Happy New Year everyone. It has been such an amazing year with our group and the beadwork. Thank you all.
I did not work on my December page at all and will be doubling up next month. I did post one Christmas gift as it reminded me so much of my pages. Link below.
Nancy K.
Monday, December 31, 2007
Big Beady Hugs to All!

At the count down for 2007,
I'm counting my most special blessings at about 242!!!
The inspirations and joys of beading
together with all of you since June
are so much more than I ever imagined it could be...
way beyond my wildest dreams!
I'm extremely proud of us all
for sticking with it
through the difficult times
and for our collective accomplishment!
It is truly beyond my ability to express
how grateful I am
to be a part of this,
to share mutual support,
to grow as an artist.
Warm beady hugs to each of you
and my wishes that
all the blessings of love, friendship,
peace and adventure
will be yours
in 2008!
Robin A.
I'm counting my most special blessings at about 242!!!
The inspirations and joys of beading
together with all of you since June
are so much more than I ever imagined it could be...
way beyond my wildest dreams!
I'm extremely proud of us all
for sticking with it
through the difficult times
and for our collective accomplishment!
It is truly beyond my ability to express
how grateful I am
to be a part of this,
to share mutual support,
to grow as an artist.
Warm beady hugs to each of you
and my wishes that
all the blessings of love, friendship,
peace and adventure
will be yours
in 2008!
Robin A.
Dec project done
Hi all - just finished my December piece of my spiral. Check it out HERE and be sure to click on the last piece of the spiral so you can see the close up and what everything means. I wish you all a healthy and happy New Year. Have a beady great day. Karen
Sunday, December 30, 2007
Best Wishes for the Coming Year
I haven't been in to say hello or anything in a long while. Been busy - but not necessarily with my BJP! Got stalled, then the holiday season started, family here for Christmas, now I have a cold courtesy of my daughter's two darling little petrie dishes. (That would be "grandchildren" for the uninitiated!) I'm very much looking forward to a return to my routine and getting caught up on my beading. In the meantime I'd like to wish everyone the very best for the new year :- )
Sue in western WA
Sue in western WA
Friday, December 28, 2007
Finally starting December!
I know...it's almost January, but that "make everything hand made for Christmas bug" got to me! You can see my progress on December here.
Wishing everyone a peaceful, joyful & creative New Year!
With aloha,
Wishing everyone a peaceful, joyful & creative New Year!
With aloha,
"Piggy" Barrette BJP
I have posted pictures of my new barrette here. It is called Piggy. which is for one of the heroes of the book that I read this month called Lord of the Flies.
Have a Happy New Year of Beading.
Have a Happy New Year of Beading.
December page finished
Despite the fact that my parents are visiting me (grin), I managed to sneak away long enough to post about my newest page. I did November's full moon, which is the "Beaver Moon". Lots of giggles and snickers in my juvenile mind while I was deciding what to stitch :-D
Here's the link
Cyndi L
Layers Upon Layers
Jewelry & Beading
Here's the link
Cyndi L
Layers Upon Layers
Jewelry & Beading
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
December BJP
I managed to finish my December page, it's a bit more simple, but I like the simplicity of it. Happy Holidays, and best of wishes for the New Year to you all!
Here's the link to my page.
Here's the link to my page.
December journal page
Dear all
After a nice Christmas holiday I send you my best wishes and a link to my flickr
Just now we enjoy a landscape white by snow and both December and January it inspires me very much.
After a nice Christmas holiday I send you my best wishes and a link to my flickr
Just now we enjoy a landscape white by snow and both December and January it inspires me very much.
Monday, December 24, 2007
November Page Accompli!!
Just in time for the holidays, right here.
Happy Holidays, everyone - may all your wishes be fulfilled in every way that is good for you.
Here's to Peace on Earth. Cheers!!
Happy Holidays, everyone - may all your wishes be fulfilled in every way that is good for you.
Here's to Peace on Earth. Cheers!!
Merry Christmas to everyone!
I finished my December BJP and look forward to the January page.
Merry Christmas/Season's Greetings to you all!
You can check out my BJP on my blog, http://nightbeaderatlarge.blogspot.com
Beadily yours
Susan Feldkamp
Night Beader
Merry Christmas/Season's Greetings to you all!
You can check out my BJP on my blog, http://nightbeaderatlarge.blogspot.com
Beadily yours
Susan Feldkamp
Night Beader
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Holiday Greetings!
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Friday, December 21, 2007
Merry Christmas

I send warmest wishes to everyone from Downunder, hope those of you in the colder climates don't freeze over the holidays, and for us in warmer climates, lets hope we have a great sunny day on the 25th.
My December page is now on Flickr for your perusal, I didn't put the month on this one as I think the month will be rather obvious.
Peace on Earth and Goodwill to all
Merry Christmas
Nospoj - Dinah
Happy Holidays
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Happy Holiday Wishes
to everyone here :) It has been a very busy holiday season around my house and I decided to do a number of gifts myself...you can see the crystal hearts I have been busy with on my blog here.
I hope everyone has a wonderful, joy filled holiday and takes some time for themselves during all the hustle and bustle.
I hope everyone has a wonderful, joy filled holiday and takes some time for themselves during all the hustle and bustle.
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
saluti a tutti
sono un po' latitante in questo periodo, ma siete sempre nei miei pensieri. sto lavorando al progetto, anche se lentamente...
volevo però segnalarvi una idea di un'amica italiana, Giovanna che ha pensato di scambiarci gli auguri in un modo un po' speciale. chi volesse può guardare qui e qui.
I am little a fugitive in this period, but you are always in my thoughts. I am working to the plan, even if slowly...
I wanted but to signal an idea of an Italian friend, Giovanna that has thought to exchange the auguries to us in a special way who wanted can watch here and here.
excuse for my ugly english...
ciao matilda
volevo però segnalarvi una idea di un'amica italiana, Giovanna che ha pensato di scambiarci gli auguri in un modo un po' speciale. chi volesse può guardare qui e qui.
I am little a fugitive in this period, but you are always in my thoughts. I am working to the plan, even if slowly...
I wanted but to signal an idea of an Italian friend, Giovanna that has thought to exchange the auguries to us in a special way who wanted can watch here and here.
excuse for my ugly english...
ciao matilda
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Holiday Greetings
I have enjoyed sharing these past months with all of you. I have come to look on you as another part of my family.
May these next weeks bring joy and happiness to all of you. Happy Holidays!
May these next weeks bring joy and happiness to all of you. Happy Holidays!
View My Card
I thought about posting a picture of my Christmas card here but since my husband said it was a bit preachy I decided to leave it on my blog. If you don't mind a Christian card that is still valid for everyone, you might come and see it here. I wish all of you an enjoyable holiday and happy new year. I look forward to being with all of you into the next year.
Please vote!
I've been writing and beading samples for my new bead embroidery book! I'm stuck about the title, so have put a poll on my blog. It will be at the top of the side bar until New Year's Day. Please help me decide by voting!
In the meantime, I've joined the behinders... Christmas, BJP, commenting on all of your wonderful work, housekeeping... EVERYTHING is on the back burner while this book is being born. Please forgive me... I WILL catch up as soon as I can.
May your Christmas holidays be filled with the blessings of love, family and friendship! Love, Robin A.
In the meantime, I've joined the behinders... Christmas, BJP, commenting on all of your wonderful work, housekeeping... EVERYTHING is on the back burner while this book is being born. Please forgive me... I WILL catch up as soon as I can.
May your Christmas holidays be filled with the blessings of love, family and friendship! Love, Robin A.
Saturday, December 15, 2007
my December
Wow.... December already and soon to be over.... I wish everyone very happy Holidays.... Seems like we are all a wee bit slower this month to post, or maybe it's my mood. Either way, here's my December BJP.
pam T. (Wisconsin)
pam T. (Wisconsin)
Sept & October
I finally got the camera out & took pictures of September & October leaves for the Bead Journal Project. I have also got wire out & am going to start on the tree doll where the leaves will be hanging. Check out my blog, please.
thanks dot
btw...we got 4 inches of snow today & my Scotties were in heaven!
thanks dot
btw...we got 4 inches of snow today & my Scotties were in heaven!
Friday, December 14, 2007
It's a cold, grey Friday afternoon in Detroit, and I happened to get off 2 hours early today because my co-worker sent me home (I usually do the late shift, but she needed to make up hours today). I get home, am welcomed by my herd of rat/fox terrier(ists), and get the mail from the box. Hmmmmm? A package from Canada? I haven't joined a swap so what is it? Hmmmmm, about 90 yards (75.4 meters) of bubble wrap. Followed by some pretty blue tissue.... Return address - Ottawa? I don't know anyone in Ottawa. I know Paula in Leamington, and my co-worker in Tecumseh, but Ottawa??
Thanks Denise!! It made my day. Denise was following the story of how my newest dog ate my wishbone that was beaded and sent me two wishbones! How fun to open a package that I wasn't expecting and receive something that will just make me giggle while I am beading. They arrived safe and sound. Although I would have loved to have seen the customs officers face if they opened a small package declared "art supplies" and found turkey bones!!!!! Thanks again!
(p.s. November is here!)
Thanks Denise!! It made my day. Denise was following the story of how my newest dog ate my wishbone that was beaded and sent me two wishbones! How fun to open a package that I wasn't expecting and receive something that will just make me giggle while I am beading. They arrived safe and sound. Although I would have loved to have seen the customs officers face if they opened a small package declared "art supplies" and found turkey bones!!!!! Thanks again!
(p.s. November is here!)
Thursday, December 13, 2007
November BJP Complete
I have posted a picture of my November page on my blog. I have also posted about my lack of progress with my October page. Nothing like a good WHINE on a cold rainy day.
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Still kickin!
Its the posting that's hardest for me...I can find time to bead, but its always a struggle to haul out the camera and compose words that make sense. Maybe its 'cause everybody else's work is so gorgeous - I'm constantly in awe of all the talent and originality!
Does anybody else have this problem?
Either way, I have September and October up, and a little something else I've been playing with, too. http://creedbeads.blogspot.com/
Does anybody else have this problem?
Either way, I have September and October up, and a little something else I've been playing with, too. http://creedbeads.blogspot.com/
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Whew...out of lurking
FINALLY! I'm caught up on all the projects that have been keeping me busy this Fall and have time to even log on & check out all the great work. Now, I don't feel so bad that I haven't done November yet seeing I'm in very good company. The work is all outstanding.
I've got to take a moment here to brag. My beaded doll Sparkle is on the back cover of the new Lark book "500 Handmade Dolls" I was so excited to see this. Also, in the new Feb 08 issue of Doll Crafter and Costuming, I had an article on beaded art dolls called " The Podlings". That one was so delightful for me to do & the staff were just great to work with. MOF, this is my first real PAID article!
Please check out my blog to see the pictures, and I promise to keep updates a bit better. Also my new website was launched. Hope to get more beaded dolls there too.
I've got to take a moment here to brag. My beaded doll Sparkle is on the back cover of the new Lark book "500 Handmade Dolls" I was so excited to see this. Also, in the new Feb 08 issue of Doll Crafter and Costuming, I had an article on beaded art dolls called " The Podlings". That one was so delightful for me to do & the staff were just great to work with. MOF, this is my first real PAID article!
Please check out my blog to see the pictures, and I promise to keep updates a bit better. Also my new website was launched. Hope to get more beaded dolls there too.
Monday, December 10, 2007
What kind of surface do you bead on?
Greetings to all my fellow beaders ~
A question...what kind of surface do you bead on -- what's on top of your work table, that is? The reason I ask is that I'd like to find a different solution from my current one. I copied what a friend of my does, but it's not working that well for me. Her solution is to use a rectangular piece of felt where she has little piles of beads scattered around. The beads don't roll at all and do tend to stay in one place. As she's working, she just dips her needle in to whatever bead pile she's choosing in the moment. When I do this -- and it must be the way I try to "scoop" them onto my needle -- the needle catches in the felt, sort of snags it, and beads get flung clear across the room!!! Not all the time, but enough to be really annoying now. So could some of you help me out here? What's a good solution for my work surface?
Thanks so much for any tips,
Christi, in WA state
A question...what kind of surface do you bead on -- what's on top of your work table, that is? The reason I ask is that I'd like to find a different solution from my current one. I copied what a friend of my does, but it's not working that well for me. Her solution is to use a rectangular piece of felt where she has little piles of beads scattered around. The beads don't roll at all and do tend to stay in one place. As she's working, she just dips her needle in to whatever bead pile she's choosing in the moment. When I do this -- and it must be the way I try to "scoop" them onto my needle -- the needle catches in the felt, sort of snags it, and beads get flung clear across the room!!! Not all the time, but enough to be really annoying now. So could some of you help me out here? What's a good solution for my work surface?
Thanks so much for any tips,
Christi, in WA state
Sunday, December 9, 2007
no new progress for me, but some cool drawings...
my husband has made. They are on my blog. I haven't done much beading for the last couple of weeks because of work and what not, but hopefully, I'll be able to get back to it this week.
Kassie - The Beading Butterfly
Kassie - The Beading Butterfly
Just in the Nick of Time
We did get moved out of our old place and over to the new, with literally about 1/2 hour to spare. That morning we realized that we were in a World of Trouble and got movers to pack up the remaining household stuff and move us out. It cost a lot, but not as much as the contract penalty of NOT getting out on time, and we couldn't have done it without them. As it happened, there were still about 3 carloads of items that they forgot, but that was no big deal. Now we are trying to fit into this smaller space. I expect to have some kind of studio set-up by mid-week, and then... I can get back to beading!
September, October, November update
Hi all... I continue to be in awe of all the stunning work that is being produced by this group. I an catching up with my own postings, and you can now see my September, October, and November pages on my blog.
I just realized that this puts me half-way through this amazing journey...
I just realized that this puts me half-way through this amazing journey...
Saturday, December 8, 2007
December page finished
Hello fellow beaders,
I've just finished my December page.
You can view it on my blog HERE.
I wish you all a wonderful Christmas time :-)
I've just finished my December page.
You can view it on my blog HERE.
I wish you all a wonderful Christmas time :-)
Friday, December 7, 2007
October in December!
I have finished my October page. I have it on my blog if you want to see it. I'll try posting it to flickr too.
Hope everyone enjoys their holiday season. I hope to read more of the blogs to see what everyone has been up to lately. Enjoying this group is like a present!
Hope everyone enjoys their holiday season. I hope to read more of the blogs to see what everyone has been up to lately. Enjoying this group is like a present!
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
And I'm happy about that. It took me a while, but sometimes life gets in the way.
Please stop by my blog to see the page and let me know what you think. This time I used a piece of fabric that had a photo on it. I'm happy with it.
Maybe I can get October's done before the end of the year!
I'm also happy that I'm blogging - learning a lot about making the blog my own, which is something I've wanted to do for a long time.
Enjoy the holidays, everyone and no stressing over beading... That's my rule for this yule...
Please stop by my blog to see the page and let me know what you think. This time I used a piece of fabric that had a photo on it. I'm happy with it.
Maybe I can get October's done before the end of the year!
I'm also happy that I'm blogging - learning a lot about making the blog my own, which is something I've wanted to do for a long time.
Enjoy the holidays, everyone and no stressing over beading... That's my rule for this yule...
Monday, December 3, 2007
Christmas Greetings
G'day Everyone,
I'm rather proud of myself as I'm almost half way through my December page, can't beleive I'm ahead for a change! Having said that everything else is way behind. Don't think I'll have time to send out Christmas Cards this year so I resurrected my old web pages.
Come and see what an Aussie Christmas is like
Oh yes and the photo's are therefore old as well
Happy Holidays
Dinah - Nospoj
I'm rather proud of myself as I'm almost half way through my December page, can't beleive I'm ahead for a change! Having said that everything else is way behind. Don't think I'll have time to send out Christmas Cards this year so I resurrected my old web pages.
Come and see what an Aussie Christmas is like
Oh yes and the photo's are therefore old as well
Happy Holidays
Dinah - Nospoj
December page finished

Dashing through the snow...
If you want to read my post about it and see additional photos, please feel free to visit my blog.
aka GraceBeading
Sunday, December 2, 2007
Beaded Houses
Hi BJP beaders!
This is my first post to this group (to any blog, actually.) So this is my introduction, my update on my progress, and my expression of gratitude to all you BJP beaders who have been posting regularly. I check this blog almost daily and I'm so inspired by being a witness to everyone's process. Thank you!
I have completed my first five pieces and I'm in the middle of November's BJP. I created a new page on my website titled, Houses-BJP, where I am posting my completed pieces. I am so excited about working in a series that has the structure of the format I decided to use. My biggest growth so far has been how I have struggled with being a behinder and now pulling out of that and feeling more or less on track.
Happy Beading,
Jennifer W.
Cleveland, OH
This is my first post to this group (to any blog, actually.) So this is my introduction, my update on my progress, and my expression of gratitude to all you BJP beaders who have been posting regularly. I check this blog almost daily and I'm so inspired by being a witness to everyone's process. Thank you!
I have completed my first five pieces and I'm in the middle of November's BJP. I created a new page on my website titled, Houses-BJP, where I am posting my completed pieces. I am so excited about working in a series that has the structure of the format I decided to use. My biggest growth so far has been how I have struggled with being a behinder and now pulling out of that and feeling more or less on track.
Happy Beading,
Jennifer W.
Cleveland, OH
Saturday, December 1, 2007
November BJP finished!
I finished my November page today, Dec. 1st.
My camera isn't working so I scanned the piece doesn't do it justice but will get more batteries tomorrow.
Since we in the states celebrate Thanksgiving in November, I wanted my page to represent my biggest thanks. My daughter, Stephanie. I used a metal frame to hold a picture of her and then beaded around it in her colors of browns, blues and greens. I used some stick on letters from the scrapbook store to spell her name and cabochoned around each letter. The entire piece feels great to touch and I smile each time I think of the blessing of my daughter.
Check the page on http://nightbeaderatlarge.blogspot.com
Beadily yours
Susan Feldkamp
night beader
My camera isn't working so I scanned the piece doesn't do it justice but will get more batteries tomorrow.
Since we in the states celebrate Thanksgiving in November, I wanted my page to represent my biggest thanks. My daughter, Stephanie. I used a metal frame to hold a picture of her and then beaded around it in her colors of browns, blues and greens. I used some stick on letters from the scrapbook store to spell her name and cabochoned around each letter. The entire piece feels great to touch and I smile each time I think of the blessing of my daughter.
Check the page on http://nightbeaderatlarge.blogspot.com
Beadily yours
Susan Feldkamp
night beader
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