Sunday, March 2, 2008

Poll - Undecided

I am so far behind, that it seems inappropriate to try and jam all the pages into the end. So I am willing to join in another year. Journaling is not something I have done much of in print or other forms, this seems to be part of the stumbling block for me.

But after saying that, a strong feeling came over me to not participate. That I should stay committed to finding my artistic voice and not pressure myself to find it through a monthly bead journal page. Sounds contrary to me.....

Thanks for sharing all of your beautiful work and a special thanks to Robin for inspiring us all!


1 comment:

Robin said...

Isn't that odd how sometimes we say a thing out loud (or in your case write it), and then realize that we want just the opposite? It happens to me sometimes when I flip a coin. If you change your mind, you're always welcome. I am a believer in stumbling along despite blocks, so I'll just throw in a little pitch for you to keep journaling in some way. You are a lovely and talented person, with many possible art forms at your finger tips. I'll check your blog from time to time. Blessings, Robin A.