As per an earlier post, I followed Geneviève's lead and made a book about my BJP pieces for the year using MyPublisher. If you haven't already, you can see a virtual copy of the book here. When I posted about it earlier, I said I'd get back to you with a report as soon as the hard copy arrived.
Yay! It's here and looks fabulous!!!! I'm so pleased with it. They did a great job. The colors are as I expected (mostly) and everything looks as it does in the virtual copy. So, although "vanity books" are a bit expensive, I'm so happy to have it. The hard cover is nice and the paper jacket is stunning... worth the extra 5 bucks in my mind. MyPublisher definitely gets an "A" on this one.
The only problem was that it must have gotten dropped during shipping. So the corner of the box and (unfortunately) also the corner of the book got a bit crushed and bent. Right away I emailed customer service at MyPublisher. Within 15 minutes they had responded with a coupon for a free replacement, including free shipping. It was so easy. Now I'm waiting for the replacement copy.
In the meantime, I have the one with bent corners, which I'll give away as soon as the new one arrives. Write a comment to this post if you would like it. I'll put the names in a hat and draw a winner....
Cheers to all! Robin A.
LOL and you get an A for reporting on it. I can't decide if I should try to do one now or wait til I finish next years journal.
Viv... Let us know when you decided... If you have a few hours, maybe you could create the book (or at least start)... you don't pay for it until the very end, and it's stored on your computer in the MyPublisher program which you download for free. That would allow you to make the decision on how you're liking the results. By my experience, what you see on your monitor, is pretty much what you get. Sounds like I'm pushing you to try it... maybe so... because in my opinion your work is lovely and deserves to be in a book... Hugs, R
It sounds intriguing!
Please put my name in the hat!
oh my, Robin, now that is an offer too tempting to miss -- stash me name, too, in that hat of yours and then be sure to tip that hat at yourself for such an awesome accomplishment!!
All best,
Christi, in WA state
Yep, count me in, too. Still mulling over which publishing company I would like to use to try this idea myself.
Kathy V in NM
Oh I want a chance on this. Put my name in the hat. If I win I will get a lottery ticket, seeing that I am very lucky and if I win that I will share a million with you, Robin.
It is nice to know that their customer service is just that. So many places would just brush it off. Still waiting to see what you do with your pages!
It's great that the book came out so nice and that their customer service responded positively.
I'd love for my name to go in the "hat!"
Pop my name in the hat! You've most certainly inspired me to make a book myself - but first, I'm taking all the pages to a professional photographer for "immortalization."
Thanks for the review of My Publisher. I've been wondering how it works and now I will have to check it out.
To Morwyn ~ YES! I'm so glad you're going to have your pages professionally photographed... not that you don't do an excellent job of it yourself.
To Karen ~ Let us know how it goes! I'm no expert, but if you need help with it, email any time.
To Sacredartist ~ Ooooooh! Thanks for the thought.
To Brenda ~ I've done the deed with my pages, but am waiting for a good day to take pictures (as in overcast but not cloudy). The "soul cards" were nice, but I'm not missin' them at all!
To All ~ Yup, it was certainly a pleasure to find real customer service!
Congratulations ~ your book sounds like a great way to celebrate the completion of this project.
Please add my name to the hat as well!
What a wonderful company, replacement - I can't resist, please place my name in the hat. I looked through the virtual book - I may have to think about that for next time. Thanks Heidi
I'm so glad you were pleased with your book. Great customer service too.
Add my name to the hat. Can't think of anyone's work I would rather have.
Please add my name too, Robyn. I would love to win that book!! Pure eye candy!!
Robin--this is a beautiful book of your bead journal pages. The paper jacket is a wonderful addition.
My husband has had two My Publisher books made of photo memories for his mother. They both came out wonderfully. My Publisher does a really nice job. In the future, watch for their two-for-one sales when having a book made.
How are you displaying your tactile pages?
Please throw my name in the hat.
ooops --- I should have looked at your blog before commenting. Your framed pieces with hand-painted papers are perfect. How nice to have two ways to show your beaded pages.
Me, me!!! I would love to have your book; it's absolutely beautiful! If I ever get done with my project (LOL), maybe I'll do a book as well. :)
I'm in -- please add my name to the crowded hat too!
I'm still finishing my original twelve (well, and looks like I may need to make a second #1 as the first one still hasn't been unearthed in my lovely cluttery home.... sigh)
Great idea! Please add my name to the drawing as well.
Hi Robin,
Please add my name to the drawing. I'm a new participant already planning 2008. Everyone's journals are just fabulous!
Oh! I hope I'm not too late to get in on the drawing!
To All ~ Yes, there's still a little time. The replacement book has been shipped and should arrive on the 5th or 6th. I'll have my DH draw the name... I wonder who it will be???? Robin A.
Hurrah! I love the idea of doing a coffee table book like this - and think that I might do one for all my bead embroidery to date. What a great idea!
Take care!
WOW! What a work of art the book is! That's because it's full of love and creative energy from one of the most wonderful people in the world! It's awesome!
Bent corner or not, would love to have a book of your beading. Almost missed your "give away" statement with all that has been going on here Glad I spotted it in time -- and thanks for adding my name to the list.
Please please put my name in the hat!! Your bead work is so very inspiring!
Thanks so much for making such a great offer!!
Cheers, Denise
I always enjoy your work and your books.
your book is beautiful. I went ahh's and ohhh's going through the pages.
I dropped out of BJP but this book shows me again why I originally joined.
Both your pieces and the look of your book are great.
I have to figure out how you were able to let them print the pictures so that they are ending exactly with those framing beads and no background.
Heartly greetings from Hamburg
To Tally (and anyone wondering about the images) ~ The printed image will be exactly as you give it to them. I happen to be fairly good at editing my photos in Photoshop CS. I remove the background (usually with the eraser tool) completely and then crop the image so just a small border of white shows. The white has to be perfectly white. Then, when it is printed on white paper, it looks like there is no background at all.
To All ~ Thanks everyone for adding to the fun of a "mistake gone good!" All of your names are in the hat, plus two who notified me by email. The drawing will be Monday morning. I'll post the results Monday evening.
I am new to this project but I have to say they way you put it together with the thoughts and poems in this book are wonderful! I am inspired to become a publisher too.
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