Finis! Climb Every Mountain, my May BJP, just about sums up the year for me! You can see it here.
We all climbed mountains this year and all of us earned our stripes along the way! Congratulations to everyone! Big hugs and a tip 'o my hat! Robin A.
~ little windows into the personality of an artist ~
I know this may sound strange, but ..... how do you stop yourself from trying to bead every square inch on the fabric ???
Inquiring minds are struggling with that concept every day !
Katie B
Oh my, it's lovely! Meanwhile, I am still on the upward climb myself. I aim to finish by June, or maybe July ....
To Katie B ~ It was one of my primary goals for the 07 BJP to allow fabric to show. For 20+ years I've been covering the fabric entirely with beads. It was just time for a change. Giving the idea for this change to myself as a goal made it possible. And, I really am liking the work. I intend to continue in the way for the 08 BJP, with a new goal of more fabric and finding ways to get texture with fabrics and fibers. Or, so I think at the moment...
To Cathy W ~ Thanks for your every ready support... you too will get to the top soon.
Magnifique travail, je suis en admiration ! Et quelle patience !!!
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