Friday, April 11, 2008

Regarding Tips...

I notice that a few people already have tips on their blogs. If you want to share these with other BJPers on the FAQS page of the website, we can just put a link to your blog. Please just add your blog site to the comment section on tips and we'll make sure to add a link.

Here's a tip I want to learn: how to stop poking my thumb and index finger with the needles.
My skin is tattered on those two fingers, and I think the needle sometimes thinks my skin is fabric. Help!!

1 comment:

pam T said...

My tips from my blog:
1) Planning ahead: To me this only means that at least I will think about the order in which I do things, because last year, one month in particular, I started beading and then realized I should have colored the all-white background before I started. Trying to paint a background after something is beaded is really kind of ridiculous!
2) And making sure beads are color-fast....
3) And making sure I don't stick things down crooked...
4) a larger size (the present size is too tiny for everything I have to say)
5) completely finishing each page as I am done with it. This waiting and doing it all at the end is a very daunting task to be facing now.
6) opening up the brain every month and letting the beads fall where they may instead of trying to create a picture in my brain ahead of time. Trying to plan too much ahead defeats the meaning of the journal aspect, to me.