 8-)
September Page Progress
Review of BJP Rules
1. You must complete 12 projects by May 31, 2008, which is one year from the starting date of June 1, 2007. If you skip a month for any reason, you'll have to make it up some time during the year.That's it. You do not have to write a blog, or post to the BJP blog, or post to Flickr (although that's been part of the fun for so many of us). Just do the beading!
2. All pieces must be the same size (not down to the micron... but close). If you are working with a rectangular shape, the orientation doesn't have to be consistent... your 12 pieces can include both vertical and horizontal orientation.
3. All pieces must include beads/beading of some type. However, they do not have to be beaded solidly. It is not required that the beading be bead embroidery or improvisational. Other techniques of beading are permissible.
4. Somehow your pieces must include the concept of "visual journaling." However, it is not required, or even suggested, that you make a book-style journal, only that your pieces reflect something personal or some sort of statement about yourself during each month. You are not required to write a journal or blog to accompany your 12 pieces, although some members are doing this.
There are many possibilities for "presentation" of your 12 journal pieces... the choice is completely up to you. Some ideas include: make them into a quilt, frame them, mount them on pages in a book form, put them in a special box. One member is making a beaded button for each month, and will make a garment using all 12 of them. Another member will sew her 12 pieces onto a pillow.
Happy fall (or spring, depending on your location) and happy beading. Our first four months have been beyond my wildest dreams, and the word AMAZING is just not big enough to accurately describe the process so far! Thank you and bless you...
Robin A, your BJP coordinator
First picture on Flickr