Monday, March 31, 2008

March BJP

Boy I feel like a wet rag after finishing this month's bead journal piece. I don't know what wrung me out more, the actually beading of the leaf, or writing about it. Probably both, as I've noticed as each month progresses in this project, I'm pulling out more emotion from myself and sharing it on my blog.

So this month's piece is dedicated to all the women artist who have touched my spirit this month. It is especially sent out to my fellow Sisters of the Guiled Lilies Doll Making Guild from Columbus Ohio, and to all my beading friends on Beaded Art Dolls on Yahoo Groups. With every stitch of this project, I had them in mind and how both groups had warmed my Winter starved Muse. You'll have to read my blog to see why post surgery Barbie dolls and the color yellow painted my bleak March warm & glowing.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love it love it love it, Dot!