Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Final three pages
Hi everyone... I finished the final page of my bead journal, it's hard to believe it's been a year already. You can see the pages on my blog: March, April, May.
A little out of commission
DARN IT! I was hoping to have May all done by now & start on the wall hanging for my leaves, but I've been slowed down. By what, you are asking? A dog bite! My dog bit me when I was pulling him away from a fight with another dog. Of course, he nailed me in the palm of my right hand! Of course, it got infected & I had to go to the Doctor three times. Of course, I was told NOT TO SEW! What a horrible sentence to a bead obsessed woman. Finally my hand is looking normal & I started to sew yesterday. Hurt a little, but that didn't stop me. My husband asked me if I'm insane! Probably, but my fingers ached to bead. Now to get myself up to speed and finish up this year. dot
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
February Page Done!
I know I am more behind than ever but I finally have something to share. February is done! You can see it here. I hope you enjoy the story.
Now on to March! I think it will be easier and quicker. We'll see.
The web page is looking so great. It's fun to look at everyone's pages all at once.
Now on to March! I think it will be easier and quicker. We'll see.
The web page is looking so great. It's fun to look at everyone's pages all at once.
On Target
G'Day All,
Just quickly popping in to let you know I'm doing fine and well on target to finish shortly!
I have finally pulled that reluctant child August into line and hopefully will finish it by weeks end. May has gone through a few changes but is heading in the right direction.
I got a bit of a shock also, I was just reading Robin's post on her blog about using symbols in our artwork. Well, wait till you see my finished May page. I adds even more meaning to all my BJP pages, having read this post.(background music=Twilight Zone)
Talk Soon
Nospoj - Dinah
Just quickly popping in to let you know I'm doing fine and well on target to finish shortly!
I have finally pulled that reluctant child August into line and hopefully will finish it by weeks end. May has gone through a few changes but is heading in the right direction.
I got a bit of a shock also, I was just reading Robin's post on her blog about using symbols in our artwork. Well, wait till you see my finished May page. I adds even more meaning to all my BJP pages, having read this post.(background music=Twilight Zone)
Talk Soon
Nospoj - Dinah
Monday, April 28, 2008
Introducing Bunny S. and her BJP pieces...

Bunny S. is a 2007 BJP member who is not into digital. A couple of months ago I had a chance to spend some time beading with her and decided to take photos of her BJP pieces. I've posted them on my blog, here.
Here's a thought... if YOU know any members, who (like Bunny) don't do digital, please consider offering to take pictures of their work and post them to your blog. If they are up to date you might also help them get the images onto our BJP website member page.
Pink Hallow Moon did that for Terri Allen. If you haven't seen her work on the BJP member page, check it out here.
Thanks! Robin A.
This barrette is based on the book TRILBY. It is about a girl that was hypnotized by a man named Sevengali. It parallels a lot of mesmerizing that is done by social control whether it be parental, religious, or those that would create profits and power by controlling others.
You can view my barrette here.
You can view my barrette here.
Sunday, April 27, 2008
My last three silk fusion pages
I have finally finished my two series of pages--what I call the encrusted series and the silk fusion series. You can see my last three pages here.
It has been so much fun beading monthly with a purpose. I am so looking forward to beginning a new series for the coming year.
It has been so much fun beading monthly with a purpose. I am so looking forward to beginning a new series for the coming year.
Saturday, April 26, 2008
March is done!
I have finished March. I'm getting there with my backlog!
You can see my Lepricorn pool at cindysthreads.blogspot.com
You can see my Lepricorn pool at cindysthreads.blogspot.com
April page completed!

I followed Robin's suggestions to start with gray and then examine the contents of last month's envelope. Full results are here. Having some trouble processing the fact that we're getting ready to start the final month of a year long project! It doesn't seem that long at all and at the same time the process and group support has been so wonderful that it feels like it's always existed.
Friday, April 25, 2008
October and November Pages
I finished October and November pages this month.
My blog entries are up now.
My blog entries are up now.
The Chaste Moon for March
The "Chaste Moon" has a secret! It was made not just for the BJP, but also as a challenge piece for another forum. The theme was "hidden in plain sight", so I worked some Braille letters into the piece with slightly larger beads. You can see a picture of the page, plus a picture that shows the "secret message" here: LINK
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Up to date at last . . .
The Crystal Cave and The Lady of Shallott are finally up on my blog. These pages are for March and April and can be seen at http://artfulmuse.blogspot.com/
Now all I have to do is find time to get that May page done . . .
Kathy V in NM
Now all I have to do is find time to get that May page done . . .
Kathy V in NM
Please think back for a moment...
...to the beginning of the 2007 BJP... your first piece... June...
What suggestions do you have for new members joining the 2008 BJP regarding this important decision that must be made at the very start of the year? How will you choose your shape/size for 2008 now that you have a year's experience behind you?
Thanks for taking your time to comment! And congratulations to all those who are now finished (or finishing) with 12 pieces. Every day I check the member gallery on our website with eager anticipation of seeing more! To say they are awesome is such an understatement... words fail me...
Robin A.
How did you choose your shape/size?
After sticking with it for the whole year,
are you still satisfied with your choice?
Why or why not?
What suggestions do you have for new members joining the 2008 BJP regarding this important decision that must be made at the very start of the year? How will you choose your shape/size for 2008 now that you have a year's experience behind you?
Thanks for taking your time to comment! And congratulations to all those who are now finished (or finishing) with 12 pieces. Every day I check the member gallery on our website with eager anticipation of seeing more! To say they are awesome is such an understatement... words fail me...
Robin A.
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
The good news is that my pages are progressing better than my keeping up with my blogs is. I have finally gotten all of my March page up and my first April entry done. I am getting close to having my April page done and maybe it will get onto my blog a bit more quickly. (We can hope.)
Here it all is Angie.
March Page
April Page
My BJP Blog
And for those of you who haven't seen the finished Pond Necklace my AKP Blog
Here it all is Angie.
March Page
April Page
My BJP Blog
And for those of you who haven't seen the finished Pond Necklace my AKP Blog
Totally DONE with my spiral!
Hi all - just finished my May piece (a little early) and so now I am totally done. I just have to have the piece framed in a shadow box. I'm so happy with it and really appreciate all your encouragement during the year. The BJP website is great and it's a wonderful way to show all the pieces. Hope everyone gets to put their stuff up there.
So, click here to see my BJP home page! Remember - you can click on any of the pieces and another page will appear with a larger photo of the piece and all the info about what it was about.
Pam T wrote on her blog: "This one has been poking at my brain since I finished it in October and didn't use it...... so I finished it up and now it's March! Still very appropriate, as skeletons are always rattling in MY closet...."
This is something that I have done - I have a couple of monthly projects that I have worked on, maybe completed, but haven't decided to put them in my BJP, but they are just sitting on my workbench.
Does anyone else have these "skeletons"? (perfect word by the way!)
This is something that I have done - I have a couple of monthly projects that I have worked on, maybe completed, but haven't decided to put them in my BJP, but they are just sitting on my workbench.
Does anyone else have these "skeletons"? (perfect word by the way!)
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Two more pages are up . . .
January and February pages and blog entries are up now at http://artfulmuse.blogspot.com/
Kathy V in NM
Kathy V in NM
Thinking ahead
I've still got 2/3 of the 2007 BJP to complete, but I'm already thinking ahead to 2008. I've been writing poems (posted on my DeviantArt page and on my blog) and I will be using them as the starting points for each of my 2008 BJP pages. I've got 10 poems left to write!
Kassie - The Beading Butterfly
Kassie - The Beading Butterfly
What to Bead on?
This question was asked before, but now that some folks have answered that they use Peltex, I have a question. Is that like Timtex? Do you bead directly on the surface of the Peltex/Timtex or do you put fabric over it and bead on the fabric with the Peltex as backing? Thanks for all of you who share with us!
April page finished
My April piece is done and on my blog. I'm happy and sad at the same time that this year's project will be ending next month. Working on the pieces has given my year a kind of stability and a time for reflection.
April is Finished!
I have been struggling with my February piece and it has really been holding me back. Once I decided it was time to start over & to go with my original ideas, the rest of the months just came pouring out!
To see my April piece, you can visit my blog at Cindysthreads.blogspot.com.
Happy Beading!
To see my April piece, you can visit my blog at Cindysthreads.blogspot.com.
Happy Beading!
more progress
I'm making progress towards finishing up the year...
and by the way, is everyone getting in their registration info for the 2008 BJP??? I think we will have another stunning year of work to peruse - everyone is so incredibly talented and learning so much as they go along--I think the 2008 BJP is going to be even more spectacular. And... if you get a chance, stop by the 2008 BJP web site and click on the 2007 BJP... everyone can send in pics of their completed projects ... WOW... whenever I have some time to kill, I check out the new stuff added ... it is absolutely inspiring and jaw-dropping to see everyone's completed work.
back to my world... here is my March page (which I changed my mind and used a different one) and my April page...
one more reminder to register for the 2008 BJP!!! click here.
and by the way, is everyone getting in their registration info for the 2008 BJP??? I think we will have another stunning year of work to peruse - everyone is so incredibly talented and learning so much as they go along--I think the 2008 BJP is going to be even more spectacular. And... if you get a chance, stop by the 2008 BJP web site and click on the 2007 BJP... everyone can send in pics of their completed projects ... WOW... whenever I have some time to kill, I check out the new stuff added ... it is absolutely inspiring and jaw-dropping to see everyone's completed work.
back to my world... here is my March page (which I changed my mind and used a different one) and my April page...
one more reminder to register for the 2008 BJP!!! click here.
Monday, April 21, 2008
Yay -- it's working today!
Don't know if I should press my luck in trying to post more pages today but my November and December pages are up and the photos do open for larger views at http://artfulmuse.blogspot.com/
Kathy V in NM
Kathy V in NM
What to bead on?
I experimented with different fabrics - ultrasuede and regular cotton, before deciding on using stiff stuff. What kind of backing are you using and do you do anything to prepare it? Do you put a backing on it, do you paint it or use markers? I'd like to do something totally different for the next time, so am looking for ideas.
Sunday, April 20, 2008
April page finished
I have finished my Under the Sea BJP page for April & here is a little tease
You can see the whole page here
Ellen aka Dollie Bead
March Page Posted
This is a teaser for my March BJP page.
For a good look, complete details or to find out what else I've been up to you can visit my Blog.

For a good look, complete details or to find out what else I've been up to you can visit my Blog.

Believe it or not . . .
September and October pages are available for viewing here at http://artfulmuse.blogspot.com/ -- camera woes have been solved for the most part but Blogger doesn't want my October page to open larger. Think I will wait until tomorrow to post some more pages . . .
Kathy V in NM
Kathy V in NM
April Bead Journal Project
April is complete. I kept looking at it and trying to determine why I didn't think it was done. It's staying the way I originally posted it. The unfinished feeling that I have might be because he died young and didn't finish his life......
The last page!

I waited until last Saturday the 12th to begin my May block. But then it just took me over and MADE me finish it. I am pleased with it, and think it will be the crowning block (well, at least the LAST block) of my year's collection. You can go here to see the progress and the finished block.
Saturday, April 19, 2008
March BJP and the Blue Marble for April!
I did it!!! I finally finished March! There are ALOT of beads on this piece! Whew!
And I've got April RTG...you can read all about it here!
Happy Aloha Saturday!!!
And I've got April RTG...you can read all about it here!
Happy Aloha Saturday!!!
Friday, April 18, 2008
April Bead Journal Project
Wow, this month took something out of me even though I didn't anticipate it in the beginning. I started out wanting to dedicate this month to my curmudgeon Scottie, FionaRoseBlossom, who just turned into a senior dog on the 1st. But this leaf took on a whole new meaning to be as I finished the last stitches. It made me circle from my very beginnings on the internet to now. You can see this & read my posting here. I've already started to get materials together for my last entry. I'm kinda sad that this year is almost over. Now to work on the wall hanging so I can put all my leaves, and my year progression in one place.
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Another Behinder catching up!
I too am slowly making headway on my behinder BJPs. Look at my blog to see four of the five that I've finished (can't remember where I've put my June BJP, finished last summer -- yes, I'm a rotten housekeeper, but that's a different story & not bead-related).
I'm so confident I'll catch up and finish my 2007 BJPs, that I've already signed up for the 2008 BJP pledge. Won't you join me? Check out the BJP webpage for more info & to sign up for another year of learning & challenging fun.
I'm so confident I'll catch up and finish my 2007 BJPs, that I've already signed up for the 2008 BJP pledge. Won't you join me? Check out the BJP webpage for more info & to sign up for another year of learning & challenging fun.
For Any Behinders Out There...
Take heart. I just finished my OCTOBER journal quilt/page. You can see it here until I get it posted in the flickr group site.
Now I just have to get caught up on February, March, and April!
Sue in western Washington
Now I just have to get caught up on February, March, and April!
Sue in western Washington
Salute To Vincent a BJP Page.

Here is another page finished. I am behind but I am dedicated to finishing this project and hopefully on time.
I think I should have chosen a smaller size to work on as post card size(4"x6") requires a lot of time.
My theme was Song Titles so for this one I decided on "Starry Starry Night"
I am a great admirer of Vincent VanGogh's work and I love the song that goes with the painting .
I am not a real experienced beader, and I had trouble portraying his painting in beads, but I think I am about 60% happy with the finished piece..
Now on to the next..
Happy Beading everyone
Night Beader's March BJP
I finished my March page and it is also a Magic Carpet from a Yahoo group challenge. I tackled two projects with one beady item! You can see it here http://nightbeaderatlarge.blogspot.com.
Can't believe the end is coming up so soon.
Beadily yours
Susan Feldkamp
aka Night Beader
Can't believe the end is coming up so soon.
Beadily yours
Susan Feldkamp
aka Night Beader
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
May page plus three silk fusion pages
I have now finished my series of bead encrusted pages with the May page. I have also beaded three silk fusion pages and have only three more to do to complete this second series.
You can see these on my blog here
You can see these on my blog here
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
March BJP Finished
:-) Hooray! It's the homestretch! This project has been a great help to me, I feel like I'm able to focus more on what it is I want to do and how to do it, and I've really come to enjoy seeing all the work everyone is doing. My newest here.
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Can You Help Me Out?
I am part of a group that has worked on a bead quilt that we are donating to Bead and Button to auction off. We're now to the point of mounting and framing.
I'm hoping that someone will be able to point me in the right direction for doing a good job of mounting so that the piece will last for many many years.
The piece was not designed to be stitched together, but mounted in such a fashion that all the pieces make a whole, with about a quarter of an inch between the pieces. The material is some type of upholstery fabric that is close to Stiff Stuff. I'd really like to use archival material so that acid doesn't eat away at our work.
I appreciate any pointers! I'm sure that this is something that would be a good tip and that other BJPers, if they are thinking of putting their pieces in a book or a frame, would benefit from your input.
Many thanks in advance for any help!
I'm hoping that someone will be able to point me in the right direction for doing a good job of mounting so that the piece will last for many many years.
The piece was not designed to be stitched together, but mounted in such a fashion that all the pieces make a whole, with about a quarter of an inch between the pieces. The material is some type of upholstery fabric that is close to Stiff Stuff. I'd really like to use archival material so that acid doesn't eat away at our work.
I appreciate any pointers! I'm sure that this is something that would be a good tip and that other BJPers, if they are thinking of putting their pieces in a book or a frame, would benefit from your input.
Many thanks in advance for any help!
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Morning Glory pin

Morning Glory pin that I wore.
I am almost done with my October page so
you can check on my blog
caught up again
Can't seem to upload a teaser pic but wanted to let folks know I completed my "behinder" page for February. You can see and read about it here.
This weekend I'm getting to work on my April page. Have decided to follow through on Robin's suggestions to "start with gray" and let March's "envelope" reveal some clues about what was inside of it.
This weekend I'm getting to work on my April page. Have decided to follow through on Robin's suggestions to "start with gray" and let March's "envelope" reveal some clues about what was inside of it.
Beading Away
Hi BJPers,
I'm just checking in again after several weeks away from the blog. It's great to see that a group will be continuing with a BJP II, and the site for it is beautiful. I'm still stitching away in blustery Wisconsin and planning to finish my January page next week. Then I'll add my Oct. - Jan. pieces to my website (www.lisabinkley.com) and post a new note with a link.
I've had really clear ideas for quite a while about what I plan to do in my Feb., April, and May pages, but I've been stuck all along on what to do for March. Then my husband, 9 yr. old son, and I watched the lovely film "Rivers and Tides" last night (it's about Andy Goldsworthy and his amazing installation art in natural settings using only local materials). What a beautiful film. Shortly after it was over I had a very clear idea of what I want to do for my March page. It's always amazing to me to see the process of inspiration at work. I highly recommend the film for any artist, but especially those who love the colors, patterns, and cycles of nature.
I'll write again, hopefully within a week, with a link to my four most recent pages. And I'm still very hopeful that I'll be able to finish all 12 by May 31st. Happy beading! Lisa B.
I'm just checking in again after several weeks away from the blog. It's great to see that a group will be continuing with a BJP II, and the site for it is beautiful. I'm still stitching away in blustery Wisconsin and planning to finish my January page next week. Then I'll add my Oct. - Jan. pieces to my website (www.lisabinkley.com) and post a new note with a link.
I've had really clear ideas for quite a while about what I plan to do in my Feb., April, and May pages, but I've been stuck all along on what to do for March. Then my husband, 9 yr. old son, and I watched the lovely film "Rivers and Tides" last night (it's about Andy Goldsworthy and his amazing installation art in natural settings using only local materials). What a beautiful film. Shortly after it was over I had a very clear idea of what I want to do for my March page. It's always amazing to me to see the process of inspiration at work. I highly recommend the film for any artist, but especially those who love the colors, patterns, and cycles of nature.
I'll write again, hopefully within a week, with a link to my four most recent pages. And I'm still very hopeful that I'll be able to finish all 12 by May 31st. Happy beading! Lisa B.
Friday, April 11, 2008
OMG - She's been thinking.......

G'day Everyone,
Well I've finally caught up, finished Feb, March and April in record time - for me!
Starting on May tomorrow, sorry but I do have a real job to go to tonight.
August is still sitting waiting, like a good child overlooked for the louder attention seekers.
I've been thinking (stop laughing!) and have come up with a theme for the 2008 BJP.
Hope it works out. I say that as I recall I had a theme for this years but it dosn't seem to have worked out that way. Anyways all the above are posted on Flickr and on my blog - which is rather new - http://sisterfour.blogspot.com/
Talk Soon
Nospoj - Dinah
BJP Flickr,
BJP progress,
progress report
Update on March & starting April!
OK...so it's been a couple weeks...or so! :) Family stuff, birthdays & docs seem to interfere with my beading!!! Jeez! Anyway, you can catch up on where I'm at here!
And a special congratulations to Cyndi! Good for you!!!
And a2susan...I sometimes have to bead with bandaids on 'cuz of poking myself! So I feel your pain! :)
Happy Aloha Friday all!
And a special congratulations to Cyndi! Good for you!!!
And a2susan...I sometimes have to bead with bandaids on 'cuz of poking myself! So I feel your pain! :)
Happy Aloha Friday all!
My BJP pieces won a prize!!
I submitted half of my pages (the ones that were done at the time!) to the 2007 Fire Mountain Gems beading contest, and they won a Bronze in the home decor category! LINK
Regarding Tips...
I notice that a few people already have tips on their blogs. If you want to share these with other BJPers on the FAQS page of the website, we can just put a link to your blog. Please just add your blog site to the comment section on tips and we'll make sure to add a link.
Here's a tip I want to learn: how to stop poking my thumb and index finger with the needles.
My skin is tattered on those two fingers, and I think the needle sometimes thinks my skin is fabric. Help!!
Here's a tip I want to learn: how to stop poking my thumb and index finger with the needles.
My skin is tattered on those two fingers, and I think the needle sometimes thinks my skin is fabric. Help!!
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Tips, tips, we want your tips!
For our new website we are creating a Faqs page. One of the features will be bead embroidery tips.
What are your best tips?
What have you learned about bead embroidery that you'd like to share?
What do you bead on?
What is your favorite thread and needle?
How do you get your ideas?
What would you do differently?
What tip did someone share with you that made a difference in your beadwork?
And, of course, any other suggestion that you would like to share.
What are your best tips?
What have you learned about bead embroidery that you'd like to share?
What do you bead on?
What is your favorite thread and needle?
How do you get your ideas?
What would you do differently?
What tip did someone share with you that made a difference in your beadwork?
And, of course, any other suggestion that you would like to share.
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
I finally posts all of my pages so far
Here's my sob story: First my daughter lost our camera cord. Took us months to get a new one. I kept beading and posting (drafts) of what I completed. We finally got a new cord and I was lazy and didn't take pics. Then I had surgery and figured I could catch up my photos when I was off work. So I did!
Here are the links to each entry. Click on each of them to see them in GIANT detail!
Sept 2007
Oct 2007
Nov 2007
Dec 2007
Jan 2008
Feb 2008
Mar 2008
Apr 2008
Just one more to go! Wheeeeee.
Here are the links to each entry. Click on each of them to see them in GIANT detail!
Sept 2007
Oct 2007
Nov 2007
Dec 2007
Jan 2008
Feb 2008
Mar 2008
Apr 2008
Just one more to go! Wheeeeee.
One Step Backward, Two Steps Forward!
I finally finished October's page which has gone through many incarnations since it's inception.
It's here, if you want to take a look!
I'm glad that we get a few months off before the 2008 project begins!
It's here, if you want to take a look!
I'm glad that we get a few months off before the 2008 project begins!
April BJP done
Hi all - I haven't been on in a while and just found out about the 2008 journal - and now signed up. Thanks Robin for doing this again. It's been great, although I didn't know how to start. Next time should be easier.
So, I haven't posted in a few months, but April and before are all done and documented on my site. Click here to see all! Now I'm thinking about May and all those beautiful flowers in my garden.
Everyone take care and please email me if you know of more of these challenges - I prefer doing them to making items for sale (see my current Mask Challenge).
Have a beady great day, Karen
March Bead Journal Project
I caught up over the weekend and finished my March Bead Journal page. I really like this one (unlike December which I am liking less and less every day. It might be a do-over) and the colours of it.
So, should I make December a "do over"?????
So, should I make December a "do over"?????
Monday, April 7, 2008
Website is OK again now!
Our website is back on the web!
Go ahead an visit any time.
If you have 8 or more BJP pices complete,
you're elligible to have your own page!
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Our website attacked by hacker
Bad news, everyone... Our BJP website was attacked by a hacker today. The server is working on getting the problem solved. Until further notice here on our blog, please do not try to go to the website.
Thanks for your patience.
Robin A.
Thanks for your patience.
Robin A.
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Exciting News!
Thanks to one of our members, Brenda B (Pink Moon Hallow), who happens to be a fabulous web designer (PMH), we now have our very own BJP website!!!
It has many features you'll want to view, including...
1. For any of you wanting to do the project again in 2008-09, you'll find both the rules and the registration steps for joining on our website. Important: everybody must register for the 2008 Bead Journal Project! Even if you were a member in the 2007 BJP, you must send your registration information to the new Registration Angel, Pam T, according the directions on the registration page.
2. The 2007 BJP page offers a wonderful gift to those of us who have completed 8 or more of our pieces for this year's project. Each of us gets our own personal page on the website. In addition to showing our pieces, there is a place where we can write a paragraph about ourselves or our work and display up to four links (to our own blogs, websites, email, etc.) This is a dream come true for me, a way to look at all of work of each person on one beautiful, uncluttered page! And, each of the pictures is clickable to a larger size! Here's my personal page, if you'd like to see it as an example.
I am so pleased to introduce you to the 2008 BJP Angel Team... Remember when I wrote a post saying I was swamped and wondering if anybody wanted to take over leadership of the BJP or help with it? Well, there were lots of offers, but four of them in particular seemed especially strong. And so, we formed ourselved into a support team for the BJP. We are listed on the new website, with direct email links. In brief, we are:
BrendaB - web design angel
PamT - registration angel
DianeM - blog angel
SusanK - promotion angel
RobinA - coordinator angel
We will try to do a good job of making the second BJP even more wonderful than the first! I can not tell you how greatful I am for the help!
You can help spread the word about the 2008 BJP if you want... you can put a link to our website on your blog and tell your beady friends. Any other ideas to get the word out are welcome.
We will have a new blog for the 2008 BJP. Although it is "open" now , I suggest we not use it until mid-August. We will keep this, our current blog, open and we can all use it to post until just before the new BJP starts in September. There's a link to the new 08 BJP Blog on the BJP website for when you need it.
This is my personal opinion, but I want to comment about the personal pages on the BJP website. Having done website design for my photographer husband, I know how much work it is to do a page with clickable images. Many web designers charge $150-200 to do a single page like this. Pink Moon Hallow originally said she would do it as a favor, but when I considered how many of us there are and how much time it will take, I talked her into adding a "donation request" to the page for any of us who are willing to compensate her. Also the bandwidth usage for our site (as the number of member pages grows) will cost her money. Our contributions will help with that too. So I encourage you to be generous.
Please, if you have friends who are active in the BJP, but who don't regularly check our blog, will you let them know about the website and about the 2008 BJP? I personally know of 5 very wonderful beaders, who are caught up with their pages but don't have blogs of their own and don't ever read this one. I'm sorry that they aren't part of our community and that you all haven't had a chance to see their work. However, I understand that the internet isn't for everybody. Also, if you know someone like that, maybe you could offer to help them get their work posted to the member page on our website.
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Catching Up Finally!

G'Day Everyone,
Just a little teaser of February that I finished today, I've posted it to Flickr.
I was very sick in Feb and unable to bead at all. But am much better now.
March, April and May are all set to go then I only have to backtrack to August finish that and meet you all at the finish line on May 30!
I will be on board for next year (only wish it was a later start) that said I'm looking forward to having a break in June/July as it's my Birthday June 21st and My Son turns 18 July 2nd so methinks there will be a bit of partying going on!
I'm really enjoying being a part of this group my only regret is that you all live so gosh darn far away!
So it's back to the work desk for me while we still have beautiful sunshine here, it's supposed to be Autum(Fall) but the weather is so spring like even some of the flowers are blooming again - go figure!
Needles threaded, beads at the ready
Talk soon
Nospoj - Dinah
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